
Name Beššeová Ivana
Position Ph.D. Student

Ivana Beššeová

Ivana Beššeová

Ph.D. Student

Theoretical bioinorganic chemistry (Dr. L. Rulíšek)
Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 257

2002-2007 M.Sc. in biophysics at the Faculty of Science, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic under supervision of Doc. Jiří Šponer at the Institute of Biophysics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic.
Research interest
Theoretical (computational) studies of structure, dynamics and molecular interactions of RNA and their complexes with proteins.