Seminars 2009

20.07.2009 14:00
Tapas K. Das
Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad, India
On the multi-critical properties of axisymmetric matter flow in the Kerr metric

08.06.2009 14:00
Jan Ebr
Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences, Prague
Between us and particle astrophysics: high-energy hadronic interactions

14.05.2009 14:00
Birgitta Nordstrom
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen
Our Galactic neighbourhood - a melting pot of migration

11.05.2009 15:00
Michal Dovciak
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague
Newman-Penrose formalism and Walker-Penrose theorem

16.04.2009 14:30
Luigi Stella
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma
Approaching the dawn of gravitational wave astronomy: new inputs from magnetars and short gamma ray bursts

10.03.2009 10:00
J. Merten, J. Palous, V. Karas, J. Dale, P. Jachym et al.
Lecture Day: Discussion with students from the International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), Heidelberg
takes place at Academy of Sciences, Národní 3, Praha

09.03.2009 14:00
Yasuo Fukui
Nagoya University, Japan
Molecular gas in the Magellanic Clouds; Physical conditions of star forming clouds probed by sub-mm spectra

25.02.2009 14:30
Odele Straub
Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw
Microphysics of accretion discs

24.02.2009 14:30
Marek Abramowicz
Physics Department, Göteborg University
Entropy distribution in non-barytropic Polish Doughnuts

23.02.2009 14:30
Aleksander Sadowski
Copernicus Astronomical Center, Warsaw
New dynamical model and black hole spin determination for LMC X-1

02.02.2009 14:00
M. Dovciak, J. Horak, G. Torok, M. Urbanec, A. Kawka, P. Bakala, J. Kovar, I. Stoklasova, P. Jachym, D. Kofron, P. Kolorenc
Lecture Day: Annual reports from the Center for Theoretical Astrophysics 2008
takes place at Conference Centre, Liblice Castle

26.01.2009 14:00
Dieter Nickeler
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Ondrejov
Stationary stagnation point flows in the vicinity of a 2D magnetic null point

15.01.2009 11:00
Hendrik Bartko
Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics, Garching
Evidence for warped disks of young stars in the Galactic center

12.01.2009 14:00
Ivana Stoklasova
Astronomical Institute, Academy of Sciences, Prague
Integral-field spectroscopy of NLRs in Seyfert galaxies

08.01.2009 14:00
Ladislav Subr
Astronomical Institute, Charles University in Prague
Catch me if you can -- the case for a 'runaway' black hole in the Orion Nebula Cluster