Kučera Vladimír:
Algebraic design methods
The Control Handbook, p. 689-700
, Eds: Levine W. S.,
CRC Press,
(Boca Raton 1996)
Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael, Kučera Vladimír:
H2 Control Problems
Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering, p. 29-55
, Eds: Hunt K. J.,
P. Peregrinus,
(London 1993)
IEE Control Engineering Series.
Šebek Michael:
J-spectral factorisation
Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering, p. 278-307
, Eds: Hunt K. J.,
(London 1993)
IEE Control Engineering Series.
Šebek Michael:
n-D polynomial equations
Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering, p. 184-209
, Eds: Hunt K. J.,
(London 1993)
IEE Control Engineering Series.
Gawthrop P. J., Ježek Jan, Jones R. W., Sroka I.:
Grey-box Model Identification
Control Theory and Advanced Technology vol.9, 1 (1993), p. 139-158 (1993)
Kučera Vladimír:
Deadbeat Response is l_2 Optimal
Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing
, Eds: Briffa Johann A., Tabus Ioan,
The 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control and Signal Processing,
(St. Julians, ML, 12.03.2008-14.03.2008) (2008)
Kujan Petr, Hromčík M., Šebek M.:
Single-Phase Optimal Odd PWM Problem
Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
The 34th Annual Conference of the IEEEE Industrial Electronics Society,
(Orlando, US, 10.12.2008-13.12.2008) (2008)
Kučera Vladimír:
Author's Reply
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control vol.52, 4 (2007), p. 763-763 (2007)
Moog C.H., Zikmund Jiří, Čelikovský S.:
Equivalence of Mechanical Systems
Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control,
SSSC 2007,
(Foz do Iguassu, BR, 17.10.2007-19.10.2007) (2007)
Zikmund Jiří, Čelikovský Sergej, Moog C.H.:
Nonlinear Control Design for the Acrobot
Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control,
(Foz do Iguassu, BR, 17.10.2007-19.10.2007) (2007)
Čelikovský Sergej, Lynnyk Volodymyr, Šebek M.:
Anti-synchronization chaos shift keying method based on generalized Lorenz system
Proceedings of the 1st IFAC Conference on Analysis and Control of Chaotic Systems. CHAOS '06, p. 333-338
, Eds: Djemai M., Kang W., Manamanni N.,
(Reims, FR, 28.06.2006-30.06.2006) (2006)
Řezáč M., Holub O., Augusta Petr, Hurák Z.:
Graphical user interface for filter design in frequency domain
Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2006, p. 118-118
, Eds: Taufer I., Dušek F., Honc D.,
Process Control 2006,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 13.06.2006-16.06.2006) (2006)
Ferkl Lukáš, Meinsma G., Sládek O.:
Static controller for ventilation of highway tunnels
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, p. 315-315
, Eds: Broch E., Rogers Ch., Sterling R.,
AITES-ITA 2006 World Tunnel Congres and ITA General Assembly /32./,
(Seoul, KR, 22.04.2006-27.04.2006) (2006)
Ferkl Lukáš, Meinsma G., Sládek O.:
Static Controller for Ventilation of Highway Tunnels
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, p. 1-7
, Eds: Lee M., Yoo Ch., You K.H.,
AITES-ITA 2006 World Tunnel Congres and ITA General Assembly /32./,
(Seoul, KR, 22.04.2006-27.04.2006) (2006)
Zikmund Jiří, Moog C. H.:
The structure of 2-bodies mechanical systems
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 6494-6499,
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /45th/,
(The Manchester Grand Hyatt, San Diego, US, 13.12.2006-15.12.2006) (2006)
Ferkl Lukáš, Sládek O., Pořízek J.:
Tunnel ventilation simulation of the City Ring in Prague
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, p. 1-6
, Eds: Lee M., Yoo Ch., You K.H.,
AITES-ITA 2006 World Tunnel Congres and ITA General Assembly /32./,
(Seoul, KR, 22.04.2006-27.04.2006) (2006)
Ferkl Lukáš, Sládek O., Pořízek J.:
Tunnel ventilation simulation of the City Ring in Prague
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology. Incorporating Trenchless Technology Research, p. 443-443
, Eds: Broch E., Rogers Ch., Sterling R.,
AITES-ITA 2006 World Tunnel Congres and ITA General Assembly /32./,
(Seoul, KR, 22.04.2006-27.04.2006) (2006)
Řezáč M., Holub O., Augusta Petr, Hurák Z.:
Uživatelské rozhraní pro návrh frekvenčních filtrů
Proceedings of the 7th International Scientific - Technical Conference. Process Control 2006, p. 1-5
, Eds: Taufer I., Dušek F., Honc D.,
Process Control 2006,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 13.06.2006-16.06.2006) (2006)
Hromčík Martin, Hurák Zdeněk, Frízel R., Šebek M.:
Banded matrix solvers and polynomial Diophantine equations
Proceedings of the Technical Computing Prague 2005 Conference, p. 151-159
, Eds: Procházka A.,
(Praha 2005)
International Conference Technical Computing Prague 2005,
(Praha, CZ, 15.11.2005) (2005)
Holub O., Augusta Petr, Roubal J., Hurák Z.:
Detekce prokluzu kola a odhad rychlosti kolejového vozidla s užitím Kalmanova filtru
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Process Control 2005, p. 1311-1315,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2005)
Process Control 2005,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Rehák B., Orozco-Mora J., Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J.:
Femlab-based output regulation of nonhyperbolically nonminimum phase system and its real-time impementation
Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6
, Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P.,
(Prague 2005)
IFAC World Congress /16./,
(Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.08.2005) (2005)
Ferkl Lukáš, Meinsma G., Kurka L.:
Finding optimal control for highway tunnels
International Symposium on Design, Construsciton and Operation of Long Tunnels, p. 1199-1209
, Eds: Laiw J.-Ch., Chen Ch.-N.,
International Symposium on Design, Construsciton and Operation of Long Tunnels,
(Taipei, TW, 07.11.2005-10.11.2005) (2005)
Velasco L.E. Ramos, Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V., Morales V. L.:
Generalized output regulation problem for a class of nonlinear systems using error feedback
American Control Conference 2005, p. 1325-1330,
(Portland 2005)
American Control Conference 2005,
(Portland, US, 08.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Pořízek J., Ferkl Lukáš, Kurka L., Sládek O.:
Highway tunnel model - simulation analysis
Tunel Design and System Engineering 2005 Preprints, p. 1-6,
Tunnel Designe and System Engineering,
(Basel, CH, 12.09.2005-13.09.2005) (2005)
Kujan Petr, Hromčík M., Šebek Michael:
On computing determinants of large sylvester type matrices
Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6
, Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P.,
(Prague 2005)
IFAC World Congress /16./,
(Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.07.2005) (2005)
Augusta Petr, Hurák Z.:
Polmat: MuPAD library for polynomial matrices
Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Process Control 2005, p. 951-956,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2005)
Process Control 2005 /15./,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Augusta Petr, Hurák Z.:
Polmat: MuPAD library for polynomial matrices. Abstract
Summaries Volume 15th International Conference on Process Control '05, p. 45,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2005)
Process Control 2005 /15./,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Kučera Vladimír:
The H_2 control problem for descriptor systems
Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6
, Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P.,
(Prague 2005)
IFAC World Congress /16./,
(Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.07.2005) (2005)
Holub 0., Augusta Petr, Roubal J., Hurák Z.:
Tire spinning detection and vehicle velocity estimation using Kalman filter. Abstrakt
Summaries Volume 15th International Conference on Process Control '05, p. 226,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2005)
Process Control 2005 /15./,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 07.06.2005-10.06.2005) (2005)
Espejel-Rivera A., Ramos-Velasco L. E., Čelikovský Sergej:
Visual servoing for an underactuated manipulator
Preprints of the 16th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, p. 1-6
, Eds: Horáček P., Šimandl M., Zítek P.,
(Prague 2005)
IFAC World Congress /16./,
(Prague, CZ, 03.07.2005-08.07.2005) (2005)
Kujan Petr, Hromčík M., Šebek Michael:
Web-based MATHEMATICA platform for systems and control education
Proceedings of the 13th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p. 376-381,
(Limassol 2005)
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation /13./,
(Limassol, GR, 27.06.2005-29.06.2005) (2005)
Zuniga J. C., Henrion Didier:
Block Toeplitz methods in polynomial matrix computations
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-7
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Henrion Didier, Tarbouriech S., Kučera V.:
Control of linear systems subject to time-domain constraints with polynomial pole placement and LMIs
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-12
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Sládek O., Kurka L., Ferkl L., Pořízek J., Šebek Michael:
Dynamicka simulace chování vzduchotechniky tunelu Blanka
Proceedings of the MATLAB 2004 Conference, p. 530-535,
MATLAB 2004,
(Praha, CZ, 04.11.2004) (2004)
Kujan P., Hromčík Martin, Šebek M., Karampetakis N. P., Antoniou E. N., Vologiannidis S.:
Effective computations with 2-variable polynomial matrices in MATHEMATICA
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Medeterranean Conferences on Control and Automation, p. 1-5,
IEEE Medeterranean Conferences on Control and Automation /12./,
(Kusadasi, TR, 06.06.2004-09.06.2004) (2004)
Ježek Jan, Zezula P.:
Factorization of 2-D polynomials
Proceedings of the 6th International Scientific -Technical Conference. Process Control 2004, p. 1-12
, Eds: Krejčí S., Taufer I.,
Process Control 2004 - ŘÍP 2004 /6./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 08.06.2004-11.06.2004) (2004)
Lidinský J., Hromčík M., Šebek Michael:
Numerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational Bezout identity
Preprints of the 2nd Symposium on System, Structures and Control, p. 395-399,
(Oaxaca 2004)
IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control /2./,
(Oaxaca, MX, 08.12.2004-10.12.2004) (2004)
Hromčík M., Lidinský J., Šebek Michael:
Numerical properties of a polynomial algorithm for solving scalar rational Bezout identity. Abstract
Book of Abstracts of the 2nd IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control, p. 48-49,
(Oaxaca 2004)
IFAC Symposium on System, Structure and Control /2./,
(Oaxaca, MX, 08.12.2004-10.12.2004) (2004)
Henrion D., Kučera Vladimír, Cristobal A. M.:
Optimizing simultaneously over the numerator and denominator polynomials in the Youla-Kučera parametrization
Proceedings of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2177-2181,
IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Bahamy 2004)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /43./,
(Bahamy, BS, 14.12.2004-17.12.2004) (2004)
Henrion Didier, Šebek M.:
Overcoming non-convexity in polynomial robust control design
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-8
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Henrion Didier, Hansson A., Wallin R.:
Reduced LMIs for fixed-order polynomial controller design
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-12
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Ježek Jan, Zezula P.:
Symmetric factorization algorithm for 2-D control problems
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-10
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Kučera Vladimír:
The H_2 control problem with internal stability
Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design, p. 1-8,
(Taiwan 2004)
IEEE Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design,
(Taipei, US, 04.09.2004-09.09.2004) (2004)
Ježek Jan, Zezula Pavel:
2-D Fourier transforms for systems and control theory
Proceedings of the 16th International Symposium on Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, p. 1-8
, Eds: de Moor B., Motmans B., Willems J.,
MTNS 2004 /16./,
(Leuven, BE, 05.07.2004-09.07.2004) (2004)
Hromčík Martin, Hurák Zdeněk, Šebek M.:
Polynomial matrix fractions as models of linear systems: Theory and software tools
Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2003 Conference, p. 101-111,
TU Vienna,
(Vienna 2003)
MATHMOD Conference /3./,
(Vienna, AT, 05.02.2003-07.02.2003) (2003)
Henrion Didier, Šebek M., Kučera V.:
Robust pole placement for second-order systems: an LMI approach
Proceedings of the 4th IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design, p. 1-6,
(Milano 2003)
IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design /4./,
(Milano, IT, 25.06.2003-27.06.2003) (2003)
Henrion Didier, Lasserre J. B.:
Solving global optimization problems over polynomials with GloptiPoly 2.1
Global Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction, p. 43-58
, Eds: Goos G., Bliek Ch., Jermann Ch., Neumaier A.,
International Workshop on Global Constraint Optimization and Constraint Satisfaction. COCOS 2002 /1./,
(Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis, FR, 22.10.2002-25.10.2002) (2003)
Henrion Didier:
IEEE Control Systems Magazine vol.23, 2 (2003), p. 79-80 (2003)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Čelikovský Sergej, Kučera V., Ruiz-León J. J.:
Almost output regulation of a class of nonlinear systems with nonautonomous exosystem
Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automatico 2002, p. 1-7,
(Guadalajara 2002)
Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automatico 2002,
(Guadalajara, MX, 04.12.2002-06.12.2002) (2002)
Henrion Didier, Šebek M., Kučera V.:
An algorithm for static output feedback simultaneous stabilization of scalar plants
Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC
, Eds: Camacho E. F., Basanez L., de la Puente J. A.,
(Oxford 2002)
Triennial World Congress of the IFAC /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 21.07.2002-26.07.2002) (2002)
Fernández-Anaya G., Martínez-García J. C., Kučera Vladimír:
H infinity robustness properties preservation in MIMO systems when applying SPR substitutions
Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático
, Eds: Kelly R., Castillo B., Álvarez J.,
(Guadalajara 2002)
Congreso Latinoamericano de Control Automático,
(Guadalajara, MX, 04.12.2002-06.12.2002) (2002)
Čelikovský Sergej, Chen G.:
Hyperbolic-type generalized Lorenz system and its canonical form
Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC
, Eds: Camacho E. F., Basanez L., de la Puente J. A.,
(Oxford 2002)
Triennial World Congress of the IFAC /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 21.07.2002-26.07.2002) (2002)
Zezula P., Ježek Jan, Šebek M.:
Implementation of polynomial algebra via spectra
Preprints of IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design,
(Glasgow 2002)
IEEE CCA /11./ and IEEE CACSD'02 /13./,
(Glasgow, GB, 09.06.2002-12.06.2002) (2002)
Zezula P., Ježek Jan, Šebek M.:
Implementation of polynomial algebra via spectra. Abstract
IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and Computer Aided Control Systems Design. Abstracts, p. 78,
(Glasgow 2002)
IEEE CCA /11./ and IEEE CACSD'02 /13./,
(Glasgow, GB, 18.09.2002-20.09.2002) (2002)
Hromčík M., Ježek Jan, Šebek M., Hurák Z.:
Polynomial spectral factorization with complex coefficients
Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC
, Eds: Camacho E. F., Basanez L., de la Puente J. A.,
(Oxford 2002)
Triennial World Congress of the IFAC /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 21.07.2002-26.07.2002) (2002)
Henrion Didier, Arzelier D., Peaucelle D.:
Positive polynomial matrices and improved LMI robustness conditions
Preprints of the 15th Triennial World Congress of the IFAC
, Eds: Camacho E. F., Basanez L., de la Puente J. A.,
(Oxford 2002)
Trienial World Congress of the IFAC /15./,
(Barcelona, ES, 21.07.2002-26.07.2002) (2002)
Zezula Pavel, Ježek Jan:
Solving of LTI electrical circuits via polynomial toolbox. Abstract
Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific - Technical Conference Process Control 2002. Abstracts, p. 247,
Univerzita Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2002)
Process Control˙2002 - Říp 2002 /5./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 09.06.2002-12.06.2002) (2002)
Loukianov A., Canedo J. M., Serrano O., Utkin V. I., Čelikovský Sergej:
Adaptive sliding mode block control of induction motors
Proceedings of the American Control Conference 2001, p. 149-154,
American Automatic Control Council,
(Arlington 2001)
American Control Conference 2001,
(Arlington, US, 25.06.2001-27.06.2001) (2001)
Söderström T., Šebek M., Ježek Jan, Kučera V., Henrion Didier:
An evaluation of algorithms for computing the covariance function of a multivariable ARMA process
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001,
(Porto 2001)
European Control Conference. ECC 2001,
(Porto, PT, 04.09.2001-07.09.2001) (2001)
Ruiz J., Zuniga J. C., Henrion Didier:
Computation of the interactor of a linear multivariable system
Proceedings of the International Conference on Control and Applications. IASTED 2001, p. 1-4,
(Banff 2001)
International Conference on Control and Applications. IASTED 2001,
(Banff, CA, 27.06.2001-29.06.2001) (2001)
Ruiz-León J. J., Sapiens A. J., Čelikovský Sergej, Torres-Munoz J. A.:
Decoupling with stability: Application to the real time control of the water storing plant
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, p. 249-253
, Eds: Hamza E. D.,
(Banff 2001)
IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications,
(Banff, CA, 27.06.2001-29.06.2001) (2001)
Henrion Didier, Peaucelle D., Arzelier D., Šebek M.:
Ellipsoidal aproximation of the stability domain of polynomial
Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001, p. 384-389,
(Porto 2001)
European Control Conference. ECC 2001,
(Porto, PT, 04.09.2001-07.09.2001) (2001)
Henrion Didier:
Linear matrix inequalities for robust strictly positive real design
Proceedings of the Workshop on Electronics, Control, Modelling, Measurement and Signals, p. 1-11,
(Toulouse 2001)
Workshop on Electronics, Control, Modelling, Measurement and Signals,
(Toulouse, FR, 30.05.2001-01.06.2001) (2001)
Xia X., Márquez-Martínez L., Zagalak Petr, Moog C.:
Modules over non-commutative rings for an analysis of control systems
Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control,
(Prague 2001)
IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 29.08.2001-31.08.2001) (2001)
Ježek Jan, Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael:
New algorithm for spectral factorization and its application in signal processing
Proceedings of the 5th International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2001, p. 127-128
, Eds: Hazdra P., Lhotská L.,
(Praha 2001)
International Student Conference on Electrical Engineering POSTER 2001 /5./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.2001) (2001)
Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz J., Torres J., Sapiens A.:
Nonlinear techniques for the real-time control of water storing plant
Memoria Electro 2001, p. 159-164,
Instituto Technologico,
(Chihuaha 2001)
Congreso internacional academico de ingeneria electronica /23./,
(Chihuaha, MX, 22.10.2001-26.10.2001) (2001)
Kučera Vladimír:
Pole placement and H2 control
DYCOMANS Workshop, p. 1-4,
TU Bucharest,
(Bucharest 2001)
DYCOMANS Workshop,
(Bucharest, RO, 26.09.2001-29.09.2001) (2001)
Sugimoto K., Šebek Michael, Henrion D.:
Polynomial matrices and MRACS based on QR factorization
SICE 1st Annual Conference on Control Systems, p. 539-542,
(Kyoto 2001)
Annual Conference on Control Systems. SICE /1./,
(Kyoto, JP, 23.05.2001-25.05.2001) (2001)
Henrion Didier, Kučera V.:
Polynomial matrices, LMIs and static output feedback
Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control,
(Prague 2001)
IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 29.08.2001-31.08.2001) (2001)
Hromčík M., Šebek M., Ježek Jan:
Polynomial Toolbox
Sborník příspěvků 9.ročníku konference MATLAB 2001, p. 94-102
, Eds: Procházka A., Uhlíř J.,
(Praha 2001)
MATLAB 2001 /9./,
(Praha, CZ, 11.10.2001) (2001)
Henrion Didier, Arzelier D., Peaucelle D.:
Robust stabilization of matrix polytopes with the cone complementarity linearization algorithm: Numerical issues
Proceedings of the Process Control Conference'01, p. 1-19,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 2001)
International Conference on Process Control'01 /13./,
(Štrbské Pleso, SK, 11.06.2001-14.06.2001) (2001)
Henrion Didier, Hromčík M., Šebek M.:
Some algorithms used in the Polynomial Toolbox for Matlab
Proceedings of the NICONET Workshop on Numerical Control Software in Control Engineering, p. 71-76,
(LouvainlaNeuve 2001)
NICONET Workshop 2001,
(Louvain-la-Neuve, BE, 05.01.2001-07.01.2001) (2001)
Loiseau J. J., Zagalak Petr, Mondie S.:
Some remarks on matrix completion problems
Preprints of the 1st IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control,
(Prague 2001)
IFAC/IEEE Symposium on System Structure and Control /1./,
(Prague, CZ, 29.08.2001-31.08.2001) (2001)
Sanchez E., Čelikovský Sergej, Gonzales J. M., Ramirez E.:
Wastewater treatment plant control by combining fuzzy logic and nonlinear estimation
Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, p. 236-239,
(Mexico City 2001)
IEEE International Symposium on Inteligent Control '2001,
(Mexico City, MX, 05.09.2001-07.09.2001) (2001)
Henrion D., Arzelier D., Peaucelle D., Šebek Michael:
An LMI condition for robust stability of polynomial matrix polytopes
Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
(Praha 2000)
ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Henrion Didier, Tarbouriech S., Kučera Vladimír:
Control of linear systems subject to input constraints: a polynomial approach
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, p. 1-27,
(Illinois 2000)
American Control Conference 2000,
(Illinois, US, 28.06.2000-30.06.2000) (2000)
Henrion D., Bachelier O., Šebek Michael:
D-stability of polynomial matrices
UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000. Proceedings,
University of Cambridge,
(Cambridge 2000)
UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,
(Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Henrion Didier, Bachelier O., Šebek M.:
D-stability of polynomial matrices
Proceedings of the Control 2000 Conference, p. 1-24,
Cambridge University,
(Cambridge 2000)
Control 2000 Conference UKACC,
(Cambridge, GB, 07.09.2000-11.09.2000) (2000)
Henrion D., Ruiz-León J. J., Šebek Michael:
Extraction of infinite zeros of polynomial matrices
Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 4221-4227,
(Sydney 2000)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /39./,
(Sydney, AU, 12.12.2000-15.12.2000) (2000)
Henrion D., Šebek Michael:
Improved polynomial matrix determinant computation
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000, p. 1-3
, Eds: Groumpos P., Koussoulas N., Antsaklis P.,
University of Patras,
(Patras 2000)
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000 /8./,
(Patras, GR, 17.06.2000-19.06.2000) (2000)
Henrion D., Šebek Michael:
LMIs and polynomial methods in control: Illustrative examples
Preprints of the IFAC/IEEE Symposium on Advances in Control Education. ACE 2000, p. 1-6,
(Gold Coast 2000)
IFAC/IEEE Symposium on Advances in Control Education. ACE 2000,
(Gold Coast, AU, 17.12.2000-19.12.2000) (2000)
Ramos-Velasco Luis Enrique, Ruiz-León J. J., Čelikovský Sergej:
Nonlinear regulation of a rotary inverted pendulum
UKACC International Conference on Control 2000,
(London 2000)
UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,
(Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael:
Numerical algorithms for polynomial matrices
Proceedings of the 4th Student International Conference on Electrical Engineering. POSTER 2000, p. 10-11,
(Praha 2000)
Student International Conference on Electrical Engineering. POSTER 2000 /4./,
(Praha, CZ, 25.05.2000) (2000)
Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael:
Polynomial toolbox and control education
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000, p. 1-10,
University of Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2000)
Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000 /4./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 11.06.2000-14.06.2000) (2000)
Šebek Michael, Hromčík Martin, Ježek Jan:
Polynomial toolbox 2.5 and systems with parametric uncertainties
Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design. ROCOND 2000
, Eds: Kučera V.,
(Praha 2000)
IFAC ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Prague, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Henrion D.:
Robust control with polynomial toolbox 2: Families with structured uncertainties
Proceedings of the 4th International Scientific-Technical Conference. Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000, p. 109
, Eds: Department of Process Control and Computer Techniques,
University of Pardubice,
(Pardubice 2000)
Process Control 2000. ŘÍP 2000 /4./,
(Kouty nad Desnou, CZ, 11.06.2000-14.06.2000) (2000)
Čelikovský Sergej, Villanueva-Novelo C., Castillo-Toledo B.:
Robust output regulation of nonlinear systems via generalized immersion
Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI/ISAS 2000, p. 96-101,
(Orlando 2000)
SCI/ISAS 2000,
(Orlando, US, 23.07.2000-26.07.2000) (2000)
Obregón-Pulido G., Castillo-Toledo B., Čelikovský Sergej:
Robust regulation for a class of dynamical systems
Preprints of the 3rd IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
(Praha 2000)
ROCOND 2000 /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 21.06.2000-23.06.2000) (2000)
Šebek Michael, Čelikovský Sergej, Ruiz-León J. J., Henrion D.:
Robust stability analysis via polynomial toolbox 2.5: Complicated parametric uncertainties
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, p. 149-153
, Eds: Hamza M. H.,
IASTED/Acta Press,
(Anaheim 2000)
CA '2000,
(Cancún, MX, 24.05.2000-27.05.2000) (2000)
Ježek Jan, Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael:
Spectral factorization by means of discrete Fourier transform
Proceedings of the 8th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000, p. 11-16
, Eds: Groumpos P., Koussoulas N., Antsaklis P.,
University of Patras,
(Patras 2000)
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation. MED 2000 /8./,
(Patras, GR, 17.07.2000-19.07.2000) (2000)
Henrion D., Bachelier O., Šebek Michael:
Stability of polynomial matrices. Abstract
UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000. Abstracts, p. 203,
University of Cambridge,
(Cambridge 2000)
UKACC International Conference on CONTROL 2000,
(Cambridge, GB, 04.09.2000-07.09.2000) (2000)
Henrion Didier, Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael:
Stabilization of affine polynomial families: an LMI approach
Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Aided Control, p. 1-12,
(Anchorage 2000)
IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and IEEE Internation Symposium on Computer Aided Control Systems Design 2000,
(Anchorage, US, 25.09.2000-27.09.2000) (2000)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Automatica vol.36, 2 (2000), p. 334-335 (2000)
Zagalak Petr:
Automatica vol.36, 5 (2000), p. 785-787 (2000)
Henrion D., Šebek Michael:
An algorithm for polynomial matrix factor extraction
Proceedings of the Conference on Decision and Control IEEE 1999, p. 1-17,
(Phoenix 1999)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 1999,
(Phoenix, US, 07.12.1999-10.12.1999) (1999)
Aranda-Bricaire E., Čelikovský Sergej, Navarro-Yah H. D.:
Computer algebra design of continuous stabilizers for singular triangular systems
Proceedings of the 38th Conference on Decision & Control. CDC '99, p. 1629-1634,
IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Phoenix 1999)
CDC '99 /38./,
(Phoenix, US, 07.12.1999-10.12.1999) (1999)
Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H., Henrion D., Strijbos R.:
Control design via polynomial toolbox for Matlab version 2.0
European Control Conference. ECC '99,
(Karlsruhe 1999)
European Control Conference. ECC '99,
(Karlsruhe, DE, 31.08.1999-03.09.1999) (1999)
Henrion D., Ježek Jan, Šebek Michael:
Efficient algorithms for discrete-time symmetric polynomial equations with complex coefficients
IFAC World Congress 1999. Proceedings, p. 159-164,
(Oxford 1999)
IFAC World Congress 1999 /14./,
(Beijing, CN, 05.07.1999-09.07.1999) (1999)
Kučera Vladimír:
H_2 control theory: The influence of Wiener
Wiener's Cybernetics: 50 Years of Evolution, p. 67-70
, Eds: Moreno-Diaz R., Pichler F., Ricciardi L.,
Universidad de Las Palmas,
(Las Palmas 1999)
International Conference on Wiener's Cybernetics,
(Las Palmas, ES, 08.02.1999-12.02.1999) (1999)
Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.:
Jak kvadratickým kritériem jednotlivé póly přemístit
Process Control '99. Proceedings, p. 1-5
, Eds: Mikleš J., Dvoran J., Krejčí S., Fikar M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1999)
Process Control '99 /12./,
(Tatranske Matliare, SK, 31.05.1999-03.06.1999) (1999)
Henrion D., Šebek Michael, Kučera Vladimír:
Links between robust and quadratic stability of uncertain discrete-time polynomials
Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p. 2078-2086,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technion,
(Haifa 1999)
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation /7./,
(Haifa, IL, 28.06.1999-30.06.1999) (1999)
Fikar M., Kučera Vladimír:
On stable finite length control problem
Process Control '99. Proceedings, p. 11-15
, Eds: Mikleš J., Dvoran J., Krejčí S., Fikar M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1999)
Process Control '99 /12./,
(Tatranske Matliare, SK, 31.05.1999-03.06.1999) (1999)
Hromčík Martin, Šebek Michael:
Polynomial Toolbox
Polynomial Systems Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 1st EUROPOLY Workshop, p. 131-139,
University of Strathclyde,
(Glasgow 1999)
EUROPOLY Workshop /1./,
(Glasgow, GB, 15.04.1999-16.04.1999) (1999)
Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Henrion D.:
Polynomial toolbox and state feedback control
IEEE International Conference on Control Applications and IEEE International Symposium on Computer Aided Control System Design. Proceedings, p. 380-385,
(Hawai 1999)
(Hawai, US, 22.08.1999-27.08.1999) (1999)
Kučera Vladimír, Zagalak Petr:
Proper solutions of polynomial equations
IFAC World Congress 1999. Proceedings, p. 357-362,
(Oxford 1999)
IFAC World Congress 1999 /14./,
(Beijing, CN, 05.07.1999-09.07.1999) (1999)
Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H., Henrion D., Pejchová Soňa:
Recent progress in polynomial methods and polynomial toolbox for Matlab Version 2.0
Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3661-3668,
(Tampa 1999)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /37./,
(Tampa, US, 16.12.1998-18.12.1998) (1999)
Zagalak Petr:
Some remarks on the model matching problem
International Congress of Electronic Engineering. Proceedings, p. 41-49
, Eds: Rivera J.,
Instituto Technologico,
(Chihuahua 1999)
International Congress of Electronic Engineering /21./,
(Chihuahua, MX, 25.10.1999-29.10.1999) (1999)
Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Henrion D.:
State regulation and estimation via polynomial toolbox
Polynomial Systems Theory and Applications. Proceedings of the 1st EUROPOLY Workshop, p. 7-17,
University of Strathclyde,
(Glasgow 1999)
EUROPOLY Workshop /1./,
(Glasgow, GB, 15.04.1999-16.04.1999) (1999)
Hromčík Martin:
Využití Polynomiálního Toolboxu
Sborník příspěvků 7. ročníku konference MATLAB '99, p. 66-72,
(Praha 1999)
MATLAB '99 /7./,
(Praha, CZ, 03.11.1999) (1999)
Baramov Lubomír:
(J, J
Proceedings of the 7th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, p. 67-79,
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Technion,
(Haifa 1999)
Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation /7./,
(Haifa, IL, 29.06.1999-30.06.1999) (1999)
Vaněček Antonín:
Automatica vol.35, 6 (1999), p. 1181-1182 (1999)
Torres-Munoz J. A., Zagalak Petr:
A note on model matching by state feedback
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 191-195,
(Nantes 1998)
IFAC Conference SSC'98,
(Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
Kučera Vladimír:
Deadbeat control, pole placement, and LQ regulation
Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems,
(Alghero 1998)
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /6./,
(Alghero, IT, 09.07.1998-..1998) (1998)
Kučera Vladimír:
Deadbeat control, pole placement, and LQ regulation
Theory and Practice of Control and Systems. Proceedings, p. 5-10
, Eds: Tornambe A., Conte G., Perdon A. M.,
World Scientific,
(Singapore 1998)
IEEE Mediterranean Conference on Control and Systems /6./,
(Alghero, IT, 09.06.1998-11.06.1998) (1998)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Introduction to stability of nonlinear systems
Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control, p. 119-128,
(Nantes 1998)
International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control,
(Nantes, FR, 13.07.1998-24.07.1998) (1998)
Ježek Jan:
Linear discrete time meromorphic systems
Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems: Management, Control, and Supervision. Preprints, p. 111-112,
University of Bremen,
(Bremen 1998)
Advanced Summer Institute '98. ASI'98,
(Bremen, DE, 14.06.1998-17.06.1998) (1998)
Aranda-Bricaire E., Čelikovský Sergej:
Nonsmooth stabilization of nonlinear systems
Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control, p. 129-142,
(Nantes 1998)
International Summer School Computer Aided Education in Nonlinear Control,
(Nantes, FR, 13.07.1998-24.07.1998) (1998)
Zagalak Petr, Eldem V., Özcaldiran K.:
On a special case of the Morgan problem
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 181-186,
(Nantes 1998)
IFAC Conference SSC'98,
(Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
Kučera Vladimír:
Three approaches to H2 control theory
Congresso Brasileiro de Automatica Lectures, p. 1-17
, Eds: Fernandes J. M., Ferreira A. R., Vieira J. B.,
Sociedade Brasileira de Automática,
(Uberlandia 1998)
Congresso Brasileiro de Automática /12./,
(Uberlandia, BR, 14.09.1998-18.09.1998) (1998)
Ježek Jan, Šebek Michael, Preisler Martin:
Use of delta distributions in space-time control systems
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 397-401,
(Nantes 1998)
IFAC Conference SSC'98,
(Nantes, FR, 08.07.1998-10.07.1998) (1998)
Eldem V., Özcaldiran K., Zagalak Petr:
A note on diagonal decoupling
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1425-1430,
IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Piscataway 1997)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /36./,
(San Diego, US, 10.12.1997-12.12.1997) (1997)
Henrion D., Šebek Michael:
An efficient numerical method for the discrete time symmetric matrix polynomial equation
European Control Conference
, Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M.,
(Brussels 1997)
ECC '97 /4./,
(Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
Control system design via parametrization
Computer Aided System Theory and Technology, p. 87-89
, Eds: Moreno-Díaz R., Pichler F. R.,
Universidad de Las Palmas,
(Las Palmas 1997)
EUROCAST '97 /5./,
(Las Palmas, ES, 24.02.1997-28.02.1997) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
Feedback realization of cascade compensators
Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Methods and Models in Automation and Robotics, p. 431-438
, Eds: Domek S., Emirsajlow Z., Kaszynski R.,
(Szczecin 1997)
MMAR '97 /4./,
(Miedzyzdroje, PL, 26.08.1997-29.08.1997) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
Linear systems: Transfer functions, structure, and control
Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control, p. 196-220
, Eds: Huba M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1997)
Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control,
(Bratislava, SK, 24.08.1997-06.09.1997) (1997)
Colaneri P., Kučera Vladimír:
Model matching for periodic systems
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, p. 3143-3144,
(Piscataway 1997)
ACC '97,
(Albuquerque, US, 04.06.1997-06.06.1997) (1997)
Colaneri P., Kučera Vladimír:
Model matching with stability for periodic discrete-time systems
Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems, p. 65-70
, Eds: Kozák Š., Huba M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1997)
IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems /2./,
(Smolenice, SK, 07.09.1997-10.09.1997) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
Návrh robustních regulátorů metodou umístění pólů
Zborník stretnutia katedier a ústavov kybernetiky a automatizácie SR a ČR, p. 173-185
, Eds: Sarnovský J.,
Technická univerzita,
(Košice 1997)
SKÚ '97,
(Stará Lesná, SK, 10.09.1997-12.09.1997) (1997)
Šebek Michael:
Numerical methods for polynomial matrices
Preprints of the International Summer School on Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control, p. 221-224
, Eds: Huba M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1997)
Computer Aided Education in Automation and Control,
(Bratislava, SK, 24.08.1997-06.09.1997) (1997)
Šebek Michael, Strijbos R. C. W., Kwakernaak H.:
Polynomial control toolbox: A new aid for teaching linear systems in Matlab
Preprints of the 4th Symposium on Advances in Control Education, p. 91-95,
Bogazici University,
(Istanbul 1997)
ACE '97 /4./,
(Istanbul, TR, 14.07.1997-16.07.1997) (1997)
Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Strijbos R. C. W., Henrion D.:
Polynomial Matrix Operations in MATLAB
Computer Aided System Theory and Technology, p. 139-141
, Eds: Moreno-Díaz R., Pichler F. R.,
Universidad de Las Palmas,
(Las Palmas 1997)
(Las Palmas, ES, 24.02.1997-28.02.1997) (1997)
Kraus F. J., Kučera Vladimír:
Robust assignment of polynomial matrix polytopes
European Control Conference
, Eds: Bastin G., Gevers M.,
(Brussels 1997)
ECC '97 /4./,
(Brussels, BE, 01.07.1997-04.07.1997) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
Robust regional pole placement
Proceedings of the 11th Conference Process Control '97, p. 116-122
, Eds: Mikleš J., Mészáros A., Krejčí S., Dvoran J.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1997)
Process Control '97 /11./,
(Tatranské Matliare, SK, 08.06.1997-11.06.1997) (1997)
Šebek Michael:
Software package for polynomial matrix operations in control
Preprints of the 2nd IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems, p. 32-36
, Eds: Kozák Š., Huba M.,
Slovak University of Technology,
(Bratislava 1997)
IFAC Workshop on New Trends in Design of Control Systems,
(Smolenice, SK, 07.09.1997-10.09.1997) (1997)
Vaněček Antonín, Novotná Dagmar, Čelikovský Sergej:
Stabilization on hyperchaotic attractor. Abstract
EuroConference on Nonlinear Dynamics in Physics and Related Science, p. 35,
EEC Contract,
(Montecatini 1997)
Control of Chaos /3./,
(Montecatini Terme, IT, 16.05.1997-18.05.1997) (1997)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Synthesis of chaos
Nonlinear Dynamics, Chaotic and Complex Systems. Proceedings. Plenary Invited Lectures, p. 271-282
, Eds: Infeld E., Zelanzny R., Galkowski A.,
University Press,
(Cambridge 1997)
International Conference NDCCS,
(Zakopané, PL, 07.11.1995-12.11.1995) (1997)
Kučera Vladimír:
The Riccati equation of optimal control
Modelling, Identification and Control. Proceedings, p. 1-2
, Eds: Hamza M. H.,
IASTED Acta Press,
(Anaheim 1997)
IASTED International Conference /16./,
(Innsbruck, AT, 17.02.1997-19.02.1997) (1997)
Ježek Jan, Preisler Martin:
Use of delta distributions in space-time control systems
Dycomans Workshop 4. Control and Management in Computer Integrated Systems. Preprints, p. 41-44
, Eds: Simek K.,
Institute of Automatic Control,
(Zakopane 1997)
Dycomans Workshop /4./,
(Zakopane, PL, 25.09.1997-28.09.1997) (1997)
Preisler Martin:
2-D space-time control systems
Life Cycle Approaches to Production Systems. Management, Control, Supervision. Proceedings, p. 492-499,
University of Patras,
(Rion 1997)
ASI '97,
(Budapest, HU, 14.07.1997-18.07.1997) (1997)
Zagalak Petr:
Automatica vol.33, 12 (1997), p. 2281-2282 (1997)
Hraba Tomáš, Doležal Jaroslav:
A mathematical model of HIV infection: The role of CD8+ lymphocytes
System Modelling and Optimization, p. 325-330
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
Chapman & Hall,
(London 1996)
IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./,
(Prague, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1996)
Kučera Vladimír:
Algebraic methods in control, theory and applications
System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings, p. 54-63
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
Chapman & Hall,
(London 1996)
IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./,
(Prague, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1996)
Ježek Jan:
Discretization of delay-differential systems
Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control, p. 35
, Eds: Součková M., Ježek J., Preisler M.,
(Praha 1996)
ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 26.08.1996-27.08.1996) (1996)
Kraus F. J., Mansour M., Šebek Michael:
Hurwitz matrix for polynomial matrices
Centennial Hurwitz Conference on Stability Theory. Proceedings, p. 67-74
, Eds: Jeltsch R., Mansour M.,
(Basel 1996)
International Series of Numerical Mathematics.
Centennial Hurwitz Conference on Stability Theory,
(Monte Verita, CH, 10.06.1996-12.06.1996) (1996)
Picard P., Lafay J. F., Kučera Vladimír:
Model matching for linear systems with delays
Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 183-188
, Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M.,
(San Francisco 1996)
World Congress of IFAC /13./,
(San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
Liu Xiaoping P., Čelikovský Sergej, Vaněček Antonín:
Noninteracting control of nonlinear singular systems
Control '96. Proceedings, p. 1242-1247,
(London 1996)
IEE Publication.
Control '96,
(Exeter, GB, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) (1996)
Baramov Lubomír:
Nonlinear output-feedback H_infinity control
Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control, p. 19
, Eds: Součková M., Ježek J., Preisler M.,
(Praha 1996)
ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 26.08.1996-27.08.1996) (1996)
Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Henrion Didier, Kwakernaak H.:
Numerical methods for zeros and determinant of polynomial matrix
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, p. 473-477,
(Chania 1996)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation /4./,
(Chania, GR, 10.06.1996-13.06.1996) (1996)
Zagalak Petr:
On pole structure assignment
Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control, p. 37
, Eds: Součková M., Ježek J., Preisler M.,
(Praha 1996)
ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 26.08.1996-27.08.1996) (1996)
Kučera Vladimír, Martínez García J. C., Malabre M.:
Partial model matching: Parametrization of solutions
Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 217-222
, Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M.,
(San Francisco 1996)
World Congress of IFAC /13./,
(San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
Šebek Michael, Strijbos R. C. W.:
Polynomial control toolbox
Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation, p. 488-491,
(Chania 1996)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control and Automation /4./,
(Chania, GR, 10.06.1996-13.06.1996) (1996)
Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.:
Robust stability of polynomial matrices
Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 2988-2989
, Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M.,
(San Francisco 1996)
World Congress of IFAC /13./,
(San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Root locus of chaotic attractors
Control '96. Proceedings, p. 1220-1225,
(London 1996)
IEE Publication.
Control '96,
(Exeter, GB, 02.09.1996-05.09.1996) (1996)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří:
System Modelling and Optimization,
Chapman & Hall,
(London 1996)
IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./,
(Prague, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1996)
Čelikovský Sergej, Nijmeijer H.:
Triangular forms, local controllability and stabilizability of single-input nonlinear systems
Preprints of the 13th World Congress of IFAC, p. 227-232
, Eds: Gertler J. J., Cruz J. B., Peshkin M.,
(San Francisco 1996)
World Congress of IFAC /13./,
(San Francisco, US, 30.06.1996-05.07.1996) (1996)
Simoes C., Čelikovský Sergej, Nijmeijer H.:
Zero dynamics and output tracking for singular discrete-time nonlinear systems
Proceedings of the 2nd Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, p. 535-540,
(Porto 1996)
Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control /2./,
(Porto, PT, 11.09.1996-13.09.1996) (1996)
Preisler Martin:
2-D control systems, a new approach
Abstracts of the 2nd ERCIM Workshop: Systems and Control, p. 13
, Eds: Součková M., Ježek J., Preisler M.,
(Praha 1996)
ERCIM Workshop on Systems and Control /2./,
(Prague, CZ, 26.08.1996-27.08.1996) (1996)
Herrera A. N., Lafay J. F., Zagalak Petr:
A semi-canonical form for a class of right invertible linear systems
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 590-594,
Ecole Centrale,
(Nantes 1995)
IFAC Conference on System Structre and Control,
(Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) (1995)
Kučera Vladimír:
Algebraic methods in control, theory and applications
Preprints of the DYCOMANS Workshop: Industrial Control and Management Methods: Theory and Practice, p. 83-88
, Eds: Součková M., Böhm J.,
(Praha 1995)
(Praha, CZ, 05.10.1995-07.10.1995) (1995)
Picard P., Lafay J. F., Kučera Vladimír:
Feedback realization of precompensators for linear systems with delays
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2035-2040
, Eds: Peshkin M.,
(New York 1995)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./,
(New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) (1995)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Chaos as the control goal: A survey
17th IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Collection of Abstracts, p. 270-273
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /17./,
(Praha, CZ, 10.07.1995-14.07.1995) (1995)
Doležal Jaroslav, Hraba Tomáš:
Mathematical modelling approach to AIDS pathogenesis and treatment
Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 160-166
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Numerical algorithm for nonsmooth stabilization based on topological linearization
Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 150-159
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Fidler Jiří, Doležal Jaroslav:
Numerical solution of dynamic optimization problems using parametrization and OPTIA software
Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 188-196
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Beran Zdeněk, Buráň Pavel, Doležal Jaroslav:
On application of FLUENT program for CFD modelling and simulation
Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 102-109
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.:
On H_infinity problems for 2-D systems
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 511-515,
Ecole Centrale,
(Nantes 1995)
IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control,
(Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) (1995)
Ruiz-León Javier J., Zagalak Petr, Eldem V.:
On the problem of decoupling
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 611-616,
Ecole Centrale,
(Nantes 1995)
IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control,
(Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) (1995)
Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.:
One-dimensional control of multi-dimensional systems
Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference, p. 1754-1756
, Eds: Isidori A.,
(Roma 1995)
ECC'95 /3./,
(Roma, IT, 05.09.1995-08.09.1995) (1995)
Buráň Pavel, Doležal Jaroslav:
Optimization in robotics
Proceedings of the 3rd IFIP WG-7.6 Working Conference on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 133-140
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1995)
IFIP Working Group 7.6. /3./,
(Praha, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1995)
Kučera Vladimír, Werner H.:
Partial model matching by static state feedback
Proceedings of the Third European Control Conference, p. 2974-2979
, Eds: Isidori A.,
(Roma 1995)
ECC '95 /3./,
(Roma, IT, 05.09.1995-08.09.1995) (1995)
Loiseau J. J., Zagalak Petr, Kučera Vladimír:
Pole structure assignment via non-regular static state feedback
Preprints of the IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control, p. 595-600,
Ecole Centrale,
(Nantes 1995)
IFAC Conference on System Structure and Control,
(Nantes, FR, 05.07.1995-07.07.1995) (1995)
Ježek Jan:
Polynomial equation AX + BY = C, algorithm of solution and application in control
Preprints of the DYCOMANS Workshop: Industrial Control and Management Methods: Theory and Practice, p. 75-77
, Eds: Součková M., Böhm J.,
(Praha 1995)
(Praha, CZ, 05.10.1995-07.10.1995) (1995)
Šebek Michael, Kraus F. J.:
Robust disturbance rejection
Proceedings of the 34th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2988-2989,
(Piscataway 1995)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /34./,
(New Orleans, US, 13.12.1995-15.12.1995) (1995)
Fidler Jiří:
Automatica vol.31, 6 (1995), p. 923 (1995)
Vaněček Antonín:
Kybernetika vol.31, 5 (1995), p. 527-528 (1995)
Vaněček Antonín:
Kybernetika vol.31, 4 (1995), p. 423-424 (1995)
Zagalak Petr:
Automatica vol.31, 10 (1995), p. 1522-1523 (1995)
Kučera Vladimír, De Souza C. E.:
A necessary and sufficient condition of output feedback stabilizability
Symposium on Robust Control Design, p. 133-135
, Eds: Geromel J. C., Ferreira P. M. G.,
(Rio de Janeiro 1994)
IFAC Symposium on Robust Control Design,
(Rio de Janeiro, BR, 14.09.1994-16.09.1994) (1994)
Hench John J.:
Computing the roots of a polynomial using structured matrix techniques
Computer-Intensive Methods in Control and Signal Processing, p. 245-249
, Eds: Kulhavá L., Kárný M., Warwick K.,
(Praha 1994)
IEEE Workshop CMP '94,
(Praha, CZ, 07.09.1994-09.09.1994) (1994)
Loiseau J. J., Zagalak Petr:
Eigenstructure assignment in linear and uncontrollable systems
Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications, p. 327-330
, Eds: Helmke U., Mennicken R., Saurer J.,
Akademie Verlag,
(Berlin 1994)
Mathematical Research.
International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./,
(Regensburg, DE, 02.08.1993-06.08.1993) (1994)
Vaněček Antonín, Čelikovský Sergej:
Homotopy based computation of the frequency response for nonlinear Lur'e system
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts, p. 162-164
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1994)
Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./,
(Prague, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1994)
Kučera Vladimír:
How to teach LQG
Symposium on Advances in Control Education, p. 37-40,
(Tokyo 1994)
IFAC Symposium on Advances in Control Education /3./,
(Tokyo, JP, 01.08.1994-02.08.1994) (1994)
Buráň Pavel, Doležal Jaroslav:
Modelling, control and optimization of mechanical systems with open chains in robotics.
System Modelling and Optimization. Proceedings, p. 345-354
, Eds: Henry J., Yvon J.-P.,
(Berlin 1994)
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
IFIP-TC7 Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /16./,
(Compiegne, FR, 05.07.1993-09.07.1993) (1994)
Doležal Jaroslav, Hraba Tomáš:
Model-based analysis of inhibition phenomena: immunological tolerance and HIV infection
Systems, Man and Cybernetics. Proceedings, p. 1297-1302,
IEEE Press,
(San Antonio 1994)
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics,
(San Antonio, US, 02.10.1994-05.10.1994) (1994)
Kučera Vladimír:
Návrh regulačních obvodů metodou zlomků
Řízení procesů, p. 235-240,
Univerzita Pardubice,
(Pardubice 1994)
ŘÍP '94. Řízení procesů,
(Horní Bečva, CZ, 30.05.1994-02.06.1994) (1994)
Syrmos V. L., Zagalak Petr:
Normal external descriptions and staircase forms in implicit systems
Systems and Networks: Mathematical Theory and Applications, p. 503-506
, Eds: Helmke U., Mennicken R., Saurer J.,
Akademie Verlag,
(Berlin 1994)
Mathematical Research.
International Symposium MTNS '93 /10./,
(Regensburg, DE, 02.08.1993-06.08.1993) (1994)
Čelikovský Sergej:
On a heuristic algorithm for the nonsmooth stabilization and its connection with the topological linearization
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Abstracts, p. 51-57
, Eds: Doležal J., Fidler J.,
(Praha 1994)
Working Conference of the IFIP WG-7.6 /3./,
(Prague, CZ, 24.05.1994-26.05.1994) (1994)
Loiseau J. J., Zagalak Petr:
On feedback simulation
New Directions in Control and Automation. Proceedings, p. 209-211,
(Chania 1994)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium /2./,
(Chania, GR, 19.06.1994-22.06.1994) (1994)
Fidler Jiří, Doležal Jaroslav:
OPTIA - rozšíření uživatelských možností
Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 7, p. 42-47,
(Praha 1994)
Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky /7./,
(Bratříkov, CZ, 13.06.1994-17.06.1994) (1994)
Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.:
Pole placement within a region
New Directions in Control and Automation. Proceedings, p. 205-208,
(Chania 1994)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium /2./,
(Chania, GR, 19.06.1994-22.06.1994) (1994)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Steady-state model of a turbine engine coupled with a propeller
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design. Proceedings, p. 21-30
, Eds: Beulens A. J. M., Doležal J., Sebastian H. J.,
(Leidschendam 1994)
Working Conference of the IFIP TC 7.6 /2./,
(Dagstuhl, DE, 28.09.1992-01.10.1992) (1994)
Šebek Michael, Pejchová Soňa, Kraffer Ferdinand:
Testing algorithms for linear matrix polynomial equations
Proceedings of the 33rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 2518-2519,
IEEE Control Systems Society,
(Piscataway 1994)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /33./,
(Lake Buena Vista, US, 14.12.1994-16.12.1994) (1994)
Kraus F. J., Mansour M., Kučera Vladimír:
Coprimeness of Polytopes of Polynomials
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, p. 231-235,
(Evanston 1993)
American Control Conference,
(San Francisco, US, 02.06.1993-04.06.1993) (1993)
Kučera Vladimír, Kraus F. J.:
FIFO Stable Control Systems
Preprints of the 12th World Congress IFAC, p. 91-96,
(Sydney 1993)
World Congress IFAC /12./,
(Sydney, AU, 18.07.1993-23.07.1993) (1993)
Buráň Pavel, Doležal Jaroslav:
Mechanical Systems with Open Chains: Modelling, Control and Optimization
Robotics and Manufacturing, p. 1-4
, Eds: Hamza M. H.,
(Oxford 1993)
IASTED International Conference on Robotics and Manufacturing,
(Oxford, GB, 23.09.1993-25.09.1993) (1993)
Buráň Pavel:
Modelling and Simulation of Mechanical Systems with Open Chains
Modelling and Simulation of Systems, p. 331-342
, Eds: Štefan J.,
House of Technology,
(Ostrava 1993)
Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems /5./,
(Olomouc, CZ, 01.06.1993-04.06.1993) (1993)
Buráň Pavel, Doležal Jaroslav:
Modelling, Control and Optimization of Mechanical Systems with Open Chains in Robotics
System Modelling and Optimization, p. 875-877,
(Compiegne 1993)
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /16./,
(Compiegne, FR, 05.07.1993-09.07.1993) (1993)
Kraffer Ferdinand, Pejchová Soňa, Šebek Michael:
Numerical Behaviour of Linear Polynomial Operations or What Do Experiments Reveal?
New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Proceedings, p. 233-237,
(Chania 1993)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control Theory and Applications,
(Chania, GR, 21.06.1993-23.06.1993) (1993)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří:
On Parameter Optimization Approach to Optimal Control Problems
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, p. 450-455,
(Le Touquet 1993)
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man an Cybernetics,
(Le Touquet, FR, 17.10.1993-20.10.1993) (1993)
Šebek Michael:
Sub-optimum H_infinity problem for 2-D MIMO systems
Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference, p. 1476-1479
, Eds: Nieuwenhuis J. W., Praagman C., Trentelman H. L.,
(Groningen 1993)
ECC '93,
(Groningen, NL, 28.06.1993-01.07.1993) (1993)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří:
Teorie a praxe vývoje systémů pro podporu rozhodování
Zborník prednášok 12. sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '93, p. 28-35,
Fakulta hospodárskej informatiky EU,
(Bratislava 1993)
(Stará Lesná, SQ, 26.04.1993-29.04.1993) (1993)
Kučera Vladimír:
The LQG and H2 Designs: Two Different Problems?
Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference, p. 334-337
, Eds: Nieuwenhuis J. W., Praagman C., Trentelman H. L.,
(Groningen 1993)
ECC '93 /2./,
(Groningen, NL, 28.06.1993-01.07.1993) (1993)
Herrera A. N., Torres J. A., Ruiz-León Javier J.:
The Nonregular Morgan's Problem: A Polynomial Solution for the Case of Two Outputs
Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference, p. 2275-2278
, Eds: Nieuwenhuis J. W., Praagman C., Trentelman H. L.,
(Groningen 1993)
ECC '93 /2./,
(Groningen, NL, 28.06.1993-01.07.1993) (1993)
Kučera Vladimír:
The Pole Placement Equation - A Survey
New Directions in Control Theory and Applications. Proceedings, p. 229-232,
(Chania 1993)
IEEE Mediterranean Symposium on New Directions in Control Theory and Applications,
(Chania, GR, 21.06.1993-23.06.1993) (1993)
Čelikovský Sergej:
Topological Linearization of Nonlinear Systems: Applications to the Nonsmooth Stabilization
Proceedings of the Second European Control Conference, p. 41-44
, Eds: Nieuwenhuis J. W., Praagman C., Trentelman H. L.,
(Groningen 1993)
ECC '93 /2./,
(Groningen, NL, 28.06.1993-01.07.1993) (1993)
Zagalak Petr, Syrmos V. L.:
A Computational Method for Reduced-Order Observers in Linear Systems
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 68-71
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Syrmos V. L., Lewis F. L., Zagalak Petr, Kučera Vladimír:
A Generalized Bezout Equation in Output Feedback Design
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3590-3594,
(New York 1992)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /31./,
(Tuscon, US, 16.12.1992-18.12.1992) (1992)
Čelikovský Sergej, Vaněček Antonín:
Bilinear Systems as the Strongly Nonlinear Systems
2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 264-267
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
2nd IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Nagy Ivan, Ježek Jan:
Commutation of Polynomial Coefficients on Finite Time Horizon
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 480-483
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Roubíček Tomáš:
Convex Compactifications in Optimal Control Theory
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization of Systems, p. 226-227,
(Zurich 1992)
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization of Systems /15./,
(Zurich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1992)
Maršík Jaroslav, Klán Petr, Strejc Vladimír:
Easy Design of Deadbeat Control Using Plant Step Response Only
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 196-199
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Zagalak Petr, Loiseau J. J.:
Eigenstructure Assignment by P and PD State Feedback in Linear Singular Systems
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 440-443
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Kučera Vladimír:
Fixed Degree Solutions of Polynomial Equations
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 24-26
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H.:
Further Numerical Methods for J-Spectral Factorization
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 96-99
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Kučera Vladimír:
H2 Optimization of Linear Systems
Proceedings SINS '92, p. 173-177
, Eds: Lewis F. L.,
University of Texas,
(Arlington 1992)
International Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems,
(Ft.Worth, US, 14.12.1992-15.12.1992) (1992)
Zagalak Petr, Loiseau J. J.:
Invariant Factors Assignment in Linear Systems
International Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems, p. 197-204
, Eds: Lewis F. L.,
The University of Texas,
(Arlington 1992)
SINS '92,
(Arlington, US, 14.12.1992-15.12.1992) (1992)
Šebek Michael:
Inverses of n-D Polynomial Matrices
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 412-415
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Šebek Michael:
J-Spectral Factorization via Riccati Equation
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3600-3603,
IEEE Control Systems Society,
(New York 1992)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /31./,
(Tucson, US, 16.12.1992-18.12.1992) (1992)
Loiseau J. J., Zagalak Petr:
On Various Interpretations of Rosenbrock's Theorem
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 436-439
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Šebek Michael:
On Various 2-D Inverse Systems
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems '92, p. 197-204
, Eds: Lewis F. L.,
The University of Texas,
(Arlington 1992)
International Symposium on Implicit and Nonlinear Systems,
(Arlington, US, 14.12.1992-15.12.1992) (1992)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.:
Optimization Approach to the Modelling of Turbine Aircraft Engines
15th IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization, p. 667-676
, Eds: Kall P.,
(Berlin 1992)
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./,
(Zürich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1992)
Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Optimization-Based Decision Support System for Turbine Power Units Modelling and Design
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 28-37,
(Berlin 1992)
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design,
(Hague, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1992)
Doležal Jaroslav, Hraba Tomáš:
Pathogenesis of AIDS and Mathematical Modelling
Proceedings of the 8th Prague Symposium SiSy b/e/m '92 on Computer Simulation in Biology, Ecology and Medicine, p. 18-22
, Eds: Kotva M.,
Simulation Councils,
(Ghent 1992)
Computer Simulation in Biology, Ecology and Medicine /8./,
(Prague, CS, 09.11.1992-11.11.1992) (1992)
Zagalak Petr, Lafay J. F., Loiseau J. J.:
Polynomial Formulation of Morgan's Problem
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control, p. 22-23
, Eds: Strejc V.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1992)
IFAC Workshop on System Structure and Control /2./,
(Prague, CS, 03.09.1992-05.09.1992) (1992)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Steady-State Model of a Turbine Engine Coupled with a Propeller
2nd Working Conference of the IFIP-TC 7 on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. -,
Technische Hochschule,
(Leipzig 1992)
Working Conference of the IFIP-TC 7 on Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design.,
(Dagstuhl, DB, 28.09.1992-01.10.1992) (1992)
Kučera Vladimír:
The LQG and H2 Designs
System Control and Artificial Intelligence. Zborník prednášok, p. 23-30,
(Bratislava 1992)
Kybernetika a informatika.
System Control and Artificial Intelligence,
(Smolenice, CS, 17.09.1992-19.09.1992) (1992)
Kučera Vladimír:
The Rational H2 Control Problem
Proceedings of the 31st IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 3610-3613,
(New York 1992)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /31./,
(Tuscon, US, 16.12.1992-18.12.1992) (1992)
Fidler Jiří, Doležal Jaroslav, Pacovský Jindřich:
User-Oriented Optimization System OPTIA for the Solution of Mathematical Programming Problems
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. 48-55,
(Berlin 1992)
Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences.
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design,
(Hague, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1992)
Kučera Vladimír:
Automatica vol.28, 5 (1992), p. 1068-1069 (1992)
Zagalak Petr:
Automatica vol.28, 3 (1992), p. 649-650 (1992)
Fidler Jiří:
Kybernetika vol.28, 1 (1992), p. 78-79 (1992)
Ježek Jan:
Algorithms for Conversion Between the Continuous-time Models of Linear Systems and the Discrete-time Models
Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 325-331
, Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A.,
(Berlin 1991)
Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications,
(Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich:
Application of User-Oriented Optimization Environments in Decision-Making Problems
Multicriteria Decision Making. Methods, Algorithms, Applications, p. -,
Ekonomický ústav ČSAV,
(Praha 1991)
International Workshop on Multicriteria Decision Making,
(Liblice, CS, 18.03.1991-22.03.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich:
Automatické a symbolické derivování funkcí
Zborník prednášok 11.sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '91, p. 75-83,
(Bratislava 1991)
(Štrbské Pleso, CS, 15.04.1991-19.04.1991) (1991)
Kučera Vladimír:
Diophantine Equations in Control
Proceedings of the First European Control Conference, p. 491-502,
(Paris 1991)
First European Control Conference,
(Grenoble, FR, 02.07.1991-05.07.1991) (1991)
Ježek Jan:
Diskrétní modely soustav v operátoru diference
Zborník prednášok z 8.celoštátnej konferencie Automatizované systémy riadenia technologických procesov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, p. 6-13,
Dom techniky ZSVTS,
(Košice 1991)
ASRTP '91,
(Štrbské Pleso, CS, 09.04.1991-11.04.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
General and Problem-Oriented Mathematical Models of Aircraft Power Unit Behaviour
Fourth Viennese Workshop on Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control, p. 21-25,
University of Technology,
(Vienna 1991)
Fourth Viennese Workshop on Dynamic Economic Models and Optimal Control,
(Vienna, AT, 12.06.1991-14.06.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich:
Generování nelineárních vztahů
Zborník prednášok 11.sympózia o algoritmoch. ALGORITMY '91, p. 84-89,
(Bratislava 1991)
(Štrbské Pleso, CS, 15.04.1991-19.04.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Matoušek O.:
GoLeM - Decision Support System Prototype for the Analysis of Aircraft Power Units Behaviour
Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems, p. -,
(Laxenburg 1991)
Workshop on Advances in Methodology and Software in Decision Support Systems,
(Laxenburg, AT, 22.07.1991-24.07.1991) (1991)
Šebek Michael, Kwakernaak H.:
J-Spectral Factorization
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1278-1283,
(New York 1991)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /30./,
(Brighton, GB, 11.12.1991-13.12.1991) (1991)
Kučera Vladimír, Zagalak Petr:
Limits of State Feedback in Linear Systems
Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering, p. 1-3,
(London 1991)
Colloquium on Polynomial Methods in Optimal Control and Filtering,
(London, GB, 10.05.1991) (1991)
Kučera Vladimír:
Model Matching of Descriptor Systems by Proportional State Feedback
Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 853-856
, Eds: Franke D., Kraus F.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1991)
IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./,
(Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
Kučera Vladimír, Ježek Jan, Krupička M.:
Numerical Analysis of Diophantine Equations
Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications, p. 128-136
, Eds: Warwick K., Kárný M., Halousková A.,
(Berlin 1991)
Czechoslovak-UK Seminar on Advanced Methods in Adaptive Control for Industrial Applications,
(Praha, CS, 14.05.1990-16.05.1990) (1991)
Zagalak Petr, Kučera Vladimír:
O Rosenbrockově větě
Zborník prednášok z 8.celoštátnej konferencie Automatizované systémy riadenia technologických procesov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, p. 14-24,
Dom techniky ZSVTS,
(Košice 1991)
ASRTP '91,
(Štrbské Pleso, CS, 09.04.1991-11.04.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich:
OPTIA - User-Oriented Environment for Mathematical Programming Problems
Methods of Operations Research '92, p. 21-30
, Eds: Feichtinger G.,
A. Hain,
(Vienna 1991)
Methods of Operations Research '92,
(Vienna, AT, 28.08.1990-31.08.1990) (1991)
Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich, Doležal Jaroslav:
OPTIA - uživatelské prostředí pro úlohy nelineárního matematického programování
Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5, p. 20-26,
(Praha 1991)
Programy a algoritmy numerické matematiky 5,
(Alšovice, CS, 18.06.1990-22.06.1990) (1991)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.:
Optimization Approach to the Modelling of Turbine AircraftEngines
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization. Abstracts, p. 360-361,
University of Zurich,
(Zurich 1991)
IFIP Conference on System Modelling and Optimization /15./,
(Zurich, CH, 02.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Optimization-Based Decision Support System for Turbine Power Units Modelling and Design
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. -,
Haagse Hogeschool,
(Haag 1991)
First Working Conference Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design,
(Haag, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1991)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Matoušek O.:
Optimization-Based Methodology for Mathematical Modelling and Design of Turbine Power Units
Mathematical Modelling in Engineering, p. 75-78,
Technical University of Prague,
(Prague 1991)
Mathematical Modelling in Engineering,
(Prague, CS, 18.09.1991-19.09.1991) (1991)
Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael, Kučera Vladimír:
Polynomial Approach to H2-Optimal Control: The Multivariable Standard Problem
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1261-1266,
(New York 1991)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /30./,
(Brighton, GB, 11.12.1991-13.12.1991) (1991)
Hunt K. J., Šebek Michael:
Polynomial Solution to the Standard LQ-Optimal Control Problem: Scalar Case
Design Methods of Control Systems, p. 813-818
, Eds: Franke D., Kraus F.,
Pergamon Press,
(Oxford 1991)
IFAC Symposium on Design Methods of Control Systems /1./,
(Zurich, CH, 04.09.1991-06.09.1991) (1991)
Schindler Zdeněk, Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Simulace chování proudových leteckých pohonných jednotek užitím optimalizačních postupů
Vybrané problémy simulačních modelů. 13.podzimní moravskoslezské kolokvium, p. 55-58
, Eds: Štefan J.,
(Ostrava 1991)
Podzimní moravskoslezské kolokvium /13./,
(Ostrava, CS, 11.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
Trofino N. A., Kučera Vladimír:
Stabilization via Static Output Feedback
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Decision and Control, p. 910-913,
(New York 1991)
Conference on Decision and Control /30./,
(Brighton, GB, 11.12.1991-13.12.1991) (1991)
Herrera A. N., Lafay J. F., Zagalak Petr:
The Extended Interactor in the Study of Nonregular Control Problems
Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 373-377,
(New York 1991)
IEEE Confernce on Decision and Control /30./,
(Brighton, GB, 11.12.1991-13.12.1991) (1991)
Kučera Vladimír, Šebek Michael, Hunt K. J.:
Úloha regulace LQG pro standardní strukturu regulačního obvodu
Zborník prednášok z 8.celoštátnej konferencie Automatizované systémy riadenia technologických procesov v chemickom a potravinárskom priemysle, p. 107-111,
Dom techniky ZSVTS,
(Košice 1991)
ASRTP '91,
(Štrbské Pleso, CS, 09.04.1991-11.04.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Schindler Zdeněk, Fidler Jiří, Matoušek O.:
Unified Modelling Methodology for Aircraft Power Units
4th Moravo-Silesian International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems, p. 102-105
, Eds: Štefan J.,
Dům techniky ČSVTS,
(Ostrava 1991)
International Symposium on Modelling and Simulation of Systems,
(Vsetín, CS, 14.05.1991-16.05.1991) (1991)
Doležal Jaroslav, Fidler Jiří, Pacovský Jindřich:
User-Oriented Optimization Environment OptiA and Decision-Making Problems
User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support. Abstracts, p. 31-33,
Systems Research Institute PAS,
(Warsaw 1991)
IIASA Workshop on User-Oriented Methodology and Techniques of Decision Analysis and Support,
(Warsaw, PL, 09.09.1991-13.09.1991) (1991)
Fidler Jiří, Doležal Jaroslav, Pacovský Jindřich:
User-Oriented Optimization System OPTIA for the Solution of Mathematical Programming Problems
Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design, p. -,
Haagse Hogeschool,
(Haag 1991)
First Working Conference Optimization-Based Computer-Aided Modelling and Design,
(Haag, NL, 02.04.1991-04.04.1991) (1991)
Strejc Vladimír:
Ideal Model-Matching
Preprints of the 11th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, p. 271-276
, Eds: Utkin V., Jaaksoo Ü.,
(Tallinn 1990)
IFAC World Congress Automatic Control /11./,
(Tallinn, SU, 13.08.1990-17.08.1990) (1990)
Lafay J. F., Zagalak Petr, Herrera A. N., Icart S.:
Structural Results about the Interactor
Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, p. 1048-1049,
(New York 1990)
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control /29./,
(Honolulu, US, 05.12.1990-07.12.1990) (1990)
Strejc Vladimír:
Kybernetika vol.26, 3 (1990), p. 269-270 (1990)
Strejc Vladimír:
Kybernetika vol.26, 5 (1990), p. 444-445 (1990)
Fidler Jiří:
Kybernetika vol.26, 1 (1990), p. 79-80 (1990)
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