Publication list
List of published articles, conference papers, book chapters, etc.
journal articles
M Palus and M Vejmelka. Directionality of coupling from bivariate time series: How to avoid false causalities and missed connections, Physical Review E 75 (5): Art. No. 056211 Part 2 MAY 2007 [preprint]
K Hlavackova-Schindler, M Palus, M Vejmelka and J Bhattachary. Causality detection based on information-theoretic approaches in time series analysis, Physics Reports - Review Section of Physics Letters 441 (1): 1-46 MAR 2007. [preprint]
M Vejmelka, P Musilek, M Palus, E Pelikan. K-Means for periodic attributes. International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence. In Press. [preprint]M Vejmelka, M. Palus. Detecting nonlinear oscillations in broadband signals, Chaos 19: 015114 MAR 2009. [preprint]
book chapters
M Vejmelka, I Fründ and A. Pillai. Traversing Scales: Large Scale Simulation of the Cat Cortex Using Single Neuron Models. Lectures in Supercomputational Neuroscience: Dynamics in Complex Brain Networks. Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 2008 - (Graben, P.; Zhou, C.; Thiel, M.; Kurths, J.) S. 331-342. ISBN 978-3-540-73158-0. - (Understanding Complex Systems) Springer
presentations and conference papers
M Vejmelka and K Schindler-Hlavackova, Mutual Information Estimation in Higher Dimensions: A Speed-Up of a k-Nearest Neighbor Based Estimator, In Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms: 8th International Conference, ICANNGA 2007, Warsaw, Poland, LNCS 4431, p. 790
M Vejmelka, Causality estimation from bivariate time series, [presentation], HPC-Europa Transnational Access Meeting 2007, Bologna, Italy