Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Antonín Otáhal

Books and chapters

  1. Janžura Martin, Otáhal Antonín, Vajda Igor: Teorie informace, Masarykův ústav vyšších studií ČVUT, (Praha 1991) (1991)

Journal articles

  1. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: Minimum entropy of error estimation for discrete random variables , IEEE Transactions on Information Theory vol.42, 4 (1996), p. 1193-1201 (1996)
  2. Otáhal Antonín: Minimum entropy of error estimate for multi-dimensional parameter and finite-state-space observations. , Kybernetika vol.31, 4 (1995), p. 331-335 (1995)
  3. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: Minimum entropy of error principle in estimation , Information Sciences vol.79, p. 123-144 (1994)
  4. Otáhal Antonín: Relative Stationary Probabilities , Kybernetika vol.29, 2 (1993), p. 144-148 (1993)
  5. Otáhal Antonín: Parameter Estimation for Nearest Neighbour Gaussian Random Fields in the Plane , Problems of Control and Information Theory vol.20, 6 (1991), p. 429-439 (1991)

Other publications

  1. Otáhal Antonín: Weight coefficients of maximum pseudo-likelihood estimators for systems of binary random variables with pair interactions , Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT'94, p. 209-214 , Eds: Pázman Andrej, Witkovský Viktor, Mathematical Institute, (Bratislava 1996) Tatra Mountains. Mathematical Publications. vol.7 , PROBASTAT'94, (Smolenice, SK, 30.05.1994-03.06.1994) (1996)
  2. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: On the structure and applications of minimum entropy of error estimation for binary random variables , Proceedings of Joint Conference on Information Sciences, p. 291-294 , Eds: Wang P., Duke University, (Pinehurst 1995) , Joint Conference on Information Sciences, (Pinehurst, US, 14.11.1994-16.11.1994) (1995)
  3. Otáhal Antonín: Finiteness and continuity of differential entropy , Asymptotic Statistics. Proceedings, p. 415-419 , Eds: Mandl P., Hušková M., PhysicaVerlag, (Heidelberg 1994) , Asymptotic Statistics /5./, (Prague, CZ, 04.09.1993-09.09.1993) (1994)
  4. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: Minimum Entropy of Error Estimation for Discrete Random Variables, University of Technology, (Lulea 1994) Research Report 94/12 (1994)
  5. Janžura Martin, Otáhal Antonín: Náhodná pole a jejich aplikace , ROBUST 94. Sborník prací zimní školy JČMF, p. 32-43 , Eds: Antoch J., Dohnal G., JČMF, (Praha 1994) , ROBUST '94, (Malenovice, CZ, 17.01.1994-21.01.1994) (1994)
  6. Otáhal Antonín: Finite Relative Stationary Random Sequences , Second European Congress on Systems Science, p. 915-918, Afcet, (Paris 1993) , European Congress on Systems Science /2./, (Prague, CZ, 05.10.1993-08.10.1993) (1993)
  7. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: Minimum Entropy of Error Principle in Estimation: A Short Survey , Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory, p. 429-431 , Eds: Mansson L., Studentlitteratur, (Lund 1993) , International Workshop on Information Theory /6./, (Mölle, SE, 22.08.1993-27.08.1993) (1993)
  8. Otáhal Antonín: Contraction of Divergences by a Markov Kernel , Transactions of DISTANCIA '92, p. 395-397 , Eds: Joly S., Le Calve G., Université Rennes, (Rennes 1992) , DISTANCIA '92, (Rennes, FR, 22.06.1992-26.06.1992) (1992)
  9. Otáhal Antonín: Contraction of Divergences by a Markov Kernel , Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Probability and Mathematical Statistics. PROBASTAT '91, p. 344-35O , Eds: Pázman A., Volaufová J., Univerzita Komenského, (Bratislava 1992) , PROBASTAT '91 /10./, (Bratislava, CS, 26.08.1991-30.08.1991) (1992)
  10. Otáhal Antonín: Ergodic Coefficient in Non-Homogeneous Markov Chains , Transactions of the Eleventh Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions, Random Processes, p. 269-274 , Eds: Víšek J. Á., Academia, (Prague 1992) , Prague Conference on Information Theory, Statistical Decision Functions and Random Processes /11./, (Prague, CS, 27.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1992)
  11. Janžura Martin, Koski T., Otáhal Antonín: Minimum Entropy of Error Principle in Estimation, University of Technology, (Lulea 1992) Research Report 10 (1992)
  12. Otáhal Antonín: Odhad tlaku v Isingově modelu , Sborník prací zimní školy JČSMF ROBUST 90, p. 135-137 , Eds: Antoch J., JČMF, (Praha 1990) , ROBUST '90, (Liblice, CS, 08.01.1990-12.01.1990) (1990)
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