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Astronomical Institute

Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

Václav Bumba

Solar Physics

Research Fields: Solar magnetic and velocity fields global, as well as local, dynamics of their changes in relation to various solar global and local activity phenomena and their geoactivity. Author or co-author of more than 380 scientific papers, co-author of the Atlas of Solar Magnetic Fields, Carnegie Institute of Washington, Publ. No 626, Washington 1967. Prizes of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences (1953, 1967), Czechoslovak State Prize (1961). Medals of various scientific institutions home and abroad. 1949 graduated from Charles University, Prague, 1950 RNDr. degree from Charles University. 1955-1958 PhD study at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, 1960 PhD from State Univ. Moscow, 1964 Mt. Wilson and Palomar Observatories (UNESCO and Carnegie Institute Scholarships), Pasadena, 1967 DrSc. degree from State Univ. Moscow, 1975 Corresponding member ČSAV. Since 1948 at the Astronomical Institute (State Observatory), 1970-1987 Deputy Chief and head of the Solar Department, 1968-1975 Deputy Director, 1975-1990 Director of the Institute.