Doc. RNDr. Zbyněk Sokol, CSc.

Senior Researcher
Head of Meteorological Department IAP AS CR.

Born: 25 December 1959, Prague, Czech Republic

1984 - graduated from Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University, Prague; branch: numerical methods; diploma thesis: "Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations".
1993 - CSc. (Ph.D.), Meteorology, Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, thesis: Objective analysis on a limited area.

Institute of Atmospheric Physics AS CR (IAP ASCR), Department of Meteorology.

Academic experience :
Lecture course "Weather chart analysis", Mathematical and Physical Faculty, Charles University, Prague

Professional interests
Mathematical and statistical modelling, objective analysis of meteorological elements, numerical mathematics

Publication in Journals:
Conference Publications: Contact
e-mail address: sokol[AT]