Jan Kubečka, As./Prof. PhD.

Biology Centre of the AS CR, v.v.i.
Institute of Hydrobiology

Na Sádkách 7
37005 České Budějovice  
Czech Republic
phone: +420 387 775 848
GSM: +420 604 344 267
email: kubecka@hbu.cas.cz

Date & place of birth:
20.08.1961, Prague, Czechoslovakia



1979-1984 Charles University in Prague

1984-1989 Postgraduate study in the Hydrobiological Laboratory Inst. of Landscape Ecology CS Academy of Sciences


Professional qualification:

1984 RNDr. (equivalent to BSc. and Msc. in Zoology) Msc. thesis: Fish fry ecology in the Klicava Reservoir, 207 pp.

1989 PhD in Hydrobiology, PhD Thesis: Model of the abundance, biomass, ration and production of the fish stock of. water supply reservoir


Present jobs:
1.full time: Head of the Department of the Production Processes, Hydrobiological Institute, Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic, Ceske Budejovice
2. part-time (20%) Department of Ecology, Biological Faculty, University of South Bohemia, České Budějovice


Scientific and professional experience:
From 1982 till 1990 Research work for Hydrobiological Institute of Czech Academy of Sciences on fish ecology in lakes, man made reservoirs, ponds, rivers and streams. Long term research on fish population of the Klicava and Rimov reservoirs aimed on fish stock assessment and food web manipulation for water quality.


From 1991 till 1993 postdoctoral fellowship in the university of London: research, training and teaching. Research projects on application of sonar technology (echo survey methods) for fish stock monitoring and assessment on various British waters (freshwater and marine). In the main contract carried out for National Rivers Authority, UK developed new theoretical concepts and implemented them for application of dual beam sonar for quantitative fisheries surveys. Teaching, training courses and instruction workshops in the UK, Sri Lanka, Czech Republic Thailand and USA, teaching, seminars and surveys in Denmark, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Czech and Slovak Republic in echo-survey technique, echo signal analysis processing.


From 1993 till now continuing research application projects in sonar technology for fish stock monitoring and assessment for Hydrobiological Institute of Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic and for University of London. Other activities include estimation of the effect of hydropower and regulations on the stream ecology, lake and reservoir fisheries, acoustic tracking of bottom sediments and macrophytes, biomanipulation, ichthyoplankton monitoring, monitoring of fish migration (hydroacoustic methods). In 1994 awarded a 'Price of excellency' for young workers of Czech Academy of Sciences for hydroacoustic publications. In 1996 co-organized 'Shallow Waters Fisheries Sonar‘ (SWFS I) Workshop held in Egham (UK) and co-edited the proceedings. In 1999 co-organized SWFS II in Seattle (USA). In 1997 organizing the International Training course on Fisheries Acoustic Techniques for Ecological Research (Slapy reservoir). The member of American Fisheries Society, Czech Limnological and Zoological societies, Institute of Fisheries Management (UK), Russian Hydrobiological Society and Fisheries Acoustic Science and Fishing and Technology group of ICES.


The research interests during the past five years included the understanding the role of fish in the ecosystems of reservoirs of different type (stratified reservoirs in the Czech Republic, artificially destratified reservoirs in UK and the Netherlands). A lot of his attention was attracted by the methodical development of unbiased sampling of all possible habitats of deep reservoirs and to further improvement of echosounder studies. Further research interests have included quantitative sonar studies of fish larvae, invertebrates and macrophytes. Many of above results have been summarized in Docent‘s (assistant professor‘s) thesis. Application of scientific echosounders for quantitative studies of water ecosystems� submitted in the University of South Bohemia on February 2001. Dr. Kubečka is author and co-author of over 100 scientific papers (and over 60 reports) which were quoted over 200 times in scientific papers (excluding citations by the colleagues from HBI and autocitations).


Publications (C - in Czech, e - English summary, E -in English):

Kubecka,J., 1983: The growth rate of the Barbel in the Berounka river. Rybarstvi {Czech Fisheries}, 4: 2pp. C.

Kubecka, J., Svatora, M., Vrba, J., 1985: Growth of the rudd {Scardinius erythrophthalmus} fry in the Klicava Reservoir. Zivocisna vyroba, 30, 10: 911-918. C,e.

Kubecka, J., 1985: Survey of the horizontal distribution of the fish fry in the Klicava reservoir during 1981-1983. Proc. VII. conf. CS Limnol.Soc, Nitra: 292-295. C.

Kubecka, J., Svatora, M., Hruska, V., 1986: Development and behaviour of perciform larvae in the lakes and reservoirs {a rewiev}. In: Kouril, J., Berka, R., {eds.}, Reproduction and Genetics of Fishes. Vodnany: 136-142. C.

Kubecka, J., 1987: Fishes of the Baical Lake. Ziva, 6/1987: 225-226. C.

Kubecka, J., 1988: Fish stocks for biomanipulation of the water supply reservoirs: Evaluation, classification  and management. Proc. VIII. conf. CS Limnol.Soc.: 79-81. C.

Hruska, V., Kubecka, J., Machacek, J., Slad, P., 1988: diurnal changes in the number of echotraces of fish and of the food of the roach {Rutilus rutilus} and perch {Perca fluviatilus} fry in the central part of the Rimov reservoir. In: Libosvarsky, J. {ed.}: Procc. Conf. Ichthyol. Sction of Slovak Zool. Soc., Brno: 31.C.

Kubecka, J., 1988: Methods of the sampling of fish stocks of water supply reservoirs. In: Krajca, J.,{ed.}: Methods of sampling of Natural Waters. CSVTS Brno: 77-80. C.

Kubecka, J., 1988: Spreading of the German Carp, Carassius auratus {Linnaeus, 1758}, in the middle course of the Elbe river. Central Bohemian Museum, Ser. Natur., Roztoky, 3: 43-50. C,e.

Hartvich, P., Kubecka, J., 1989: Classification  of the fish growth rate by the method of relative incremental differences. Zivocisna vyroba, 34, 10: 917-924. C,e.

Hartvich, P., Hanakova, J., Krupauerova, E., Kubecka, J., 1989: The growth and age of pike and common perch of the gravelsand lake of Horusice. Sbor. Agric. Univ. Prague, Agronomic. Fac., Ceske Budejovice, 1989, 2: 21-37. C,e.

Hrbacek, J., Kubecka, J., Seda, J., 1989. Relative biomass of large Cladocera as a criterior of internal loading and fish impact. Abstractc of the conference Biomanipulation , tool for water management. Amsterdam: 39. E.

Kubecka, J., 1989: Development of the ichthyofauna of the Rimov reservoir and its management. Arch. Hydrobiol. Beih. Ergebn. Limnol., 33: 611-6113.E.

Kubecka, J., 1989: First year growth of the roach - Rutilus rutilus fry and its comparison within geographical range. Acta Universit. Carolinae, Biologica, 33: 94-105. E.

Kubecka, J., Brandl, Z., Blazka, P., Hejzlar, J., Komarkova, J., Seda, J., Vyhnalek, V., 1990: Fish stock biomanipulation: Experiences from the Rimov Reservoir. In. Sladecek, V., Stastny, J. {eds.}: Topical questions of water supply biology. CSVTS, Prague: 69-80. C.

Kubecka, J., 1990:  Are we using the fish production of the reservoirs   Rybarstvi, 2, 1991. C.

Kubecka, J., 1990: Introduction. In: Kubecka, J. {ed.}: Ichthyofauna of the Malse River and Rimov Reservoir. South Bohemian Museum, Ceske Budejovice: 5-10. C.e.

Stach, K., Kubecka, J., 1990: Rimov water supply reservoir- description of locality. Ibid., 27-33. C,e.

Vostradovsky, J., Hlavacek, M., Krizek, J., Kubecka, J., Liska, L., Stach, K.,1990: Composition of fish stock samples from the Rimov reservoir during its development. Ibid. 55-60. C,e.

Stach, K., Vostradovský, J., Kubečka, J., 1990: Purpose-aimed fishery management of the Římov water supply reservoir. Ibid. 72-76. C,e.

Kubecka, J., 1990: Abundance of fish populations of the Rimov reservoir in 1985 and its reconstruction in previous years. Ibid. 66-71. C,e.

Kubecka, J., 1990: Seasonal changes of the species compositions of the night seinigs and of the littoral fish fry community in the Rimov Reservoir. Ibid. 88-93. C,e.

Kubecka, J., 1990: Age composition, growth and reproduction of roach {Rutilus rutilus} and bream {Abramis brama} of the Rimov reservoir. Ibid. 94-100. C,e.

Kubecka, J., Hlavacek, M., 1990: Age composition, growth and reproduction of the perch {Perca fluviatilis} of the Rimov reservoir. Ibid. 101-108. C,e.

Kubecka, J., 1990: Age composition and growth of the pike {Esox lucius} of the Rimov reservoir. Ibid. 114-118. C,e.

Kubecka, J., Trnka, J., Vostradovsky, J., 1990: Age composition, growth and reproduction of the chub {Leuciscus cephalus} of the Malse river and Rimov reservoir. Ibid. 119-124. C,e.

Kubecka, J., Slad, P., 1990: Ichthyoplankton of the Rimov reservoir. Ibid. 109-113. C,e.

Krivanec, K., Kubecka, J., 1990: The influence of the Rimov reservoir on the fish stock of the Malse river below the dam. Ibid. 125-133. C.e.

Kubecka, J., Krivanec, K., 1990: The influence of the Rimov reservoir on the fish stock of the Malse river above the reservoir. Ibid. 134-141. C.e.

Kubecka, J., Blazka, P., 1990: Conclusions and forecasting of the future development. Ibid. 150-151: C,e.

Kubečka, J., 1991. Využíváme produkci mimopstruhových údolních nádrží? Are we using the fish production of nonsalmonid reservoirs? Rybářství, 2: 27.

Kubecka, J., Bohm, M., 1991: Ichthyofauna of Lake Jordan, one of the oldest man-made lake in Central Europe. J. Fish Biol., 38, 935-950.E.

Kubecka, J., Matena, J., 1991: Downstream regeneration of the fish populations of three poluted trout streams in Southern Bohemia. Ecology, CSFR, 10,4: 389-404,E.

Kubecka, J., 1991: An example of the extremely low share of the 0-age group on the total biomass, production and ration of the perch {Perca fluviatilis} population. Acta Soc. Zool. Bohemosl., 55: 114-119. E.

Kubecka, J., 1992: Fluctuations in fyke-net catches during the spawning period of the Eurasian perch {Perca fluviatilis} in the Rimov Reservoir, Czechoslovakia. Fisheries Research, 15: 157-167. E.

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., Butterworth, A., 1992: Echo counting or echo integration for fish biomass assessment in shallow waters. In: Weydert, M., European Conference on Underwater Acoustic. 129-132, Elsevier, London. E.

Kubecka, J., Pivnicka, K. 1993: Numbers and production of juvenile cyprinids in the Klíčava

Reservoir {Czechoslovakia}. Acta Univers. Carolinae, Environmentalica, 5{1991}, 1-2: 61-73.E.

Duncan, A., Kubecka, J., 1993: Sounding Bites, acoustic fish stock assessment in Rivers, Lakes and Reservoirs. Fish, Bull. Inst. Fisher. Management, 1993,4: 19-21. E.

Kubecka, J. and Svatora, M.,1993: Abundance estimates of perch fry {Perca fluviatilis} complicated by grouped behaviour. Ecology of Freshwater fish, 2: 84-90.E.

Kubecka, J., 1993: Night inshore migration and capture of adult fish by shore seining. Aquaculture and Fish. Management, 24: 685-689.E

Kubecka, J., 1993, Succession of fish communities of Central and East European reservoirs. In: Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management. In: Straskraba, M., Tundisi, J.S., Duncan, A. (Eds.), Kluwer, Dodrecht., pp.153-168. E.

Straskraba, M., Blazka, P., Brandl, Z., Hejzlar, J., Komarkova, J., Kubecka, J., Nesmerak, I., Prochazka, L., Straskrabova,V., Vyhnalek, V., 1993:  Framework for investigation and evaluation of reservoir water quality in Czechoslovakia. In: Straskraba, M., Tundisi, J.A., Duncan, A.{eds.}: Comparative Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality Management. Kluwer, Dodrecht. 169-212 E.

Shine, A., Kubecka, J., Martin, D., Duncan, A., 1994: Fish and their habitats of  Loch Ness. Scottish Naturalist. 105: 175-193.E.

Kubecka, J., 1994: Noise handling in fisheries surveys by horizontal sonar in shallow waters. In: Bjorno, L.(ed.):II. European Conference of underwater acoustics, European Comission, Luxembourg: 833-839. E.

Kubecka, J, 1994: Monitoring of fish populations by horizontal and vertical sonar. In: Proceedings of the Ichthyological conference, Vodnany, Czech Rep: 116-120, C.

Kubecka, J. 1994: Models for comparing first year growth of fish fry. Fisheries Management and ecology, 1: 45-55.E.

Kubecka, J., 1994: Simple model on the relationship between fish acoustical target strength and aspect for high-frequency sonar in shallow waters. J. Applied Ichthyology, 10: 75-81. E.

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., Duncan, W., Sinclair, D., Butterworth, A.J., 1994: Brown trout populations of three Scottish lochs estimated by horizontal sonar and multi-mesh gillnets. Fisheries Research, 20: 29-48. E.

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., 1994: Low fish poredation pressure in the London reservoirs: I. Species composition, density and biomass. Int. Rev. Gesampt. Hydrobiol. 79,1,141-153. E.

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., Butterworth, A., 1994: Large and small organisms of Loch Ness studied by scientific echosounder. Scottish Naturalist, 105: 175-193. E.

Duncan, A., Kubecka, J., 1995: Importance of ecotone for fish in reservoirs. Hydrobiologia, 303: 11-30 E.

Kubecka, J., 1995: Sonar revolution, Rybarsvi (Czech fisheries): 5/1995: 141. C.

Kubecka, J., Matena, J.,  1995: Fishes of Hnevkovice and Korensko Reservoirs, Rybarstvi, (Czech fisheries): 3: 68-69 C.

Kubecka, J., 1995: Effect of pulse duration and frequency badwith on fish target strength and echo shape in horizontal sonar applications. In: XII Symposium on Hydroacoustics, Juratta, Poland, May 1995, Polish Naval Military Academy, Publ. 913/95: 187-194. E.

Kubečka, J, Vostradovský, J., 1995: Effects of dams, regulation and pollution on the fish stock of the Vltava River in Prague. Regulated Rivers, Research and Management, 10: 93-98 E.

Komárková, J., Vyhnálek, V., Kubečka, J., 1995: Impact of fish stock manipulation on the composition of net phytoplankton in the Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Water Science and technology, 32,4: 207-216, E.

Renton, P.J., Duncan, A., Kubecka, J., Seda, J., 1995: The management implications of low fish stocks in London reservoirs. J. Water SRT - Aqua, 44, Suppl. 1: 72-79. E.

Kubecka, J., Seda, J., Matena, J., Vyhnalek, V., Hejzlar, J., 1995: Biomanipulation of Czech water supply reservoirs - summary of 18 years. Vodni hospodarstvi 11-12/1995: 374-376, Cz.

Hartvich, P., Kubecka, J., Svobodova, Z., 1995 : Health alterations of fish after passage of turbines of the Lipno Reservoir. Bulletin of Fisheries Res. Institute, Vodnany: 4/1995: 106-111. C,e.

Kubecka, J. 1996: Use of horizontal dual-beam sonar for fish surveys in shallow waters. Cowx I.G. {ed.}: Stock assessment in inland fisheries. Blackwell, Oxford, 165-178. E.

Kubecka, J.: 1996:Selectivity of  Breder traps for sampling of European coarse fish fry. Cowx I.G. {ed.}: Stock assessment in inland fisheries. Blackwell, Oxford, 76-81.

Kubecka, J., Hejzlar, J., Dostalkova, I., 1996: Abundance, Biomass and species composition of fish in the Vltava Cascade: The influence of regulation, eutrophisation and pollution. In Prange A. et al. (eds.): Okosystem Elbe - Zustand, Entwicklung und Nutzung. Vltava River Authority, Ceske Budejovice, 208-213. German & Czech.

Duncan A., Kubecka, J. 1996: Patchiness in longitudinal fish distributions of a river as revealed by continnuous hydro-acoustic survey. ICES J.Mar.Research.53: 161-165.

Kubecka, J., Hanslik, E., 1996: The thickness of muddy sediment layers of the Orlik Dam lake. In: Radionuclides and Ionising Radiation. CVVS, Ces. Budejovice

Kubecka J., Slavik, O., Hanslik, E., 1996: The fish stock of the Orlik Reservoir with respect to the discharge of Temelin Nuclear power plant. In: Radionuclides and Ionising Radiation. CVVS, Ces. Budejovice C.

Havel, L., Rosendorf, P., Matena, J., Kubecka, J., Krizek, J., 1996: Methodology of Investigation and assessment of the effects of fish stock management in drinking water reservoirs. Vyzkum pro praxi, VUV, sesit 32: 66 pp. C, e.

Butterworth, A., Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., 1996: Hydroacoustic technigues to assess fish populations in lowland rivers. In: The proceedings of 24th Annual Study Course, The Institute of Fisheries Management, Cadiff, Sept. 1993, published 1996: 69-79.

Wanzenbock, J., Matena, J., Kubecka, J., 1997:  Comparison of two methods to quantify pelagic early life stages of fish. Archiv. Hydrobiol, Spec. issues 49: p. 117-124.

Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., 1997: Non-traditional applications of scientific echosounders in limnology. Proc. of the Conf. Czech Limnol. Society, Třeboň. 89-92. C.

Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., 1997: Spatial distribution of fish in lakes and reservoirs. Proc. of the Conf. Czech Limnol. Society, Třeboň. 85-88.C.

Seda, J., Kubecka, J., 1997: Long-term biomanipulation of the Rimov reservoir, Czech Republic. Hydrobiologia, 345: 95-108. E.

Kubecka, J., Hartvich, P., Matena, J., 1997: Influences of small bypass hydropower on fish stock of streams. Bulletin of Fisheries Res. Institute, Vodnany 1/2/1997: 83-102. C,e.

Matena, J., Kubecka, J. 1997: The influence of small bypass hydropower on macrozoobenthos of streams. Bulletin of Fisheries Res. Institute, Vodnany. 1/2/1997: 71-82. C,e.

Slavik, O., Mattas, D., Blazkova, S., Kubecka, J., 1997: Utilization og IFIM method on the River Cerna.  Bulletin of Fisheries Res. Institute, Vodnany. 1/2/1997: 62-70. C,e.

Kubecka, J., Matena, J., Hartvich, P., 1997: Adverse ecological effects of small hydropower in the Czech Republic: 1. Bypass plants. Regulated Rivers. 13: 101-113. E.

Kubecka, J., Seda, J., Matena, J., 1998: Fish-Zooplankton interactions during spring in a deep reservoir. Int. Rev. gesamt. Hydrobiol. 83, spec.iss. 431-442.

Matěnová, V., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., Seďa, J. 1998. Growth rate and capacity of cyprinid fish in lowland European reservoirs with different fish density. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 83, spec. issue, 585-590. E.

Kubečka,J., Seďa, J., Duncan, A., Matěna, J., Ketelaars, H., 1998 Composition and biomass of the fish stocks in various european reservoirs and ecological consequences. Intern. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. 83, spec. issue, 559-568. E.

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., 1998: Diurnal changes of fish behaviour in a lowland river monitored by dual-beam echosounder. Fisheries Research 35: 55-63. E.

Kubecka, J., Wittingerova, M. 1998. Horizontal beaming as a crucial component of acoustic stock assessment in freshwater reservoirs. Fish. Res.. 35, 99-106. E.,

Kubecka, J., Duncan, A., 1998: Acoustic size versus real size relationships for common species of riverine fish in different aspect. Fisheries Research. 35: 115-125. E.

Duncan, A., Butterworth, A., Gerlotto, F., Kubecka, J., 1998: Editorial, Shallow water fisheries sonar proceedings. Fisheries Research, 35: 1-3.

Lucas, M.C., Mercer, T., Batley, E., Frear, P.A., Peirson, G., Duncan, A., Kubecka, J., 1998: Spatio-temporal variations in the distribution and abundance of fish in the Yorkshire Ouse system. Science of the Total Environment., 210/211: 437-455. E.

Frouzova, J., Kubecka, J., Cech, M., 1998: Bubble density in the open water of freshwater reservoirs: Consequences for fish stock studies. In: Alippi, A., Cannelli, G.B. (eds.):Proc. of the IV European conference on Underwater Acoustics, Rome, 281-286.

Hladik, M., Kubecka, J., Matenova, V., Matena, J. 1998: Population dynamics of bream (Abramis brama) in the Rimov Reservoir In: Mikešová, J. (ed.) Proc. III. Czech Ichthyological Conf. Vodnany, ISBN 80-85887-20-7, May 1998: 117-122.

Matenova, V and Kubecka, J. 1998: Growth of the common bream (Abramis brama) during the ageing of the Rimov Reservoir. In: Mikešová, J. (ed.) Proc. III. Czech Ichthyological Conf. Vodnany, ISBN 80-85887-20-7, May 1998: 123-128.

Matena, J., Baudisova, D.,  Rosendorf, P., Slavik, O., Kubecka, J., 1998: Revitalisierung des Abschnittes der oberen Moldau zwischen den Talsperren Lipno I und Lipno II aus der Sicht der Makrozoobenthos und der Ichthyofauna. In: Bornhoft, D., et al. (eds.) Proc. 8 Magdeburg seminar on the Elbe, Karlovy Vary, CZ, 323-326, Cz & German.

Matena, J., Kubecka, J., Peterka, J., 1999: Quantitative assessment of pikeperch larvae in the Lipno Reservoir. Bulletin Fish. Res. Inst. Vodnany:  1/2:75-84 C,e.

Hartvich, P., Kubecka, J., 1999: Fish losses due to their turbine passage in the Lipno Reservoir Bulletin Fish. Res. Inst. Vodnany:  1/2:85-90 C,e.

Kubecka, J., Frouzova, J., Vilcinskas, A., Wolter, C., Slavik, O., 2000: Longitudinal hydroacoustic survey of fish of the Elbe River supplemented by direct capture. In: Cowx. I.G. (ed.) Management and ecology of the river fishery. Blackwell, Oxfrod.14-25

Seda, J, Hejzlar, J., Kubecka, J., 2000: Trophic structure of nine Czech reservoirs regularly stocked with piscivorous fish. Hydrobiologia, 429: 141-149.

Kubecka, J., Frouzova, J., Cech, M., Peterka, J., Ketelaars, A.J., Wagenwoort A.J., Papacek, M., 2000: Hydroacoustic assessment of pelagic stages of freshwater insects. Aquatic Living Resources, 13: 361-366.

Matěna, J, Slavík, O., Kubečka, J., 2000: Biodiversity of fry communities in reservoirs and rivers. In: Biodiversita Ichthyofauny ČR (III): 107-111. C,e.

Vašek, M., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Dušek, D., Hladík., M., Kubečka, J., et al. 2000: Diel fluctuations of fish catches taken by pelagic gillnets in the Římov Reservoir. In: Mikešová, J. (ed). Proceedings of IV. Czech Ichthyological Conf., Vodňany: 35-40.

Duncan, A., Schmidt, P.: Kubecka, J. 2000, Aspects of spatial dispersion of coarse fish in  lowland rivers by acoustic survey. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol., 27: 3015-3018.

Duncan, A., Kubečka, J., Kett, S., Hanna, N., Skeldon, J. 2001: Habitats of 0+ fry in an English Lowland River. Arch. Hydrobiol., Suppl. 135/2-4: 153-171. E.

Herzig, A., Kubecka, J.2001, Fish biomass distribution in Neusiedler See (Austria): a hydroacoustic assessment of fish stock. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 27: 3660-3665.

Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., Vašek, M., Čech, M., Hladík, M., Draštík, V., Matěna, J., 2002. Diversity of adult fish in different habitats of the Římov Reservoir. In: Lusk, S., (ed.) Biodiversity of the Ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic, IV, 109-112.

Vašek, M., Matěna, J., Kubečka, J., 2002: Diversity and density of fish fry assemblages in different habitats of a canyon-shaped reservoir. . In: Lusk, S., (ed.) Biodiversity of the Ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic, IV, 167-176.

Čech, M., Kubečka, J., 2002: Sinusoidal cycling swimming pattern of reservoir fishes. Journal of Fish Biol. 61: 456-471.

Hladík, M., Kubečka, J., Pokorný P., Čech M., Draštík, V., Kratochvíl, M., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., Vašek, M., 2002: Giant traps for fishing in the inflow zone of the Římov Reservoir. In: Spurný, P. (ed.) The 5th Czech conference of Ichthyology, Proceedings of the international conference: 126-131.

Kubečka, J., Čech, M., Vernooij, S.M.A., Wagenvoort, A.J., Peterka, J., Hladík, M., Vašek, M., Prchalová, M., Frouzová, J., Draštík, V., Říčan, O., Pokorný, O., Ketelaars, H.A.M. 2002. Composition, biomass and habitat preferences of the fish stock in three artificially destratified Dutch reservoirs. Extended abstracts of 4th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Česke Budějovice, August 2002 131-134.

Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Seďa, J., 2003: Cyprinid predation on zooplankton along the longitudinal profile of a canyon-shaped reservoir. Archiv fur Hydrobiologie. 156,4: 535-550.

Prchalová, M., Draštík, V., Kubečka. J., Sricharoendham B., Schiemer F., Vijverberg, J., 2003: Acoustic study of fish and invertebrate behaviour in tropical reservoir. Aquatic Living Resources 16: 325-331.

Hladík, M., Kubečka, J., (2003) Fish migration between the reservoir and its main tributary. Hydrobiologia 504: 251-266.

Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., Peterka, J. 2003: Sampling of the fish stock of the open water of the reservoirs, Vzorkování rybích obsádek údolních nádrží. Vodní hospodářství (Water management) 10/2003: 273-275.

Matěna, J., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Frouzová, J., Kratochvíl, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J,. Vašek, M. 2004 Distribution of young-of-the-year percids in European reservoirs. IN: Proceedings of  PERCIS III, The Third International Percid Fish Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Printed: January 2004, edited by: T.P. Barry and J.A. Malison: 109-110.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., 2004: Are percid fish overestimated by the gillnets? . IN: Proceedings of  PERCIS III, The Third International Percid Fish Symposium, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA, Printed: January 2004, edited by: T.P. Barry and J.A. Malison: 121-122.

Frouzova, J., Kubečka, J., 2004: Changes of acoustic target strength during juvenile perch development. Fisheries Research 66, 355-361.

Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., (2004): In situ diel patterns of zooplankton consumption by subadult/adult roach (Rutilus rutilus), bream (Abramis brama) and bleak (Alburnus alburnus). Folia Zoologica, 53 (2): 203-214.

Draštík, V., Kubečka, J., Šovčík, P., 2004: Fishery in reservoirs with different ecohydrology. In: Vykusová B., (ed.) VII Czech ichthyological conference, University of South Bohemia, Fisheries Research Institute, Vodňany: 180-185.

Kubečka, J., Kratochvíl, M., Čech, M., Matěna, J., Draštík, V., 2004: Za tajemstvím slapských odrazových vrstev (Secrets of Slapy Reservoir scattering layers). Rybářství, (Czech Fisheries), 107, 2: 36-37.

Kubečka J., Prchalová M., Hladík M., Vašek M. Říha M.: 2004: Effect of catastrophic flooding on the composition of the fish stock of the Římov reservoir. In: Lusk, S., Lusková, V., Halačka, K. [Eds] Biodiversity of the Ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic (V). Ústav biologie obratlovců, Brno: 129-135.

Kratochvíl M., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J., 2004. Distribuce a diverzita plůdku v různých habitatech ÚN Slapy. Distribution and diversity of fish fry in different habitats of the Slapy Reservoir. In: Lusk, S., Lusková, V., Halačka, K. [Eds] Biodiversity of the Ichthyofauna of the Czech Republic (V). Ústav biologie obratlovců, Brno: 92-98.

Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Hladík, M., Prchalová, M., Frouzová, J. 2004. Longitudinal and vertical spatial gradients in the distribution of fish within a canyon-shaped reservoir. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 89, 352-362.

Hladík, M., Kubečka, J., 2004. The effect of the water level fluctuation on tributary spawning migration of reservoir fish. Ecohydrology and hydrobiology, 4: 449-457.

Draštík, V., Kubečka, J., Šovčík, P.2004 Hydrology and angler’s catches in the Czech reservoirs. . Ecohydrology and hydrobiology. 4: 429-439

Peterka, J., Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Hladík, M. Hohausová, E. 2004 Drift of juveniles after riverine spawning of fishes from the Římov reservoir, Czech Republic. Ecohydrology and hydrobiology.4: 459-468.

Frouzová, J., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J. 2004 Acoustic scattering properties of freshwater invertebrates. In: Proceedings of the Seventh European Conference on Underwater Acoustics (ECUA 2004). Simons D.G. (ed.), Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, ISBN 90-5986-079-9, Volume I.: 319-324.

Čech M., Kratochvíl, M., Kubečka, J., Draštík, V., and Matěna, J. 2005: Diel vertical migrations of bathypelagic perch fry . J. Fish Biology 66: 685-702.

Frouzová, J., Kubečka, J., Balk, H., Frouz, J., 2005. Target strength of European freshwater fish and its dependence on fish body parameters. Fisheries Research 75, 86-96.

Draštík, V., Kubečka, J., (2005). Fish avoidance of acoustic survey boat in shallow waters. Fisheries Research, 72: 219-228.

Čech, M. & Kubečka, J. (2006). Ontogenetic changes in the bathypelagic distribution of European perch fry Perca fluviatilis monitored by hydroacoustic methods. Biologia, Bratislava 61(2), 211-219.

Vašek M., Kubečka, J., Matěna, J. and Seďa J. 2006 Distribution, size and diet of 0+ fish within a canyon-shaped reservoir in late summer. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol. 91: 178-194.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., Hladík, M., Hohausová, E., Čech, M., Frouzová, J., 2006.  Fish habitat preferences in an artificial reservoir system. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 1890-1894.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., Jůza, T., Říha, M., Jarolím, O., Tušer, M., (2006) Complex fish stock assessment of the Želivka Reservoir in 2004 and 2005. Sborník IX České ichthyologiké konference, Vodňany 2006: 114-118

Rakowitz, G., Kubečka, J. 2006. Sound propagation in a horizontal bottom aligned transducer. In: Jesus S.M. and Rodríguez, O.C. Proceedings of Eighth European Conference on Underwater Acoustics. ISBN 989-95068-0-X Carvoeiro, Portugal, Vol. 1: 249-254.

Jůza, T., Kubečka, J., Čech, M., Vašek, M., Peterka, J., Draštík, V. Jarolím, O., Prchalová, M., Kratochvíl, M., Frouzová, J., 2006. Open water fish fry community in late summer. Extended abstracts of 5th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Brno, ISBN 80-210-3799-7. August 2006: 98-100..

Hohausová, E., Hejzlar, J., Kubečka, J., Frouzová, J., Tušer, M., Peterka, J., Říha, M., Mudruňková, M., 2006. Limnological importance of macrophytes in newly flooded lake: Example from Chabařovice Lake. In: Sacherová V. (ed) Proceedings of 14.th conference of Czech Limnological Society, ISBN 80-239-7257-X: 96-98. in Czech.

Kubečka, J., Draštík, V., Prchalová, M., Říha, M., Peterka, J., Vašek, M., Frouzová, J., Hohausová, E., Jarolím, O., Jůza, T., Tušer, M., Racek, V., Uhlíř, F., Uhlířová, A., 2006. Complex fish stock assessment of the Chabařovice coal mine. In: Sacherová V. (ed) Proceedings of 14.th conference of Czech Limnological Society, ISBN 80-239-7257-X: 114-116. in Czech.

Kubečka, J., Frouzová, J., Hladík, M., Čech, M., Hohausová, E., Ketelaars, H.A.M., Peterka, J., Vašek, M., Prchalová, M., Draštík, V., Wagenvoort, A.J. 2006: Fish stock of Biesbosch Reservoirs, the Netherlands: valuable fish stock in highly artificial systems. Extended abstracts of 5th International Conference on Reservoir Limnology and Water Quality. Brno, ISBN 80-210-3799-7. August 2006: 84-87.

Kubečka, J., Čech, M., Říha M., Jůza, T., Frouzová, J., Draštík, V., Hladík, M., Kratochvíl, M., Prchalová, M., Tušer, M., Vašek, M., 2006:  Rybí obsádka nádrže Orlík po prvních létech provozu jaderné elektrárny Temelín. Fish stock of the Orlik Reservoir after first years of operation of Temelin Nuclear power plant. In: Hanslík E. and Miller B. (eds.), Radionuklidy a Ionizující záření ve vodním hospodářství, sborník XIX kovnference. Česká vědeckotechnická vodohospodářská společnost, ISBN 80-02-01841-9, Praha: 85-96.

Draštík, V., Kubečka, J., Jůza, T., Jarolím, O., Hladík, M., Kratochvíl, M., Prchalová, M., Říha, M., Tušer, M. 2006. Fish diversity and spatial distribution of Young of the year fish in Vltava Cascade reservoirs. In: Lusk, S., Lusková V. (eds.) Biodiversity of fishes of the Czech Republic (VI), Inst. of  Vertebrate Biology, Brno, ISBN 80-903329-6-X, 29-34.

Jůza, T., Kubečka, J., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Jarolím, O., Peterka, J., Vašek, M., 2006. Sampling of offshore fry fish communities of reservoirs by trawls. . In: Lusk, S., Lusková V. (eds.) Biodiversity of fishes of the Czech Republic (VI), Inst. of  Vertebrate Biology, Brno, ISBN 80-903329-6-X, 71-77.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., 2006. Species composition along the vertical gradient in canyon-shaped reservoirs. . In: Lusk, S., Lusková V. (eds.) Biodiversity of fishes of the Czech Republic (VI), Inst. of  Vertebrate Biology, Brno, ISBN 80-903329-6-X,  117-124.

Čech, M., Kubečka, J., Frouzová, J., Draštík, V., Kratochvíl, M. Matěna, J. & Hejzlar J. (2007). Distribution of the bathypelagic perch fry layer along the longitudinal profile of two large canyon-shaped reservoirs. Journal of Fish Biology 70: 141-154.

Čech, M., Kubečka, J., Frouzová, J., Draštík, V., Kratochvíl, M. & Jarošík, J. (2007). Impact of flood on distribution of bathypelagic perch fry layer along the longitudinal profile of large canyon-shaped reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology, 70: 1109-1119.

Kubečka J., Matěna J., Čech M., Draštík V., Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Muška M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Říha, M., Tušer M., Vašek M., 2007: How shall we study the fish stock of our large water reservoirs? In. Švátora, M. (ed.): Proceedings of X Czech Ichthyological Society. Prague, June 2007, ISBN 978-80-86561-82-0: 92-94 (in Czech with English summary).

Eva Hohausová, Jan Kubečka, Jaroslava Frouzová, Štěpán Husák, Helge Balk. 2007: Experimentální hodnocení biomasy vybraných druhů vodních makrofyt horizontální echolokací. In: Říhová-Ambrožová, J., Sbor. Konf. Vodárenská biologie 2007, ISBN 978-80-86832-23-4. Praha: 100-105.

Kubečka, J. 2007: Porozumíme rybím obsádkám našich velkých nádrží? (Will we understand the fish stock of our large reservoirs? Rybářství (Czech Fisheries) VI (2007): 10-13 (in Czech).

Juza, T., Kubecka, J., 2007. Efficiency of three fry trawls to sample freshwater pelagic fry community. Fisheries Research, 85, 3: 285–290.

Kubečka, J. Peterka, J., Matěna, J. Hohausová, E. 2007. After the true picture of events under the water surface. Bulletin of Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 12, 2007: 4-5 (in Czech).

Kubečka, J., Pivnička, K., Jankovský, M., Draštík, V., Hladík. M. 2008: Pojem rybářského úsilí aneb proč zapisovat i neúspěšné docházky. (Notion of the fishing effort, or why is it important to register also unsuccessfull fishing trips). Rybářství, Czech Fisheries, 5/2008, 14-15.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka J., M. Říha, R. Litvín, M. Čech, J. Frouzová, M. Hladík, E. Hohausová, J. Peterka, M. Vašek. 2008 Overestimation of percid fishes (Percidae) in gillnet sampling. Fisheries Research 91: 79-87.

Draštík, V., Kubečka J., Tušer M., Čech, M., Frouzová, J., Jarolı´m  O. Prchalova M.. 2008. The effect of hydropower on fish stocks: comparison between cascade and non-cascade reservoirs. Hydrobiologia 609: 25-36.

Hohausová, E.,  J. Kubečka, J. Frouzová, Š. Husák, H. Balk  2008.Experimental  biomass assessment of three species of freshwater aquatic plants by horizontal acoustics. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 46: 82-88.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J. Vašek, M., Peterka, J. Seďa, J., Jůza, T., Říha, M., Jarolím, O., Tušer, M., Kratochvíl, M., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Frouzová, J., Hohausová, E. 2008 Gradients of fish distribution in a canyon-shaped reservoir. Journal of Fish Biology 73: 54-78.

Frouzová J., Kubečka, J., Prchalová, M. and Draštík, V. 2008: Use of hydroacoustics in tropical freshwater ecology – a pilot study of reservoirs and lakes in tropical Asia. Schiemer F., D. Simon, U.S. Amarasinghe, and J. Moreau (eds). Aquatic Ecosystem and Development: Comparative Asian Perspectives. Biology of Inland Waters Series, Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands, pp. 195-202.

Kratochvíl, M., Kubečka, J., Vašek, M., Jůza, T., Draštík, V., Fouzová, J., Jarolím, O., 2008. Ichthyological investigation of NeusiedlerSee. Rybářství, Czech Fisheries, VII/2008, 76-78.

Kratochvíl, M., Peterka, J., Kubečka, J. Matěna, J. Vašek, M. Vaníčková, I., Čech, M., Seďa, J. 2008.   Feeding behaviour of larvae and juvenile perch (Perca fluviatilis) performing diurnal vertical migrations in a deep canyon-shaped reservoir. Folia Zoologica, 57: 313-323.

Vašek, M., Jarolím, O., Čech, M., Kubečka, J., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., 2008. The use of pelagic habitats by cyprinids in a deep eutrophic impoundment: Římov Reservoir, Czech Republic. Folia Zoologica 57: 324-336

Rakowitz, G., Berger, B., Kubecka, J., Keckeis, H. 2008, Functional role of environmental stimuli for the spawning migration in Danube nase. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.17, 3, 502-514.

Rakowitz, G., Herold, W., Fesl, Ch., Keckeis, H., Kubecka, J., Balk, H. 2008 Two methods to improve the accuracy of target-strength estimates for horizontal beaming.. Fisheries Research, 93, 3, 324-331.

Čech, M., Čech, P., Kubečka, J., Prchalová, M., Draštík, V. 2008, Size selectivity displayed in summer and winter diet of great cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo): Does it reflect season dependent difference in foraging efficiency. Waterbirds, 31, 3: 438-447.

Říha, M., Kubečka, J., Mrkvička, T., Prchalová, M., Čech, M., Draštík, V.,  Frouzová, J., Hladík, M., Hohausová, E., Jarolím, O., Jůza, T., Kratochvíll, M., Peterka, J.,. Tušer M., & Vašek, M. 2008. Dependence of beach seine net efficiency on net length and diel period. Aquatic Living Resources 21: 411-418.

Hladík, M., Kubecka, J., Mrkvička, T., Čech, T., Draštík, V.,  Frouzová, J., Hohausová, E., Matěna, J., Matěnová, V., Kratochvíl, M., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., Vašek, M., 2008: The effect of the construction of a reservoir on the fish assemblage in an inflow river. Czech J. Anim. Sci., 53, 12: 537-547.

Kubečka, J., Amarasinghe, U.S., Bonar, S.A., Hateley, J.A., Hickley, P., Hohausová, E., Matěna, J., Peterka, J., Suuronen, P., Tereschenko, V., Welcomme, R., Winfield, I.J., 2009 The true picture of a lake or reservoir fish stock: a review of needs and progress. Fisheries Research, 96, 1: 1-5.

M. Vašek, J. Kubečka, M. Čech, V. Draštík, J. Matěna, T. Mrkvička*, J. Peterka, M. Prchalová. 2009: Diel variation in gillnet catches and vertical distribution of pelagic fishes in a stratified European reservoir. Fisheries Research, 96, 1: 64-69.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., Říha, M., Mrkvička, T., Vašek, M., Jůza, T., Kratochvíl, M., Peterka, J., Draštík, V., Křížek, J., 2009. Size selectivity of standardized multimesh gillnets in sampling coarse European species. Fisheries Research, 96, 1: 51-57.

Tušer, M., Kubečka, J., Frouzová, J., Jarolím O., 2009. Fish orientation along the longitudinal profile of the Římov reservoir during daytime: Consequences for horizontal acoustic surveys. Fisheries Research, 96, 1, 23-29.

Říha, M., Kubečka J., Seďa J., Matěna J., Hladík M., Čech M., Draštík V., 2, Frouzová J., Hohausová E., Jarolím O., Jůza T., Kratochvíl M., Peterka J., Prchalová M., Tušer M., Vašek M.  Long-term development of fish populations in the Římov Reservoir. Manuscript submitted to Fisheries Management and Ecology.

Prchalová, M., Kubečka, J., Čech, M., Frouzová, J.,  Draštík, V., Hohausová, E., Jůza, T., Kratochvíl, M., Matěna, J., Peterka, J., Říha, M., Vašek, M., The effect of depth, distance from dam and habitat choice on the spatial distribution of fish in canyon-shaped reservoir. Accepted to Ecology of Freshwater Fish.

Draštík, V., Kubečka,  J., Čech, M., Frouzová, J., Tušer, M., Jarolím, O. In press Better fish stock estimates in reservoirs: day or night acoustic surveys? Manuscript submitted to the Aquatic Living Resources

Rakowitz, G., Berger, B., Kubecka, J., Keckeis, H., Assessment of the spawning population and homing range of a litophylous cyprinid: comparison of hydroacoustic surveys and mark-recapture estimates. Submitted to J Fish Biol.

Kubečka, J., Draštík, V.,  Frouzová, J., Hladík, M., Čech, M., Hohausová, E., Juza, T., Ketelaars, H.A.M., Kratochvil, M., Litvín, R., Peterka, J., Prchalová, M., Vašek, M., Wagenvoort, A.J., manuscript  Fish of Biesbosch water supply reservoirs: towards the methodology of a complex fish stock assessment. Manuscript for Fisheries Management and Ecology.

Jůza, T., Vašek, M., Kubečka, J., Seďa, J., Matěna, J.,  Prchalová M.,  Peterka, J.,  Říha, M., Jarolím, O., Tušer, M., Kratochvíl, M., Čech, M., Draštík, V., Frouzová, J., Hohausová, E., Late summer open water fry communities in a canyon-shaped reservoir. Submitted to Hydrobiologia

Kubečka, J., Peterka, J. Ecological potential of the fish stock of Czech reservoirs: Can the neighbouring lakes provide the reference conditions? Submitted to Vodní hospodářství (Water management).

M. ČECH, J. PETERKA, M. ŘÍHA, T. JŮZA, J. KUBEČKA. Distribution of egg strands of European perch (Perca fluviatilis, L.) with respect to depth and spawning substrate. Submitted to Hydrobilogia