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Články, které se týkají projektu Rhodo a publikování výsledků.

 Title   Type 
The home stretch, a first analysis of the nearly completed genome of Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 File
The Rhodobacter capsulatus genome File
Complete Genome Sequence of the Facultative Anaerobic Magnetotactic Bacterium Magnetospirillum sp. strain AMB-1 File
Identification and Characterization of a Novel Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin) Biosynthetic Enzyme (CobZ) from Rhodobacter capsulatus, Containing Flavin, Heme, and Fe-S Cofactors File
Hon-yaku: a biology-driven Bayesian methodology for identifying translation initiation sites in prokaryotes File
Phylogenetic detection of conserved gene clusters in microbial genomes File
Complete genome sequence of Vibrio fischeri: A symbiotic bacterium with pathogenic congeners. File
Genome sequence of Synechococcus CC9311: Insights into adaptation to a coastal environment File
The cyanobacterial genome core and the origin of photosynthesis File
The complete genome sequence of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis File
Whole genome sequence of Staphylococcus saprophyticus reveals the pathogenesis of uncomplicated urinary tract infection File
The complete genome sequence of Lactobacillus bulgaricus reveals extensive and ongoing reductive evolution File
The partitioned Rhizobium etli genome: Genetic and metabolic redundancy in seven interacting replicons File
Comparison of the complete genome sequences of Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae B728a and pv. tomato DC3000 File
The genome of the heartwater agent Ehrlichia ruminantium contains multiple tandem repeats of actively variable copy number File
Complete genome sequencing of Anaplasma marginale reveals that the surface is skewed to two superfamilies of outer membrane proteins File
Inaugural Article: From the Cover: Complete genome sequence of the probiotic lactic acid bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM File
Genome analysis of multiple pathogenic isolates of Streptococcus agalactiae: Implications for the microbial "pan-genome" File
ARAGORN, a program to detect tRNA genes and tmRNA genes in nucleotide sequences File
Phage_Finder: Automated identification and classification of prophage regions in complete bacterial genome sequences File

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