Soudek P., Petřík P., Vágner M., Tykva R., Plojhar V., Petrová Š., Vaněk T.
43 [4]:
251-261 ,
Uranium; Uptake; Radium; Mill tailings; Radiophytoremediation; Plant distribution
A geobotanical study was performed of the wild plants growing in the area of the old uranium mill tailings waste depot of a former uranium ore reprocessing factory in South Bohemia and the distribution of 226Ra in selected plants was determined. The distribution of 226Ra in contaminated soil was found to be extremely variable (from 7 to 32 Bq 226Ra g−1 of DW). The differences in plant distribution were caused by factors of disturbance, soil properties (nutrients and salt content, water supply), and successional stage. No direct relation was proved between plant species characteristics and their radioactivity content. The results showed a great range of variation in the accumulation of 226Ra by the plant species found. The highest activity of 226Ra was found in Potentilla reptans (4.09 Bq 226Ra g−1 of DW), Mentha arvensis (4.00 Bq 226Ra g−1 of DW), and Daucus carota (3.70 Bq 226Ra g−1 of DW). About half of the plant species are used as medicinal plants and some of them are accumulators of 226Ra. However, no plants suitable for phytoextraction of 226Ra contaminated substrates were discovered.
IEB authors: Petr Soudek,
Martin Vágner,
Tomáš Vaněk