Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR, v.v.i.
ICPF - Environmental Process Engineering Laboratory

Environmental Process Engineering Laboratory

See also Group of environmental organic chemistry and photochemistry

See also Environmental Process Engineering Laboratory

See also Annual Report 2008 of the Laboratory which includes research projects, international cooperations, visitors&visits, teaching activities, and list of papers.


Head: Miroslav Puncochar
Deputy: Vladimir Cirkva

Research staff: Vaclav Gruber, Miloslav Hartman, Karel Svoboda, Michal Syc, Otakar Trnka, Leona Vlkova, Martin Vosecky
Part time: Eva Fiserova, Milan Hajek, Michal Jeremias, Vladimir Pekarek, Sergej Skoblia, Vratislav Tydlitat, Vaclav Vesely, Marketa Zychova

Technical staff: Pavel Beer, Jaroslav Brustmann, Jan Mikolas, Vladimir Pomykac

PhD students: Petra Kamenikova, Michael Pohorely, Stanislav Relich, Jiri Sobek

Fields of research

Applied research

Running research projects

NEW - Immobilization of heavy metals in municipal waste incinerator materials
(M. Puncochar, joint project with CTU, supported by MEYS grant No. 7F09018, 2009-6/2010 [6427] )

Simultaneous cooling at microwave heating - a new method in heterogeneous catalysis
(M. Hajek, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/08/0416, 2008-2010 [6325] ) - Report 2008

New technologies for recovery of precious and special metals from electrical and electrotechnical wastes
(V. Gruber, joint project with SAFINA, supported by MIT, IMPULS project No. FI-IMS/075, 5/2008-2010 [6425] ) - Report 2008

Waste as raw material and energy source
(M. Puncochar, joint project with Brno University of Technology, and EVECO Brno, supported by MEYS, project No. 2B08048, 3/2008-2011 [6426] ) - Report 2008

Fluidization and decontamination of organic-polluted solids in fluid-bed reactor
(M. Hartman, supported by ASCR, grant No. IAA400720701, 2007-2011 [6121] ) - Report 2008

Near zero emission advanced fluidised bed gasification (FLEXGAS)
(M. Puncochar, supported by Research Fund for Coal and Steel (RFCS), project No. RFCR-CT-2007-00005, 7/2007-6/2010 [6002]) - Report 2008

Emission factors of POPs and heavy metals from small sources
(V. Pekarek, joint project with TU Ostrava, and Institute of Health Ostrava, supported by MEYS, project No. SP/1A2/116/07, 8/2007-2010 [6424] ) - Report 2008

Research of the production of hydrogen and syntesis gases by gasification of waste biomass originating from the production of biofuels
(J. Hanika, V. Vesely, joint project with Research Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Usti n/L, supported by MIT, project No. 2A-2TP1/024, 7/2007-2010 [6422] ) - Report 2008

Investigation on the formation possibility of PCDD/F by synthetic reactions from their surrogates
(V. Cirkva, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/1212, 2007-2009 [6322] ) - Report 2008

Phytoextraction biomass disposal - an unresolved problem
(M. Puncochar, joint project with Czech University of Agriculture, supported by GACR, grant No. GA104/07/0977, 2007-2009 [6323] ) - Report 2008

PETELYSE-PET recycling
(V. Vesely, joint project with ICT, supported by MIT, IMPULS project No. FI-IM4/096, 9/2007-11/2009 [6423] ) - Report 2008

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