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personaliaGojda M.

Doc. PhDr. Martin Gojda, CSc.

e-mail: gojdaarup.cas.cz

He specializes in landscape archaeology, aerial photography, archaeological theory and methodology, Early Medieval Ages.


Non-destructive methods of aerial photography and its uses for research, documentation and cultural heritage management of the historical landscape in Bohemia. (1994-96, GA ČR, No. 404/94/1006).

Prehistoric Settlement Patterns in Bohemia. The Potential of Non-destructive Methods in Archaeology.

Selected publications from recent years:

2005: Features, Sites and Settlement Areas in the View of Air Survey (Bohemia, 1992-2003). In: J. Burgeois – M. Meganck (eds.), Air Photography and Archaeology 2003. A Century of Information, 101-111. Gent.

2005: Krajina pravěkých Čech ve světle nedestruktivní archeologie. In: J. Hašek – R. Nekuda – M. Ruttkay eds., Ve službách archeologie 6, 29-42. Brno.

2004 (together with M. Gojda et al.): Ancient Landscape, Settlement Dynamics and Non-Destructive Archaeology. Czech Research Project 1997-2002. Praha: Academia.

2004 (together with M. Kuna et al.): Nedestruktivní archeologie / Non-Destructive Archaeology. Praha: Academia.

2003: Archaeology and Landscape Studies in Europe: Approaches and Concepts. In: J. Laszlovszky and P. Szabó (eds.), People and Nature in Historical Perspective, 35-51. Central European University – Archaeolingua: Budapest.

2002: Aerial Archaeology in Bohemia at the Turn of the Twenty First Century: Integration of Landscape Studies and Non-destructive Archaeology. In: Bewley, B. – Raczkowski, W. (eds.), Aerial Archaeology. Developing Future Practice, 68-75. Amsterdam-Berlin-Oxford-Tokyo-Washington D. C: IOS Press.

2002: Ten Years of Aerial Archaeology in Bohemia: a Jubilee Conference, AARGnews – The Newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group 25, 19-20.

2002: Archeologie v České republice: evidence a ochrana památek, průzkum krajiny, Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologii 3, 159-168.

2002: Velké pravěké ohrazení v Klech (okr. Mělník). Využití nedestruktivních metod výzkumu k poznání nového typu areálu, Archeologické rozhledy 54, 371-430.

2001 (together with T. Darvill, T) (eds.): One Land, Many Landscapes.. British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International Series 987. Oxford: Archaeopress.

2000: Archeologie krajiny. Vývoj archetypů kulturní krajiny. Academia. Praha.

2000: Letecký průzkum v archeologii. Vesmír 79/6, 337-341.

The Institute of Archaeology Prague
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