@InProceedings(Bak:900107, title = {{D}ecentralized robust control design using multimodelling}, author = {Bakule, L.}, booktitle = {New Trends in Communication, Control, and Signal Processing}, publisher = {Elsevier}, address = {Amsterdam}, month = {July}, year = {1990}, pages = {847-854}, ident = {UTIA-B 900107} ) @InProceedings(Bak:900130, title = {{D}ecentralized control of water quality in uncertain river systems}, author = {Bakule, L.}, booktitle = {Modelling and Control of Biotechnological, Ecological and Biomedical Systems}, publisher = {INFORMA}, address = {Varna}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {271-276}, ident = {UTIA-B 900130} ) @InProceedings(BakStr:900131, title = {{U}ncertain ecological system control}, author = {Bakule, L. and Stra{\v{s}}kraba, M.}, booktitle = {Simulation of systems in biology and medicine}, publisher = {House of Technology}, address = {Prague}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {57-58}, ident = {UTIA-B 900131} ) @TechReport(BlaNov:900139, title = {{S}olution of pattern recognition problem by means of the {P}{R}{E}{D}{I}{T}{A}{S} program system. {P}art {I}{V}. {R}ealization}, author = {Bl{\'{a}}ha, S. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Pudil, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1672}, ident = {UTIA-B 900139} ) @TechReport(BlaPud:900140, title = {{V}olba zp\accent23usobu \v{r}e\v{s}en\'{\i} diagnostick\'{y}ch \'{u}loh}, author = {Bl{\'{a}}ha, S. and Pudil, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1674}, ident = {UTIA-B 900140} ) @InProceedings(Boh:900150, title = {{N}\v{e}kter\'{e} aspekty robustnosti adaptivn\'{\i}ch regul\'{a}tor\accent23u}, author = {B{\"{o}}hm, J.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {19-27}, ident = {UTIA-B 900150} ) @Article(Cel:910152, title = {{O}n the {G}lobal {L}inearization of {B}ilinear {S}ystems}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, journal = {Systems \& Control Letters}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {15}, pages = {433-439}, ident = {UTIA-B 910152} ) @TechReport(CelDol:900116, title = {{O}n certain qualitative behaviour of mathematical models of {C}{D}4+ lymphocyte depletion}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1668}, ident = {UTIA-B 900116} ) @InProceedings(CelDol:900204, title = {{L}ymphocyte {P}opulation {D}ynamics: {M}odel-{B}ased {Q}ualitative {A}nalysis}, author = {{\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Hraba, T.}, booktitle = {Selected Topics on Mathematical Models in Immunology and Medicine}, publisher = {Int.Inst. for Applied Systems Analysis}, address = {Laxemburg}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {15-24}, ident = {UTIA-B 900204} ) @Article(Cer:900077, title = {{C}{H}{I}{W}{R}{I}{T}{E}{R} - editor pro v\v{e}deck\'{e} a technick\'{e} texty}, author = {{\v{C}}ern{\'{y}}, P.}, journal = {V{\'{y}}po{\v{c}}etn{\'{\i}} technika na vysok{\'{y}}ch {\v{s}}kol{\'{a}}ch}, year = {1990}, number = {12}, volume = {-}, pages = {30-33}, ident = {UTIA-B 900077} ) @InProceedings(Cer:910125, title = {{C}riteria for {C}omparison of {S}oftware {S}ystems for {C}ontinuous {S}imulation}, author = {{\v{C}}ern{\'{y}}, P.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the IMACS European Simulation Meeting Problem Solving by Simulation}, editor = {J{\'{a}}vor, A.}, publisher = {-}, address = {-}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {157-164}, ident = {UTIA-B 910125} ) @TechReport(Ciz:900054, title = {{K}reslen\'{\i} elektronick\'{y}ch sch\'{e}mat na zapisova\v{c}i {H}{P} 7570{A}}, author = {{\v{C}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}ek, K.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1650}, ident = {UTIA-B 900054} ) @TechReport(Ciz:910176, title = {{P}osuvov\'{e} polohovac\'{\i} stolky}, author = {{\v{C}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}ek, K.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1700}, ident = {UTIA-B 910176} ) @InProceedings(Der:900081, title = {{S}{I}{M}{U}{L}{A} a {P}etriho s\'{\i}t\v{e} p\v{r}i simulaci spojovac\'{\i}ch syst\'{e}m\accent23u}, author = {Derviz, A.}, booktitle = {Modelov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} a simulace syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u}}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {53-57}, ident = {UTIA-B 900081} ) @InProceedings(Der:900168, title = {{M}odelling economic systems in {S}{I}{M}{U}{L}{A}}, author = {Derviz, A.}, booktitle = {Proceeding of the 17th SIMULA Users Conference}, publisher = {Association of SIMULA Users}, address = {Plze{\v{n}}}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {17-20}, ident = {UTIA-B 900168} ) @Article(DerKol:900057, title = {{A} {N}ote on {S}imulation of {I}nteracting {P}arallel {P}rocesses in {S}{I}{M}{U}{L}{A}}, author = {Derviz, A. and Kol{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, P.}, journal = {SIMULA Newsletter}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {18}, pages = {11-13}, ident = {UTIA-B 900057} ) @InProceedings(DerKol:900080, title = {{O} modelech \v{c}\'{\i}slicov\'{e}ho \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} spojovac\'{\i}ho procesu}, author = {Derviz, A. and Kol{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, P.}, booktitle = {Projektov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}}, realizace a provoz mikropo{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}ta{\v{c}}ov{\'{y}}ch syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u} teleinformatiky}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Brno}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {211-215}, ident = {UTIA-B 900080} ) @InProceedings(DerWei:900167, title = {{A}ntagonistick\'{a} ekonomick\'{a} hra zalo\v{z}en\'{a} na kombinovan\'{e} simulaci v jazyce {L}{O}{G}{O}{S}}, author = {Derviz, A. and Weinberger, J.}, booktitle = {Vybran{\'{e}} probl{\'{e}}my simula{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}}ch model{\accent23u}}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {64-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 900167} ) @TechReport(Do:900052, title = {{N}ecessary optimality conditions for optimal control problems governed by hemivariational inequalities}, author = {Do Van Luu}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1647}, ident = {UTIA-B 900052} ) @Book(DolFid:900118, title = {Dialogue system OPTIA for minimization of functions of several variables. Version 2.8 - examples}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900118} ) @Book(DolFid:900119, title = {Dialogue system OPTIA for minimization of functions of several variables. Version 2.8 - user's guide}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900119} ) @TechReport(DolFid:900207, title = {{D}ialogue {S}ystem {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} for {M}inimizatiuon of {F}unctions of {S}everal {V}ariables. {V}ersion 2.8 - {U}ser's {G}uide}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Bayreuth}, address = {Bayreuth}, year = {1990}, number = {243}, ident = {UTIA-B 900207} ) @TechReport(DolFid:900208, title = {{D}ialogue {S}ystem {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} for {M}inimizatiuon of {F}unctions of {S}everal {V}ariables. {V}ersion 2.8 - {E}xamples}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J.}, institution = {Universit{\"{a}}t Bayreuth}, address = {Bayreuth}, year = {1990}, number = {244}, ident = {UTIA-B 900208} ) @InProceedings(DolFid:900019, title = {{O}{P}{T}{I}{A} - {U}ser {O}riented {S}ystem for {M}athematical {P}rogramming}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J. and Schindler, Z. and Outrata, J.}, booktitle = {10th International Conference on Mathematical Programming}, publisher = {-}, address = {Galyatet{\"{o}}}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {9-10}, ident = {UTIA-B 900019} ) @TechReport(DolHra:900056, title = {{A} {M}athematical {M}odel of {L}ymphocyte {D}ynamics {I}n {H}{I}{V} {I}nfection}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Hraba, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1653}, ident = {UTIA-B 900056} ) @InProceedings(DolHra:900206, title = {{S}imulation analysis of {C}{D}4+ lymphocyte categories involvement in {H}{I}{V} infection}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Hraba, T.}, booktitle = {7th Prague Symposium "Simulation of Systems in Biology and Medicine"}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1990}, pages = {90-94}, ident = {UTIA-B 900206} ) @Article(DolSch:900017, title = {{M}odelling and simulation of turboprop engine behaviour}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, journal = {Acta Technica {\v{C}}SAV}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {35}, pages = {1-27}, ident = {UTIA-B 900017} ) @InProceedings(DolSch:900040, title = {{A}pplication of {O}ptimization {M}ethodology in {T}echnological {S}ystem {M}odelling. {A}ircraft {P}ower {U}nit {D}esign and {E}valuation}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {Modelling the Innovation: Communications, Automation and Information Systems}, editor = {Carnevale, M. and Lucertini, M. and Nicosia, S.}, publisher = {Fondazione Ugo Bordoni}, address = {Roma}, month = {March}, year = {1990}, pages = {508-515}, ident = {UTIA-B 900040} ) @InProceedings(DolSch:900087, title = {{K} problematice v\'{y}voje obecn\'{y}ch a specializovan\'{y}ch matematick\'{y}ch model\accent23u leteck\'{y}ch pohonn\'{y}ch jednotek}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {Diagnostika leteck{\'{e}} techniky I, II}, chapter= {I}, publisher = {V{\'{y}}zkumn{\'{y}} {\'{u}}stav 030}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900087} ) @InProceedings(DolSch:900187, title = {{T}urboprop {E}ngine {B}ehaviour {M}odelling {B}ased on {O}ptimization {A}pproach}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {System Modelling and Optimization}, editor = {Sebastian, H. J. and Tammer, K.}, publisher = {Springer}, address = {Berlin}, month = {July}, year = {1990}, pages = {919-928}, ident = {UTIA-B 900187} ) @InProceedings(DolSch:900199, title = {{A} computer-aided simulation system of analysis of aircraft engine behaviour}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {Imitacija sistem - 90}, publisher = {Institut problem upravlenija}, address = {Moskva}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {78-79}, ident = {UTIA-B 900199} ) @InCollection(DolSch:900212, title = {{A}pplication of {O}ptimization {M}ethodology in {T}echnological {S}ystem {M}odelling: {A}ircraft {P}ower {U}nit {D}esign and {E}valuation}, author = {Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {Modelling the Innovation: Communications, Automation and Information Systems}, editor = {Carnevale, M. and Lucertini, M. and Nicosia, S.}, publisher = {North-Holland}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1990}, pages = {549-556}, ident = {UTIA-B 900212} ) @TechReport(Dri:900143, title = {{K} problematice generov\'{a}n\'{\i} pseudon\'{a}hodn\'{y}ch vektor\accent23u a matic}, author = {Driml, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1671}, ident = {UTIA-B 900143} ) @PhDThesis(Fei:961002, title = {Statistick{\'{a}} teorie k{\'{o}}dov{\'{y}}ch knih pro kompresi {\v{r}}e{\v{c}}i. Kandid{\'{a}}tsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Feistauerov{\'{a}}, J.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961002} ) @Article(Fid:910231, title = {Review of {G}lobal {O}ptimization by {A}. {T}\"{o}rn, {A}. {\v{Z}}ilinskas}, author = {Fidler, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {79-80}, ident = {UTIA-B 910231} ) @TechReport(FidDol:900101, title = {{D}ialogov\'{y} syst\'{e}m {G}{O}{L}{E}{M} 1.2. pro anal\'{y}zu chov\'{a}n\'{\i} pohonn\'{y}ch jednotek se spalovac\'{\i} turbinou. {T}\v{r}\'{\i}h\v{r}\'{\i}delov\'{a} jednotka - statika vrtule}, author = {Fidler, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Schindler, Z. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1664}, ident = {UTIA-B 900101} ) @InProceedings(FidPac:900089, title = {{O}{P}{T}{I}{A} - {I}nteraktivn\'{\i} syst\'{e}m pro \v{r}e\v{s}en\'{\i} \'{u}loh neline\'{a}rn\'{\i}ho matematick\'{e}ho programov\'{a}n\'{\i}}, author = {Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, booktitle = {Modelov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} a simulace syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u}}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {119-122}, ident = {UTIA-B 900089} ) @Book(FidPac:900090, title = {Dialogov{\'{y}} syst{\'{e}}m OPTIA pro minimalizaci funkc{\'{\i}} v{\'{\i}}ce prom{\v{e}}nn{\'{y}}ch. Verze 2.8 - p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}ru{\v{c}}ka pro u{\v{z}}ivatele}, author = {Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900090} ) @Book(FidPac:900091, title = {Dialogov{\'{y}} syst{\'{e}}m OPTIA pro minimalizaci funkc{\'{\i}} v{\'{\i}}ce prom{\v{e}}nn{\'{y}}ch. Verze 2.8 - uk{\'{a}}zky pou{\v{z}}it{\'{\i}}}, author = {Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900091} ) @InProceedings(FidPac:900136, title = {{D}ialogov\'{y} syst\'{e}m {O}{P}{T}{I}{A} a mo\v{z}nosti jeho vyu\v{z}it\'{\i} v r\'{a}mci v\'{y}uky na vysok\'{y}ch \v{s}kol\'{a}ch}, author = {Fidler, J. and Pacovsk{\'{y}}, J. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tneho semin{\'{a}}ra V{\'{y}}vojov{\'{e}} tendencie kybernetiky a jej vz{\v{t}}ah k pr{\'{\i}}buzn{\'{y}}m vedn{\'{y}}m odborom} , publisher = {ZSVTS pri Elektrotechnickej fakulte V{\v{S}}T}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {37-44}, ident = {UTIA-B 900136} ) @TechReport(Flu:900113, title = {{U}r\v{c}ov\'{a}n\'{\i} vz\'{a}jemn\'{e} korespondence objekt\accent23u v po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'{e}m vid\v{e}n\'{\i}}, author = {Flusser, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1670}, ident = {UTIA-B 900113} ) @InProceedings(Flu:900210, title = {{K}orespondence objekt\accent23u na sn\'{\i}mc\'{\i}ch s rozd\'{\i}lnou geometri\'{\i}}, author = {Flusser, J.}, booktitle = {Digit{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} obrazu '90}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS Tesla V{\'{U}}ST}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1990}, pages = {58-63}, ident = {UTIA-B 900210} ) @PhDThesis(Flu:961015, title = {Po{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}ta{\v{c}}ov{\'{e}} metody pro z{\'{\i}}sk{\'{a}}v{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} kongruentn{\'{\i}}ch obraz{\accent23u}. Kandid{\'{a}}tsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Flusser, J.}, school = {SVT {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961015} ) @InProceedings(FluVit:900046, title = {{C}ifrovaja model' rel'jefa i jeje primenenija}, author = {Flusser, J. and V{\'{\i}}t{\accent23u}, P.}, booktitle = {-}, publisher = {-}, address = {-}, month = {February}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900046} ) @Article(Gor:910218, title = {{K}r\'{a}\v{z}em automatickou regulac\'{\i} {I}}, author = {G{\"{o}}rner, V.}, journal = {Softwarov{\'{e}} noviny}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {-}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910218} ) @Article(GorMar:910219, title = {{K}r\'{a}\v{z}em automatickou regulac\'{\i} {I}{I}}, author = {G{\"{o}}rner, V. and Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J. and Kl{\'{a}}n, P.}, journal = {Softwarov{\'{e}} noviny}, year = {1990}, number = {6}, volume = {-}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910219} ) @Article(Gri:900213, title = {{P}robabilistic expert systems and distribution mixtures}, author = {Grim, J.}, journal = {Computers and Artificial Intelligence}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {9}, pages = {241-256}, ident = {UTIA-B 900213} ) @InProceedings(Hai:900038, title = {{C}ontextual {C}lassification}, author = {Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {Aplikace um{\v{e}}l{\'{e}} inteligence AI'90}, editor = {Ma{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}k, V.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}stav pro informa{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} syst{\'{e}}my v kultu{\v{r}}e}, address = {Praha}, month = {March}, year = {1990}, pages = {241-248}, ident = {UTIA-B 900038} ) @InProceedings(Hai:900133, title = {{L}inearised {B}ayesian {C}lassifier}, author = {Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {International Symposium ISPRS Progress in Data Analysis}, publisher = {University of Wuhan}, address = {Wuhan}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900133} ) @InProceedings(Hai:900134, title = {{C}ontextual {B}ayesian {C}lassifier}, author = {Haindl, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of ISPRS Symposium Global and Environmental Monitoring Techniques and Impacts}, publisher = {ISPRS}, address = {Victoria}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900134} ) @TechReport(Hai:900155, title = {{T}ransputer parallel programs description}, author = {Haindl, M.}, institution = {University of Newcastle upon Tyne}, address = {Newcastle upon Tyne}, year = {1990}, number = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900155} ) @TechReport(Hai:900162, title = {{M}{I}{A} - release 1990}, author = {Haindl, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1680}, ident = {UTIA-B 900162} ) @InProceedings(HaiAll:900209, title = {{P}araleln\'{\i} programov\'{a}n\'{\i} transputeru}, author = {Haindl, M. and Allen, C. R.}, booktitle = {Digit{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} obrazu '90}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS Tesla V{\'{U}}ST}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1990}, pages = {98-103}, ident = {UTIA-B 900209} ) @InProceedings(HaiSim:900086, title = {{A} {R}egression {T}ype {I}mage {D}estriping {M}ethod}, author = {Haindl, M. and {\v{S}}imberov{\'{a}}, S.}, booktitle = {Biosign{\'{a}}l '90}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Brno}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {74-75}, ident = {UTIA-B 900086} ) @InProceedings(HalKar:900172, title = {{A}daptive cross-direction control of paper basis weight}, author = {Halouskov{\'{a}}, A. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nagy, I.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress}, chapter= {11}, publisher = {Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {221-226}, ident = {UTIA-B 900172} ) @InProceedings(HalKar:900173, title = {{A}daptivn\'{\i} \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} snadno a rychle?}, author = {Halouskov{\'{a}}, A. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Ottenheimer, W.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {106-114}, ident = {UTIA-B 900173} ) @Article(Han:910222, title = {{C}o v sob\v{e} skr\'{y}v\'{a} boot record}, author = {Hanu{\v{s}}, J.}, journal = {Bajt}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {1}, pages = {23-26}, ident = {UTIA-B 910222} ) @Article(Han:910232, title = {{Z} anatomie po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}e {P}{C} {X}{T}}, author = {Hanu{\v{s}}, J.}, journal = {Bajt}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {1}, pages = {25-28}, ident = {UTIA-B 910232} ) @InProceedings(Hav:900079, title = {{T}eleinforma\v{c}n\'{\i} syst\'{e}m pro d\'{a}lkov\'{y} pr\accent23uzkum {Z}em\v{e}}, author = {Havel, J.}, booktitle = {Projektov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}}, realizace a provoz mikropo{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}ta{\v{c}}ov{\'{y}}ch syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u} teleinformatiky}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Brno}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {235-239}, ident = {UTIA-B 900079} ) @Article(Hav:900166, title = {{P}rohl\'{\i}\v{z}\'{\i}me {Z}emi digit\'{a}ln\v{e}}, author = {Havel, J.}, journal = {Technick{\'{y}} magaz{\'{\i}}n}, year = {1990}, number = {10}, volume = {33}, pages = {36-41}, ident = {UTIA-B 900166} ) @InProceedings(Hav:910020, title = {{N}\v{e}kter\'{a} "nepo\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'{a}" pou\v{z}it\'{\i} po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}\accent23u}, author = {Havel, J.}, booktitle = {Hled{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} spole{\v{c}}n{\'{e}}ho jazyka}, publisher = {SVI FZG{\'{U}} {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {322-326}, ident = {UTIA-B 910020} ) @TechReport(HavSai:900098, title = {{V}\'{y}zkum mo\v{z}nosti realizace po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'{e}ho zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} radiogram\accent23u. {\'{U}}vodn\'{\i} studie}, author = {Havel, J. and Saic, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1663}, ident = {UTIA-B 900098} ) @TechReport(HavHav:900154, title = {{S}oubor statistick\'{y}ch test\accent23u a program\accent23u pro gener\'{a}tor {G}{E}{N}{A}{P} {P}{C}}, author = {Havlov{\'{a}}, H. and Havel, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1675}, ident = {UTIA-B 900154} ) @InProceedings(HavVos:900070, title = {{A}{N}{D}{A}{T} - {K}nowledge {B}ased {S}ystem for {A}pplied {S}pectral {A}nalysis and {M}odelling}, author = {Havlov{\'{a}}, H. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of Latvian Signal Processing International Conference}, publisher = {Latvian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Riga}, month = {April}, year = {1990}, pages = {326-329}, ident = {UTIA-B 900070} ) @TechReport(Her:900180, title = {{C}omplex {E}rror {A}nalysis}, author = {Herles, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1678}, ident = {UTIA-B 900180} ) @Book(HlaKla:900050, title = {Komplexn{\'{\i}} prom{\v{e}}nn{\'{a}} v elektrotechnice}, author = {Hl{\'{a}}vka, J. and Kl{\'{a}}til, J. and Kub{\'{\i}}k, S.}, publisher = {SNTL}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900050} ) @InProceedings(HraDol:900205, title = {{S}imulation analysis of {C}{D}4+ lymphocyte dynamics in {H}{I}{V} infected persons}, author = {Hraba, T. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, booktitle = {Selected Topics on Mathematical Models in Immunology and Medicine}, publisher = {Int.Inst. for Applied Systems Analysis}, address = {Laxemburg}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {25-32}, ident = {UTIA-B 900205} ) @Article(HraDol:900169, title = {{M}odel-based analysis of {C}{D}4+ lymphocyte dynamics in {H}{I}{V} infected individuals}, author = {Hraba, T. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and {\v{C}}elikovsk{\'{y}}, S.}, journal = {Immunobiology}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {181}, pages = {108-118}, ident = {UTIA-B 900169} ) @InProceedings(Jan:910073, title = {{O} jednom pravd\v{e}podobnostn\'{\i}m algoritmu pro optimaliza\v{c}n\'{\i} \'{u}lohy}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} zimn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}SMF ROBUST 90}, editor = {Antoch, J.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}SMF}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {84-88}, ident = {UTIA-B 910073} ) @InProceedings(Jan:910095, title = {{A}symptotic {N}ormality of {L}inear-{Q}uadratic {S}tatistics for {G}aussian {R}andom {F}ields}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Limit Theorems in Probability and Statistics}, publisher = {J{\'{a}}nos Bolyai}, address = {Budapest}, month = {}, year = {1990}, pages = {293-304}, ident = {UTIA-B 910095} ) @InProceedings(Jan:910099, title = {{K}ontextov\'{a} bayesovsk\'{a} klasifikace obrazu s vyu\v{z}it\'{\i}m gibbsovsk\'{e} apriorn\'{\i} distribuce}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Digit{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} obrazu '89}, publisher = {Tesla V{\'{U}}ST}, address = {Praha}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {92-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 910099} ) @InProceedings(Jan:910241, title = {{A} {G}eneral {V}iew of the {M}aximum {L}ikelihood {E}stimation}, author = {Jan{\v{z}}ura, M.}, booktitle = {Mathematische Stochastik}, editor = {F{\"{o}}llmer, H.}, publisher = {Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut}, address = {Oberwolfach}, month = {March}, year = {1990}, pages = {10-11}, ident = {UTIA-B 910241} ) @Article(Jar:900185, title = {{C}ontact problems with given time-dependent friction force in linear viscoelasticity}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, journal = {Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {31}, pages = {257-262}, ident = {UTIA-B 900185} ) @TechReport(Jar:900203, title = {{O}ptim\'{a}ln\'{\i} \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} termoelastick\'{y}ch proces\accent23u {V}}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1698}, ident = {UTIA-B 900203} ) @Article(Jar:910124, title = {{O}n the {R}egularity of {S}olutions of a {T}hermoelastic {S}ystem under {N}oncontinuous {H}eating {R}egimes}, author = {Jaru{\v{s}}ek, J.}, journal = {Aplikace matematiky}, year = {1990}, number = {6}, volume = {35}, pages = {426-450}, ident = {UTIA-B 910124} ) @InProceedings(Jez:900186, title = {{C}onversion of the polynomial continuous-time model to the delta discrete-time and vice versa}, author = {Je{\v{z}}ek, J.}, booktitle = {Preprints 11th IFAC World Congress Automatic Control in the Service of Mankind}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Utkin, V. and Jaaksoo, {\"{U}}.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {230-234}, ident = {UTIA-B 900186} ) @TechReport(Jil:900189, title = {{U}mis\v{t}ov\'{a}n\'{\i} matic do roz\v{s}\'{\i}\v{r}en\'{e} pam\v{e}ti po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}\accent23u t\v{r}\'{\i}dy {A}{T} a {X}{T}-286 bez pou\v{z}it\'{\i} {E}{M}{M} - s popisem turbo-pascalovsk\'{e}ho modulu {E}{M}-{M}at{U}n}, author = {J{\'{\i}}lovec, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1697}, ident = {UTIA-B 900189} ) @Article(Jir:900053, title = {{A} survey of methods used in probabilistic expert systems for knowledge integration}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {3}, pages = {7-12}, ident = {UTIA-B 900053} ) @Article(Jir:900112, title = {{C}omputational aspects of knowledge integration process in probabilistic expert systems}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, journal = {Computational Statistics Quarterly}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {4}, pages = {299-306}, ident = {UTIA-B 900112} ) @TechReport(Jir:900200, title = {{M}odely pro robustn\'{\i} identifikaci v adaptivn\'{\i}m \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i}}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1702}, ident = {UTIA-B 900200} ) @InProceedings(Jir:910220, title = {{R}easoning and {D}erivation of {K}nowledge in {P}robabilistic {E}xpert {S}ystems}, author = {Jirou{\v{s}}ek, R.}, booktitle = {Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910220} ) @TechReport(KadMat:900192, title = {{T}ermin\'{a}ly pro zrakov\v{e} posti\v{z}en\'{e}}, author = {Kadlec, J. and Matul{\'{\i}}k, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1691}, ident = {UTIA-B 900192} ) @Article(Kan:900129, title = {{A} {N}ote on the {M}inimax {A}pproach to the {S}tochastic {P}rogramming {P}roblems}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Ekonomicko-matematick{\'{y}} obzor}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {64-70}, ident = {UTIA-B 900129} ) @Article(Kan:910044, title = {{O}n the {C}onvergence {R}ate of {E}mpirical {E}stimates in {C}hance {C}onstrained {S}tochastic {P}rogramming}, author = {Ka{\v{n}}kov{\'{a}}, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {6}, volume = {26}, pages = {449-461}, ident = {UTIA-B 910044} ) @TechReport(Kar:900005, title = {{L}ocal filter robust with respect to outlying data}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1644}, ident = {UTIA-B 900005} ) @TechReport(Kar:900064, title = {{R}eport on {J}oint {U}{K} - {C}zechoslovak seminar {A}dvanced {M}ethods in {A}daptive {C}ontrol for {I}ndustrial {A}pplications}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1657}, ident = {UTIA-B 900064} ) @InProceedings(Kar:900148, title = {{L}ok\'{a}ln\'{\i} filtr necitliv\'{y} k hrub\'{y}m chyb\'{a}m m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{\i}}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {141-148}, ident = {UTIA-B 900148} ) @InProceedings(Kar:900149, title = {{E}stimation of {S}ampling {P}eriod for {S}elf-tuners}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints 11th IFAC World Congress}, chapter= {4}, publisher = {Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {104-108}, ident = {UTIA-B 900149} ) @PhDThesis(Kar:961003, title = {Identifikace pro adaptivn{\'{\i}} {\v{r}}{\'{\i}}zen{\'{\i}}. Doktorsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961003} ) @TechReport(KarHal:900099, title = {{D}esigner - {P}ackage for preliminary tuning of {L}{Q}{G} adaptive control, version 4.0}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Halouskov{\'{a}}, A.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1665}, ident = {UTIA-B 900099} ) @Article(KarHal:900215, title = {{A}lgoritmick\'{a} a programov\'{a} podpora pro po\v{c}\'{a}te\v{c}n\'{\i} nastaven\'{\i} {L}{Q}{G} adaptivn\'{\i}ho \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i}}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Halouskov{\'{a}}, A. and Ottenheimer, W.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {1990}, number = {7}, volume = {33}, pages = {188-191}, ident = {UTIA-B 900215} ) @Article(KarJen:900078, title = {{C}ontribution to {C}{A}{D} for {S}elftuning {C}ontrol}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Jen{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T. and Ottenheimer, W.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {117-131}, ident = {UTIA-B 900078} ) @Article(KarNag:900146, title = {{D}esign of {S}pline-{B}ased {S}elf-{T}uners}, author = {K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Nagy, I. and B{\"{o}}hm, J. and Halouskov{\'{a}}, A.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {17-30}, ident = {UTIA-B 900146} ) @TechReport(Kep:900156, title = {{M}etody rozpozn\'{a}v\'{a}n\'{\i} obraz\accent23u pou\v{z}\'{\i}van\'{e} v anal\'{y}ze experiment\'{a}ln\'{\i}ch z\'{a}vislost\'{\i}}, author = {Kepka, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1682}, ident = {UTIA-B 900156} ) @TechReport(Kep:900157, title = {{S}truktur\'{a}ln\'{\i} p\v{r}\'{\i}stup k rozpozn\'{a}v\'{a}n\'{\i} samovkl\'{a}dac\'{\i}ho charakteru vrchol\accent23u v k\v{r}ivk\'{a}ch, aplikace v oblasti akustick\'{e} emise}, author = {Kepka, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1683}, ident = {UTIA-B 900157} ) @TechReport(Kep:900158, title = {{S}yntaktick\'{a} anal\'{y}za bezkontextov\'{y}ch jazyk\accent23u metodou "top-down" a mo\v{z}nosti jej\'{\i} realizace v {T}urbo {P}rologu}, author = {Kepka, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1681}, ident = {UTIA-B 900158} ) @InProceedings(KlaMar:910117, title = {{A}daptivn\'{\i} {P}{I}{D} regul\'{a}tory s monolitick\'{y}mi mikropo\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}i}, author = {Kl{\'{a}}n, P. and Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J. and G{\"{o}}rner, V. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, P.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Automatiz{\'{a}}cia a syst{\'{e}}my riadenia technologick{\'{y}}ch procesov. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {316-323}, ident = {UTIA-B 910117} ) @Book(KlaMar:900048, title = {Adaptivn{\'{\i}} PID regul{\'{a}}tory s monolitick{\'{y}}mi u-po{\v{c}}{\'{\i}}ta{\v{c}}i}, author = {Kl{\'{a}}n, P. and Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J. and Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, P. and G{\"{o}}rner, V.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900048} ) @InProceedings(Kli:910077, title = {{\v{C}}asoprostorov\'{a} anal\'{y}za sign\'{a}l\accent23u}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Diagnostika leteck{\'{e}} techniky}, chapter= {1}, publisher = {V{\'{U}} 030}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {1-6}, ident = {UTIA-B 910077} ) @InProceedings(Kli:910080, title = {{T}imespatial {A}nalysis of {S}ignals}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D.}, booktitle = {Biosign{\'{a}}l '90}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Brno}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {32-34}, ident = {UTIA-B 910080} ) @TechReport(KliSuk:900142, title = {{M}o\v{z}nosti vyu\v{z}it\'{\i} videoz\'{a}znamu v {D}{P}{Z}}, author = {Klime{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, D. and Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1667}, ident = {UTIA-B 900142} ) @Article(Kol:900084, title = {Review of {S} algebrou od jazyka ke gramatice a zp\v{e}t by {M}. {N}ovotn\'{y}}, author = {Kol{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {84-85}, ident = {UTIA-B 900084} ) @Article(Kol:900125, title = {Review of {A}n {I}ntroduction to {A}utomata {T}heory by {M}. {W}. {S}hields}, author = {Kol{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, P.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {444-445}, ident = {UTIA-B 900125} ) @TechReport(Kol:910002, title = {{J}ednoduch\'{y} monitor pro 8051}, author = {Kolevov{\'{a}}, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1704}, ident = {UTIA-B 910002} ) @TechReport(KolPej:900059, title = {{M}ikroprocesorov\'{e} \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} st\v{r}\'{\i}da\v{c}e asynchronn\'{\i}ho motoru pro obr\'{a}b\v{e}c\'{\i} stroje}, author = {Kolevov{\'{a}}, S. and Pejcha, S.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1655}, ident = {UTIA-B 900059} ) @TechReport(Kov:900002, title = {{P}\v{r}\'{\i}ru\v{c}ka ke gnostick\'{e}mu identifik\'{a}toru proces\accent23u {G}{I}{P}}, author = {Kovanic, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1640}, ident = {UTIA-B 900002} ) @TechReport(Kov:900004, title = {{N}\'{a}vrh univerz\'{a}ln\'{\i}ho gnostick\'{e}ho monitoru pro diagnostiku}, author = {Kovanic, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1643}, ident = {UTIA-B 900004} ) @PhDThesis(Kov:961004, title = {Gnostick{\'{a}} teorie neur{\v{c}}it{\'{y}}ch dat. Doktorsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Kovanic, P.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961004} ) @InProceedings(Koz:900034, title = {{O}becn\'{y} model pro \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} pru\v{z}n\'{e}ho v\'{y}robn\'{\i}ho syst\'{e}mu}, author = {Koz{\'{a}}k, P.}, booktitle = {Pru{\v{z}}n{\'{a}} automatizace '90}, publisher = {Dom techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {February}, year = {1990}, pages = {80-81}, ident = {UTIA-B 900034} ) @TechReport(Koz:900071, title = {{L}ogick\'{e} \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} a \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} syst\'{e}mu diskr\'{e}tn\'{\i}ch ud\'{a}lost\'{\i}}, author = {Koz{\'{a}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1660}, ident = {UTIA-B 900071} ) @TechReport(Koz:910001, title = {{D}iscrete {E}vents and {G}eneral {S}ystems {T}heory}, author = {Koz{\'{a}}k, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1695}, ident = {UTIA-B 910001} ) @PhDThesis(Koz:961001, title = {Syst{\'{e}}my diskr{\'{e}}tn{\'{\i}}ch ud{\'{a}}lost{\'{\i}}, jejich modelov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} a {\v{r}}{\'{\i}}zen{\'{\i}}. Kandid{\'{a}}tsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Koz{\'{a}}k, P.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961001} ) @InProceedings(KraSte:900122, title = {{S}{I}{M}{O}{N}{E} software - {L}ast development and perspectives}, author = {Kr{\'{a}}lik, J. and {\v{S}}t{\v{e}}rba, J. and Vostr{\'{y}}, Z. and Z{\'{a}}worka, J.}, booktitle = {Symposium on the Use of Computers for Gas Transmission and Distribution Systems}, publisher = {Nations Unies}, address = {Budapest}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {1-22}, ident = {UTIA-B 900122} ) @Article(Kra:900029, title = {{M}odel-preserving transformations of databases for rule-based expert systems with {B}oolean-valued weights}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, month = {April}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {3}, pages = {21-24}, ident = {UTIA-B 900029} ) @InProceedings(Kra:900037, title = {{S}tatistical induction through rough sets}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, booktitle = {Aplikace um{\v{e}}l{\'{e}} inteligence AI'90}, editor = {Ma{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}k, V.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}stav pro informa{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} syst{\'{e}}my v kultu{\v{r}}e}, address = {Praha}, month = {March}, year = {1990}, pages = {35-42}, ident = {UTIA-B 900037} ) @TechReport(Kra:900060, title = {{A} few remarks and comments on extra-mathematical assumptionsand consequences of some theoretical models of uncertainty quantification and processing}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1648}, ident = {UTIA-B 900060} ) @InProceedings(Kra:900067, title = {{C}onceptions of {E}xistence in {M}athematics and {U}ncertainty {P}rocessing in {E}xpert {S}ystems}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, booktitle = {Logica 89 - Proceedings of Symposium}, editor = {Svoboda, V. and Zapletal, I.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}stav pro filozofii a sociologii {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {137-149}, ident = {UTIA-B 900067} ) @Article(Kra:900135, title = {Review of by {J}. {C}sirik, {J}. {D}emetrovics, {F}. {/}Eds. {G}\'{e}cseg}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {26}, pages = {347-348}, ident = {UTIA-B 900135} ) @TechReport(Kra:900174, title = {{A}n alternative approach to rough sets}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1673}, ident = {UTIA-B 900174} ) @Article(Kra:910017, title = {{P}arallel {P}robabilistic {S}earching and {S}orting {A}lgorithms}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1, 2, 4, 5, 6}, volume = {26}, pages = {1-93/p©¡l.}, ident = {UTIA-B 910017} ) @InProceedings(Kra:910221, title = {{P}arallel {P}robabilistic {S}earching {A}lgorithms on {S}ystolic {A}rrays}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, booktitle = {Prague Conference on Information Theory. Abstracts}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910221} ) @InProceedings(Kra:910234, title = {{F}rom an {A}lternative {M}odel of {R}ough {S}ets to {F}uzzy {S}ets}, author = {Kramosil, I.}, booktitle = {International Symposium on Fuzzy Approach to Reasoning and Decision Making. Abstracts}, publisher = {Hornick{\'{y}} {\'{u}}stav {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910234} ) @TechReport(Kri:900182, title = {{S}yst\'{e}m {B}{I}{O}{D}{A}{T}. {U}\v{z}ivatelsk\'{y} manu\'{a}l}, author = {K{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}{\v{z}}, O.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1677}, ident = {UTIA-B 900182} ) @Article(Kuc:900032, title = {{\v{C}}s. n\'{a}rodn\'{\i} komit\'{e}t pro automatizaci v nov\'{e}m slo\v{z}en\'{\i}}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, journal = {Automatizace}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {33}, pages = {62}, ident = {UTIA-B 900032} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:900191, title = {{R}ealizing the {A}ction of {C}ascade {C}ompensator by {S}tate {F}eedback}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control in the Service of Mankind}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Utkin, W. and Jaaksoo, {\"{U}}.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {207-211}, ident = {UTIA-B 900191} ) @InProceedings(Kuc:900198, title = {{M}etody spektr\'{a}ln\'{\i} faktorizace polynomi\'{a}ln\'{\i}ch matic}, author = {Ku{\v{c}}era, V.}, booktitle = {ASRTP'90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {115-132}, ident = {UTIA-B 900198} ) @InProceedings(Kul:900068, title = {{F}iltrace hrub\v{e} kvantov\'{y}ch m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{\i} jako p\v{r}\'{\i}klad pr\accent23ub\v{e}\v{z}n\'{e}ho neline\'{a}rn\'{\i}ho odhadov\'{a}n\'{\i}}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {133-140}, ident = {UTIA-B 900068} ) @Article(Kul:900075, title = {{R}ecursive {N}onlinear {E}stimation: {A} {G}eometric {A}pproach}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {26}, pages = {545-555}, ident = {UTIA-B 900075} ) @Article(Kul:900076, title = {{R}ecursive {B}ayesian {E}stimation under {M}emory {L}imitation}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {1-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 900076} ) @Article(Kul:900082, title = {Review of {C}ontrol and {D}ynamics {S}ystem: {A}dvances in {T}heory and {A}pplications. {V}ol.26: {S}ystem {I}dentification and {A}daptive {C}ontrol by {C}. {T}. {L}eondes}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {183-184}, ident = {UTIA-B 900082} ) @InProceedings(Kul:900105, title = {{D}ifferential geometry of recursive nonlinear estimation}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress}, chapter= {3}, publisher = {Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {113-118}, ident = {UTIA-B 900105} ) @Article(Kul:900110, title = {{A} {B}ayes-closed approximation of recursive non-linear estimation}, author = {Kulhav{\'{y}}, R.}, journal = {International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {4}, pages = {271-285}, ident = {UTIA-B 900110} ) @TechReport(Lac:900061, title = {{V}\'{\i}cerozm\v{e}rn\'{e} self-similar procesy}, author = {Lachout, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1649}, ident = {UTIA-B 900061} ) @InProceedings(LafZag:910115, title = {{S}tructural {R}esults about the {I}nteractor}, author = {Lafay, J. F. and Zagalak, P. and Herrera, A. N. and Icart, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control}, chapter= {2}, publisher = {IEEE}, address = {New York}, month = {December}, year = {1990}, pages = {1048-1049}, ident = {UTIA-B 910115} ) @Article(MalKuc:900176, title = {{R}eachability and controllability indices for linear descriptor systems}, author = {Malabre, M. and Ku{\v{c}}era, V. and Zagalak, P.}, journal = {Systems \& Control Letters}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {15}, pages = {119-123}, ident = {UTIA-B 900176} ) @TechReport(Mar:900179, title = {{A}rbitr\'{a}\v{z}n\'{\i} kompromisy a hern\'{\i} \v{r}e\v{s}en\'{\i} ve v\'{\i}cekriteri\'{a}ln\'{\i}ch rozhodovac\'{\i}ch \'{u}loh\'{a}ch}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1690}, ident = {UTIA-B 900179} ) @Article(Mar:910008, title = {{A} {F}ew {R}emarks on {D}ependence}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Busefal}, year = {1990}, number = {44}, volume = {-}, pages = {6-8}, ident = {UTIA-B 910008} ) @Article(Mar:910024, title = {Review of {S}patial {A}nalysis and {P}lanning under {I}mprecision by {Y}. {L}eung}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {26}, pages = {443}, ident = {UTIA-B 910024} ) @Article(Mar:910227, title = {Review of {A}pplication of {F}uzzy {S}et {M}ethodologies in {I}ndustrial {E}ngineering by {G}. {W}. {E}vans, {W}. {K}arwowski, {M}. {R}. {W}ilhelm}, author = {Mare{\v{s}}, M.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {26}, pages = {270}, ident = {UTIA-B 910227} ) @Article(Mar:900111, title = {{R}obust adaptive {P}{I}{D} controller with automatic adjustment of sampling period}, author = {Mar{\v{s}}{\'{\i}}k, J.}, journal = {Problems of Control and Information Theory}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {19}, pages = {247-257}, ident = {UTIA-B 900111} ) @InProceedings(MatSch:900088, title = {{S}imula\v{c}n\'{\i} model turbovrtulov\'{e} pohonn\'{e} jednotky a jeho mo\v{z}nosti v diagnostice}, author = {Matou{\v{s}}ek, O. and Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and He{\v{c}}l, P.}, booktitle = {Diagnostika leteck{\'{e}} techniky I, II}, chapter= {I}, publisher = {V{\'{y}}zkumn{\'{y}} {\'{u}}stav 030}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 900088} ) @TechReport(Mat:900188, title = {{D}isplay slepeck\'{e}ho hmatov\'{e}ho p\'{\i}sma}, author = {Matul{\'{\i}}k, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1692}, ident = {UTIA-B 900188} ) @TechReport(Mat:900062, title = {{I}nequalities concerning the demi-degrees and numbers of paths}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1652}, ident = {UTIA-B 900062} ) @Article(Mat:910230, title = {Review of {A}pplied {I}nformation {T}heory by {I}. {M}. {K}ogan}, author = {Mat{\'{u}}{\v{s}}, F.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {165}, ident = {UTIA-B 910230} ) @TechReport(Mer:900216, title = {{A}daptivn\'{\i} regul\'{a}tor {P}{S}{D} pro topen\'{a}\v{r}stv\'{\i}}, author = {Mertl, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1703}, ident = {UTIA-B 900216} ) @TechReport(Mic:900011, title = {{S}tatistick\'{e} zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{\i} vibrac\'{\i} parogener\'{a}toru}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1639}, ident = {UTIA-B 900011} ) @TechReport(Mic:900055, title = {{D}etekce zm\v{e}n v chov\'{a}n\'{\i} m\v{e}\v{r}\'{\i}c\'{\i}ch \v{c}idel}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1646}, ident = {UTIA-B 900055} ) @Article(Mic:900096, title = {{A}symptotic {R}\'{e}nyi's rate of {G}aussian processes}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, journal = {Problems of Control and Information Theory}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {19}, pages = {209-227}, ident = {UTIA-B 900096} ) @TechReport(Mic:900177, title = {{S}tatistick\'{e} zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{\i} vibrac\'{\i} parogener\'{a}toru {I}{I}}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1688}, ident = {UTIA-B 900177} ) @Article(Mic:910009, title = {{Y}ule-{W}alker {E}stimates and {A}symptotic {I}-{D}ivergence {R}ate}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, journal = {Problems of Control and Information Theory}, year = {1990}, number = {5-6}, volume = {19}, pages = {387-398}, ident = {UTIA-B 910009} ) @Article(Mic:910011, title = {{I}-{D}ivergence of {S}ome {D}iffusion {P}rocesses}, author = {Mich{\'{a}}lek, J.}, journal = {Problems of Control and Information Theory}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {19}, pages = {313-338}, ident = {UTIA-B 910011} ) @TechReport(Mik:900190, title = {{M}odel st\v{r}\'{\i}da\v{c}e a generov\'{a}n\'{\i} to\v{c}iv\'{e}ho pole}, author = {Mikol{\'{a}}{\v{s}}, R.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1696}, ident = {UTIA-B 900190} ) @InProceedings(NagKar:900211, title = {{P}ou\v{z}it\'{\i} spline-funkc\'{\i} pro modelov\'{a}n\'{\i}, identifikaci a \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} dynamick\'{y}ch soustav}, author = {Nagy, I. and K{\'{a}}rn{\'{y}}, M. and Halouskov{\'{a}}, A.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {106-114}, ident = {UTIA-B 900211} ) @TechReport(Neb:900058, title = {{I}mpulsn\'{\i} zdroje nap\'{a}jen\'{e} z palubn\'{\i}ch s\'{\i}t\'{\i}}, author = {Nebesk{\'{y}}, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1656}, ident = {UTIA-B 900058} ) @Article(NecRou:910238, title = {{A}n {A}pproximation of a {N}onlinear {T}hermoelastic {P}roblem with a {M}oving {B}oundary {V}ia a {F}ixed-{D}omain {M}ethod}, author = {Ne{\v{c}}as, J. and Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Aplikace matematiky}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {35}, pages = {361-372}, ident = {UTIA-B 910238} ) @TechReport(NedHru:900183, title = {{\v{R}}\'{\i}d\'{\i}c\'{\i} monitor pro {C}{A}{D}{C}{S} {\'{U}}{T}{I}{A}{L}{A}{B}. {U}\v{z}ivatelsk\'{y} manu\'{a}l nadstavby nad {M}atlab}, author = {Nedoma, P. and Hrudkov{\'{a}}, D.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1686}, ident = {UTIA-B 900183} ) @Article(Neu:900028, title = {{S}ou\v{c}asn\'{e} geoinforma\v{c}n\'{\i} syst\'{e}my a jejich vztah k d\'{a}lkov\'{e}mu pr\accent23uzkumu {Z}em\v{e}}, author = {Neumann, J.}, journal = {Geodetick{\'{y}} a kartografick{\'{y}} obzor}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {36}, pages = {24-27}, ident = {UTIA-B 900028} ) @Article(Neu:900083, title = {Review of {J}azyk karty: su\v{s}\v{c}nost', sistema, funkcii by {A}. {A}. {L}jutyj}, author = {Neumann, J.}, journal = {Geodetick{\'{y}} a kartografick{\'{y}} obzor}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {26(78)}, pages = {97-98}, ident = {UTIA-B 900083} ) @Article(Neu:900195, title = {{K} problematice teoretick\'{e} kartografie}, author = {Neumann, J.}, journal = {Geodetick{\'{y}} a kartografick{\'{y}} obzor}, year = {1990}, number = {6}, volume = {36/78}, pages = {127-133}, ident = {UTIA-B 900195} ) @InProceedings(Neu:900196, title = {{N}\v{e}kolik pozn\'{a}mek k p\v{r}\'{\i}prav\v{e} {N}\'{a}rodn\'{\i}ho atlasu {\v{C}}{S}{F}{R}}, author = {Neumann, J.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k refer{\'{a}}tov - 9.kartografick{\'{a}} konferencia}, editor = {H{\'{a}}jek, M.}, publisher = {Dom techniky ZSVTS}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {152-158}, ident = {UTIA-B 900196} ) @InProceedings(Neu:900197, title = {{P}\v{r}\'{\i}sp\v{e}vek ke zdokonalen\'{\i} pozn\'{a}vac\'{\i} koncepce kartografie}, author = {Neumann, J.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k refer{\'{a}}tov - 9.kartografick{\'{a}} konferencia}, editor = {H{\'{a}}jek, M.}, publisher = {Dom techniky ZSVTS}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {58-64}, ident = {UTIA-B 900197} ) @InProceedings(NeuHav:900033, title = {{C}\'{\i}lov\'{y} projekt z\'{a}kladn\'{\i}ho v\'{y}zkumu \v{c}. 602 "{D}\'{a}lkov\'{y} pr\accent23uzkum {Z}em\v{e}"}, author = {Neumann, J. and Havel, J.}, booktitle = {Vyu{\v{z}}{\'{\i}}vanie {\'{u}}dajov dial'kov{\'{e}}ho prieskumu Zeme v n{\'{a}}rodnom hospod{\'{a}}rstve}, publisher = {Dom techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Bratislava}, month = {February}, year = {1990}, pages = {12-17}, ident = {UTIA-B 900033} ) @Book(Nov:900051, title = {P{\v{r}}{\'{a}}telsk{\'{a}} p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}ru{\v{c}}ka u{\v{z}}ivatele}, author = {Nov{\'{a}}kov{\'{a}}, H.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900051} ) @Article(Nov:900074, title = {{M}-estimators and {G}nostical {E}stimators for {I}dentification of a {R}egression {M}odel}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {26}, pages = {607-610}, ident = {UTIA-B 900074} ) @Article(Nov:900095, title = {{M}r-{E}stimators and {G}nostical {E}stimators of {L}ocation}, author = {Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J.}, journal = {Problems of Control and Information Theory}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {19}, pages = {129-140}, ident = {UTIA-B 900095} ) @InProceedings(Ota:910071, title = {{O}dhad tlaku v {I}singov\v{e} modelu}, author = {Ot{\'{a}}hal, A.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} zimn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}SMF ROBUST 90}, editor = {Antoch, J.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {135-137}, ident = {UTIA-B 910071} ) @Article(Out:900093, title = {{O}n the {N}umerical {S}olution of a {C}lass of {S}tackelberg {P}roblems}, author = {Outrata, J.}, journal = {Zeitschrift f{\"{u}}r Operations Research}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, series = {A-Theory}, volume = {34}, pages = {255-277}, ident = {UTIA-B 900093} ) @TechReport(Out:900102, title = {{O}n the {C}ontrol of {S}ystems {D}escribed by {H}emivariational {I}nequalities}, author = {Outrata, J.}, institution = {Mathematisches Institut Universit{\"{a}}t Bayreuth}, address = {Bayreuth}, year = {1990}, number = {214}, ident = {UTIA-B 900102} ) @Article(Out:910010, title = {{O}n {G}eneralized {G}radients in {O}ptimization {P}roblems with {S}et-{V}alued {C}onstraints}, author = {Outrata, J.}, journal = {Mathematics of Operations Research}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {15}, pages = {626-639}, ident = {UTIA-B 910010} ) @Article(Per:900012, title = {{F}ailing of the {D}empster's combining rule of interval-given probabilities}, author = {Perez, A.}, journal = {Knowledge-Based Systems}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {3}, pages = {13-16}, ident = {UTIA-B 900012} ) @InProceedings(Pet:900184, title = {{P}redictive and {L}{Q}{G} {O}ptimal {C}ontrol: {E}quivalences, {D}ifferences and {I}mprovements}, author = {Peterka, V.}, booktitle = {Control of Uncertain Systems}, editor = {Hinrichsen, D. and Martenson, B.}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Boston}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {221-244}, ident = {UTIA-B 900184} ) @TechReport(ProRej:900161, title = {{P}araleln\'{\i} po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'{y} syst\'{e}m typu {S}{I}{M}{D}}, author = {Pro{\v{s}}kov{\'{a}}, M. and Rejda, Z.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1687}, ident = {UTIA-B 900161} ) @TechReport(PriRos:900160, title = {{M}{I}{D}{A}{S}{I}{N} mobiln\'{\i} syst\'{e}m pro sb\v{e}r a zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} dat a automatizaci experiment\accent23u}, author = {P{\v{r}}ib{\'{a}}{\v{n}}, M. and R{\"{o}}ssler, J. and {\v{S}}imek, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1679}, ident = {UTIA-B 900160} ) @TechReport(Pri:900153, title = {{G}ener\'{a}tor n\'{a}hodn\'{y}ch \v{c}\'{\i}sel {G}{E}{N}{A}{P} {P}{C}}, author = {P{\v{r}}ibyl, V.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1676}, ident = {UTIA-B 900153} ) @InProceedings(PudNov:910107, title = {{E}xperimental {S}tudy of the {R}elationship of the {E}rror {P}robability to {C}ertain {S}eparability {M}easures in {N}ormal {C}lassification}, author = {Pudil, P. and Novovi{\v{c}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Bl{\'{a}}ha, S.}, booktitle = {Proceedings DIANA III Conference on Discriminant Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Factor Analysis, and Related Topics of Multivariate Statistics and Data Analysis}, publisher = {M{\'{U}} {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {221-232}, ident = {UTIA-B 910107} ) @InProceedings(ReiSch:900145, title = {{O}nline {I}nstallation and {A}pplication of {T}ransient {S}imulation {M}odel to {S}upport the {D}ispatching {A}ctivities at {R}uhrgas {A}{G}}, author = {Reith, K. and Schmidt-Wemhoff, W. and Scheerer, H. and Z{\'{a}}worka, J.}, booktitle = {Pipeline Simulation Interest Group}, publisher = {PSIG Annual Meeting}, address = {Baltimore}, month = {October}, year = {1990}, pages = {1-25}, ident = {UTIA-B 900145} ) @InProceedings(Rou:900109, title = {{A} finite-element approximation of {S}tefan problems in heterogenous media}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, booktitle = {Free boundary problems}, publisher = {Birkh{\"{a}}user}, address = {Basel}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {267-275}, ident = {UTIA-B 900109} ) @Article(Rou:900117, title = {{C}onstrained optimization: a general tolerance approach}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Aplikace matematiky}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {35}, pages = {99-128}, ident = {UTIA-B 900117} ) @Article(Rou:910235, title = {{N}umerical {S}olution of the {N}onlinear {H}eat {E}quation in {H}eterogenous {M}edia}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization}, year = {1990}, number = {6}, volume = {11}, pages = {793-810}, ident = {UTIA-B 910235} ) @Article(Rou:910236, title = {{C}onvex {C}ompactifications and {S}pecial {E}xtensions of {O}ptimization {P}roblems}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {Nonlinear Analysis}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {16}, pages = {1117-1126}, ident = {UTIA-B 910236} ) @Article(Rou:910237, title = {{A} {G}eneralization of the {L}ions-{T}emam {C}ompact {I}mbedding {T}heorem}, author = {Roub{\'{\i}}{\v{c}}ek, T.}, journal = {{\v{C}}asopis pro p{\v{e}}stov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} matematiky}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {115}, pages = {338-342}, ident = {UTIA-B 910237} ) @Article(RuzHai:900132, title = {{D}{X} k\'{o}d}, author = {R{\accent23u}{\v{z}}i{\v{c}}ka, B. and Haindl, M.}, journal = {Fotografie}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {41}, pages = {176-177}, ident = {UTIA-B 900132} ) @TechReport(SaiSuk:900141, title = {{A}lgoritmus filtrace \v{c}arov\'{y}ch poruch}, author = {Saic, S. and Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1661}, ident = {UTIA-B 900141} ) @InProceedings(SaiSuk:900217, title = {{F}iltrace \v{c}arov\'{y}ch poruch}, author = {Saic, S. and Suk, T.}, booktitle = {Digit{\'{a}}ln{\'{\i}} zpracov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} obrazu '90}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS Tesla V{\'{U}}ST}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1990}, pages = {13-18}, ident = {UTIA-B 900217} ) @Article(SaiSim:910217, title = {{D}omain {P}eriod {D}etermination in {C}o{C}r {F}ilms}, author = {Saic, S. and {\v{S}}im{\v{s}}ov{\'{a}}, J. and Gemperle, R. and Lodder, J. and Kacz{\'{e}}r, J. and Murtinov{\'{a}}, L.}, journal = {Thin Solid Films}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {188}, pages = {43-55}, ident = {UTIA-B 910217} ) @Book(SchDol:900065, title = {Dialogov{\'{y}} syst{\'{e}}m GOLEM 1.1 pro anal{\'{y}}zu chov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} pohonn{\'{y}}ch jednotek se spalovac{\'{\i}} turb{\'{\i}}nou. T{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}h{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}delov{\'{a}} jednotka - p{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}ru{\v{c}}ka u{\v{z}}ivatele}, author = {Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900065} ) @Book(SchDol:900066, title = {Dialogov{\'{y}} syst{\'{e}}m GOLEM 1.1 pro anal{\'{y}}zu chov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} pohonn{\'{y}}ch jednotek se spalovac{\'{\i}} turbinou. T{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}h{\v{r}}{\'{\i}}delov{\'{a}} jednotka - vstupn{\'{\i}} soubory}, author = {Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900066} ) @Book(SchDol:900138, title = {Dialogov{\'{y}} syst{\'{e}}m GOLEM 1.1/DV2 pro anal{\'{y}}zu chov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} pohonn{\'{y}}ch jednotek se spalovac{\'{\i}} turb{\'{\i}}nou. Dvouproudov{\'{a}} jednotka - vstupn{\'{\i}} soubory}, author = {Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J.}, publisher = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900138} ) @Article(SchDol:900016, title = {{M}atematick\'{y} simula\v{c}n\'{\i} model leteck\'{e} pohonn\'{e} jednotky se spalovac\'{\i} turb\'{\i}nou}, author = {Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, journal = {Zpravodaj VZL{\'{U}}}, year = {1990}, number = {2 (195)}, volume = {-}, pages = {67-75}, ident = {UTIA-B 900016} ) @InProceedings(SchDol:900137, title = {{A}nal\'{y}za chov\'{a}n\'{\i} pohonn\'{e} jednotky se spalovac\'{\i} turb\'{\i}nou pomoc\'{\i} po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}ov\'{e}ho modelu}, author = {Schindler, Z. and Dole{\v{z}}al, J. and Fidler, J. and Matou{\v{s}}ek, O.}, booktitle = {Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tneho semin{\'{a}}ra V{\'{y}}vojov{\'{e}} tendencie kybernetiky a jej vz{\v{t}}ah k pr{\'{\i}}buzn{\'{y}}m vedn{\'{y}}m odborom} , publisher = {ZSVTS pri Elektrotechnickej fakulte V{\v{S}}T}, address = {Ko{\v{s}}ice}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {59-66}, ident = {UTIA-B 900137} ) @InProceedings(Skr:900124, title = {{A}utomatick\'{e} vyhodnocov\'{a}n\'{\i} simula\v{c}n\'{\i}ch b\v{e}h\accent23u p\v{r}i testov\'{a}n\'{\i} klasifika\v{c}n\'{\i}ch algoritm\accent23u}, author = {Sk{\v{r}}iv{\'{a}}nek, J.}, booktitle = {Modelov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} a simulace syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u}}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Ostrava}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {30-33}, ident = {UTIA-B 900124} ) @TechReport(Skr:900159, title = {{P}rogramy pro vy\v{s}et\v{r}ov\'{a}n\'{\i} poruch v re\'{a}ln\'{y}ch datov\'{y}ch souborech}, author = {Sk{\v{r}}iv{\'{a}}nek, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1684}, ident = {UTIA-B 900159} ) @TechReport(Sla:900178, title = {{O}n {M}aximum {G}rowth {R}ates and {S}tability {C}onditions of the {P}roducts of a {F}inite {S}et of {M}atrices}, author = {Sladk{\'{y}}, K.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1685}, ident = {UTIA-B 900178} ) @TechReport(Sti:900181, title = {{M}ikropolohovac\'{\i} piezoelektrick\'{e} prvky}, author = {Stiegler, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1694}, ident = {UTIA-B 900181} ) @Article(Str:910228, title = {Review of {I}dentification of {C}ontinuous {S}ystems by {H}. {U}nbehauen, {G}. {P}. {R}ao}, author = {Strejc, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {3}, volume = {26}, pages = {269-270}, ident = {UTIA-B 910228} ) @Article(Str:910229, title = {Review of {D}igital {C}ontrol {S}ystems by {R}. {I}sermann}, author = {Strejc, V.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {26}, pages = {444-445}, ident = {UTIA-B 910229} ) @InProceedings(Str:910233, title = {{I}deal {M}odel-{M}atching}, author = {Strejc, V.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control}, editor = {Utkin, V. and Jaaksoo, {\"{U}}.}, publisher = {IFAC}, address = {Tallinn}, month = {August}, year = {1990}, pages = {271-276}, ident = {UTIA-B 910233} ) @TechReport(Suk:900026, title = {{D}igit\'{a}ln\'{\i} zpracov\'{a}n\'{\i} sn\'{\i}mk\accent23u z videomagnefonu}, author = {Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1645}, ident = {UTIA-B 900026} ) @TechReport(Suk:900114, title = {{R}ekonstrukce barev ve sn\'{\i}mc\'{\i}ch z\'{\i}skan\'{y}ch digitalizac\'{\i} televizn\'{\i}ho sign\'{a}lu v soustav\v{e} {P}{A}{L}}, author = {Suk, T.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1669}, ident = {UTIA-B 900114} ) @TechReport(Seb:910148, title = {{A}n {A}lgorithm for {S}pectral {F}actorization of {P}olynomial {M}atrices with any {S}ignature}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M.}, institution = {University of Twente}, address = {Enschede}, year = {1990}, number = {912}, ident = {UTIA-B 910148} ) @InProceedings(Seb:910149, title = {2-{D} {K}alman-{B}ucy {F}iltering {P}roblem: 2-{D} {P}olynomial {A}pproach}, author = {{\v{S}}ebek, M.}, booktitle = {Preprints of the Genova Conference on New Trends in Control Theory}, publisher = {University of Genova}, address = {Genova}, month = {July}, year = {1990}, pages = {-}, ident = {UTIA-B 910149} ) @TechReport(Sin:900072, title = {{A}lgebraick\'{e} a geometrick\'{e} vlastnosti p\'{a}rov\'{y}ch \v{c}\'{\i}sel}, author = {{\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1659}, ident = {UTIA-B 900072} ) @TechReport(Sin:900073, title = {{T}eorie m\v{e}\v{r}en\'{\i} a gnostick\'{a} teorie dat}, author = {{\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1658}, ident = {UTIA-B 900073} ) @TechReport(Sin:900100, title = {{R}ozli\v{s}itelnost pravd\v{e}podobnostn\'{\i}ch model\accent23u z pohledu kolmogorovsk\'{e} slo\v{z}itosti}, author = {{\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1662}, ident = {UTIA-B 900100} ) @TechReport(Sin:900115, title = {{O} pseudon\'{a}hodn\'{y}ch gener\'{a}torech vych\'{a}zej\'{\i}c\'{\i}ch z {K}olmogorovsk\'{e}ho p\v{r}\'{\i}stupu ke slo\v{z}itosti}, author = {{\v{S}}indel{\'{a}}{\v{r}}, J.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1666}, ident = {UTIA-B 900115} ) @TechReport(Sla:900193, title = {{P}ropojen\'{\i} po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}e {P}{C}-{X}{T}/{A}{T} s hybridn\'{\i}m analogov\'{y}m po\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}em {M}{E}{D}{A} 43 {H}{A}}, author = {{\v{S}}lambor, Z.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1693}, ident = {UTIA-B 900193} ) @Article(Smu:910050, title = {{S}lu\v{s}n\'{y} virus}, author = {{\v{S}}muk, K.}, journal = {Computer World}, year = {1990}, number = {12}, volume = {1}, pages = {2}, ident = {UTIA-B 910050} ) @InProceedings(Smu:910069, title = {{P}\v{r}evod z\'{a}kladn\'{\i}ho fondu knihovny do datab\'{a}ze {I}{S}{I}{S}}, author = {{\v{S}}muk, K.}, booktitle = {ISIS User Club '90}, publisher = {N{\'{a}}rodn{\'{\i}} knihovna}, address = {Praha}, month = {November}, year = {1990}, pages = {53-59}, ident = {UTIA-B 910069} ) @InProceedings(SpiVos:900097, title = {{A} {S}tatistical {A}nalysis by {S}{T}{A}{D}{I}{A} - {P}{C}}, author = {{\v{S}}pit{\'{a}}lsk{\'{y}}, J. and Vo{\v{s}}vrda, M.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} zimn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}SMF ROBUST '90}, publisher = {Jednota {\v{c}}eskosl. matematik{\accent23u} a fyzik{\accent23u}}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {149-151}, ident = {UTIA-B 900097} ) @InProceedings(Ste:900092, title = {{P}ou\v{z}it\'{\i} {K}\"{o}rnerovy modifikovan\'{e} dvouhodnotov\'{e} logiky v \'{u}loh\'{a}ch technick\'{e} kybernetiky}, author = {{\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, booktitle = {LOGICA '89}, publisher = {{\'{U}}stav pro filozofii a sociologii {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {91-105}, ident = {UTIA-B 900092} ) @Article(Ste:900103, title = {{T}he {U}ncertainty {P}roblem in {C}ontrol {T}heory. {P}art {I}. {M}odels of {T}heories}, author = {{\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {26}, pages = {31-46}, ident = {UTIA-B 900103} ) @Article(Ste:900104, title = {{T}he {U}ncertainty {P}roblem in {C}ontrol {T}heory. {P}art {I}{I}. {T}he {I}nternally {R}obust {P}rocedures}, author = {{\v{S}}t{\v{e}}p{\'{a}}n, J.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {122-133}, ident = {UTIA-B 900104} ) @InProceedings(Tic:900218, title = {{O}dhad skryt\'{y}ch periodicit metodami autoregresn\'{\i}ho modelov\'{a}n\'{\i}}, author = {Tichavsk{\'{y}}, P.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} zimn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}SMF ROBUST 90}, editor = {Antoch, J.}, publisher = {J{\v{C}}MF}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {152-154}, ident = {UTIA-B 900218} ) @InProceedings(Tuz:900165, title = {{M}etoda pro v\'{y}po\v{c}et \v{r}\'{\i}zen\'{\i} vlaku s minim\'{a}ln\'{\i} spot\v{r}ebou energie}, author = {Tuzar, A.}, booktitle = {Optimaliza{\v{c}}n{\'{e}} met{\'{o}}dy v doprave a spojoch}, publisher = {Dom techniky ZSVTS}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {18-23}, ident = {UTIA-B 900165} ) @TechReport(Ull:900175, title = {{N}\'{a}hodn\'{e} booleovsk\'{e} funkce a jejich pou\v{z}it\'{\i}}, author = {Ullrich, M.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1689}, ident = {UTIA-B 900175} ) @Article(Vaj:910045, title = {{D}istances and {D}iscrimination {R}ates for {S}tochastic {P}rocesses}, author = {Vajda, I.}, journal = {Stochastic Processes and their Applications}, year = {1990}, number = {1}, volume = {35}, pages = {47-57}, ident = {UTIA-B 910045} ) @Article(Vaj:910046, title = {{G}eneralization of {D}iscrimination-{R}ate {T}heorems of {C}hernoff and {S}tein}, author = {Vajda, I.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {4}, volume = {26}, pages = {273-288}, ident = {UTIA-B 910046} ) @InProceedings(Vaj:910223, title = {{T}eorie informace a teleinformatika}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Projektov{\'{a}}n{\'{\i}} a provoz syst{\'{e}}m{\accent23u} teleinformatiky}, editor = {P{\v{r}}ibyl, J.}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Brno}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {170-175}, ident = {UTIA-B 910223} ) @InProceedings(Vaj:910239, title = {{A}symptotic {R}\'{e}nyi {D}istances}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Mathematische Stochastik}, editor = {F{\"{o}}llmer, H.}, publisher = {Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut}, address = {Oberwolfach}, month = {March}, year = {1990}, pages = {19}, ident = {UTIA-B 910239} ) @InCollection(Vaj:930163, title = {{R}\'{e}nyi {D}istances of {S}ome {D}iffusion {P}rocesses}, author = {Vajda, I.}, booktitle = {Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics}, chapter= {2}, editor = {Statulevi{\v{c}}ius, V.}, publisher = {Mokslas}, address = {Vilnius}, year = {1990}, pages = {529-534}, ident = {UTIA-B 930163} ) @InProceedings(VajPri:910224, title = {{E}rror {S}tatistics in {D}ata {N}etworks}, author = {Vajda, I. and P{\v{r}}ibyl, J.}, booktitle = {Transactions of COMNET '90}, publisher = {J.von Neumann}, address = {Budapest}, month = {June}, year = {1990}, pages = {95-104}, ident = {UTIA-B 910224} ) @InCollection(VajPri:910225, title = {{E}rror {S}tatistics in {D}ata {N}etworks}, author = {Vajda, I. and P{\v{r}}ibyl, J.}, booktitle = {Computer Networking}, editor = {Csaba, L.}, publisher = {North-Holland}, address = {Amsterdam}, year = {1990}, pages = {145-153}, ident = {UTIA-B 910225} ) @TechReport(Val:900085, title = {{O}chrana dat v pam\v{e}ti mikropo\v{c}\'{\i}ta\v{c}e. {\'{U}}vodn\'{\i} studie}, author = {Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1651}, ident = {UTIA-B 900085} ) @TechReport(Val:900201, title = {{M}o\v{z}nosti vyu\v{z}it\'{\i} {M}{C}{S}-96 (\'{u}vodn\'{\i} studie)}, author = {Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1701}, ident = {UTIA-B 900201} ) @Article(Val:910204, title = {Review of {M}icroprocessors for {E}ngineers: {I}nterfacing for {R}eal-time by {P}radip {K}umar {S}inha}, author = {Val{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ek, P.}, journal = {Automatica}, year = {1990}, number = {2}, volume = {26}, pages = {441}, ident = {UTIA-B 910204} ) @Book(Van:910226, title = {Teorie {\v{r}}{\'{\i}}zen{\'{y}}ch soustav}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A.}, publisher = {Academia}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 910226} ) @PhDThesis(Van:961020, title = {Sjednocen{\'{\i}} anal{\'{y}}zy a synt{\'{e}}zy regulovan{\'{y}}ch soustav. Doktorsk{\'{a}} diserta{\v{c}}n{\'{\i}} pr{\'{a}}ce}, author = {Van{\v{e}}{\v{c}}ek, A.}, school = {{\'{U}}TIA AV {\v{C}}R}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 961020} ) @TechReport(Vis:900006, title = {{A}daptive estimation in linear regression model}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1642}, ident = {UTIA-B 900006} ) @TechReport(Vis:900063, title = {{A}daptive maximum-likelihood-like estimation in linear model}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1654}, ident = {UTIA-B 900063} ) @InProceedings(Vis:900163, title = {{W}hat is adaptivity of regression analysis intended for?}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {Sborn{\'{\i}}k prac{\'{\i}} zimn{\'{\i}} {\v{s}}koly J{\v{C}}SMF ROBUST '90}, publisher = {Jednota {\v{c}}eskosl. matematik{\accent23u} a fyzik{\accent23u}}, address = {Praha}, month = {January}, year = {1990}, pages = {160-181}, ident = {UTIA-B 900163} ) @InProceedings(Vis:900164, title = {{R}obustn\'{\i} regresn\'{\i} anal\'{y}za}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, booktitle = {AIP ve v{\'{y}}voji technologie pro automatizovanou v{\'{y}}robu}, publisher = {D{\accent23u}m techniky {\v{C}}SVTS}, address = {Pardubice}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, ident = {UTIA-B 900164} ) @TechReport(Vis:900202, title = {{E}mpirical {S}tudy of {E}stimators of {C}oefficients of {L}inear {R}egression {M}odel}, author = {V{\'{\i}}{\v{s}}ek, J. {\'{A}}.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1699}, ident = {UTIA-B 900202} ) @TechReport(Vol:900003, title = {{N}eparametrick\'{a} verze modelu regrese s proporcion\'{a}ln\'{\i} intenzitou. {Z}ku\v{s}enosti s identifikac\'{\i} modelu a s aplikac\'{\i} na anal\'{y}zu p\v{r}e\v{z}\'{\i}v\'{a}n\'{\i}}, author = {Volf, P.}, institution = {{\'{U}}TIA {\v{C}}SAV}, address = {Praha}, year = {1990}, number = {1641}, ident = {UTIA-B 900003} ) @Article(Vol:900194, title = {{A} {L}arge {S}ample {S}tudy of {N}onparametric {P}roportional {H}azard {R}egression {M}odel}, author = {Volf, P.}, journal = {Kybernetika}, year = {1990}, number = {5}, volume = {26}, pages = {404-414}, ident = {UTIA-B 900194} ) @InProceedings(Vol:910167, title = {{A} {N}onparametric {E}stimator of {R}egression {C}urve from {C}ensored {D}ata}, author = {Volf, P.}, booktitle = {Vsemirnyj kongress ob{\v{s}}{\v{c}}estva matemati{\v{c}}eskoj statistiky i teorii verojatnostej im. Bernulli}, editor = {Prochorov, Y. V.}, publisher = {Matemati{\v{c}}eskij institut Steklova}, address = {Moskva}, month = {September}, year = {1990}, pages = {428-431}, ident = {UTIA-B 910167} ) @InProceedings(Zaw:900123, title = {{S}{I}{M}{O}{N}{E} - {S}oftware pro modelov\'{a}n\'{\i} potrubn\'{\i}ch s\'{\i}t\'{\i} pro p\v{r}epravu plynu}, author = {Z{\'{a}}worka, J.}, booktitle = {ASRTP '90. Zborn{\'{\i}}k predn{\'{a}}{\v{s}}ok z 9.celo{\v{s}}t{\'{a}}tnej konferencie}, publisher = {{\v{C}}SVTS pri {\'{U}}stave racionaliz{\'{a}}cie priemyslu}, address = {{\v{Z}}ilina}, month = {May}, year = {1990}, pages = {61-71}, ident = {UTIA-B 900123} ) @Article(ZawSch:900144, title = {{S}{I}{M}{O}{N}{E} - {E}in {S}imulations-{W}erkzeug f\"{u}r {G}as-{T}ransport und {V}erteilung}, author = {Z{\'{a}}worka, J. and Scheerer, H.}, journal = {GWF Gas - Erdgas}, year = {1990}, number = {7}, volume = {131}, pages = {304-308}, ident = {UTIA-B 900144} )