About Institute

The Institute of Experimental Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (IEB) was founded in 1962. Its 17 laboratories are located in two cities, Prague and Olomouc. The Institute primarily conducts basic research in plant biology, namely in plant genetics, physiology and biotechnology. IEB is also involved in applied research.

In plant genetics, the projects are focused on molecular genetics of pollen and on plant functional genomics. Physiological investigations include hormonal and ecological control of plant growth and development, mechanisms of transport and action of growth regulators, physiology of plant viruses, and plant pathophysiology. Biotechnological topics include design and preparation of edible vaccines from plants and mechanisms of phytoremediation.

Some projects at the Institute are aimed at practical applications. For example, studies of plant hormones resulted in the synthesis of compounds which delay skin aging or show promising cytostatic effects. IEB is also very successful in breeding of apple trees resistant to fungal diseases.

The Institute collaborates with many research institutions and universities in the Czech Republic and abroad. IEB researchers teach at several Czech universities and students from these universities work on their master and doctoral theses at the Institute.


Institute of Experimental Botany AS CR, v. v. i.
Rozvojová 263 
165 02 Prague 6 - Lysolaje 
Czech Republic 
IČ: 61389030 
Phone: +420 225 106 455,  +420 225 106 473 
Fax: +420 225 106 456 
E-mail: uebatueb [dot] cas [dot] cz

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