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Ansorge: Genomes, Proteomes & Next Generation Sequencing technologies

Prof. Wilhelm Ansorge: "Genomes, Proteomes & Next Generation Sequencing technologies"

What Lectures Bioinfo Skupina
When 2007-11-22
from 12:00 to 13:30
Where UMG lecture hall
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Biotechnologicky sektor UMG AV CR, v.v.i. Vas srdecne zve na prednasku o
nejnovejsich genomickych a proteomickych technologiich:

"Genomes, Proteomes & Next Generation Sequencing technologies"

kterou prednese

                 Prof. Wilhelm Ansorge

                 director,       Institute of Advanced and Emerging Technology
                 Lausanne, Switzerland

Ve Ctvrtek      22. 11.         od 12 h

V prednaskove mistnosti UMG AV CR v Praze Krci - v prizemi

Prof. je Ansorge leta pusobil jako "Head and Coordinator of Biochemical
Instrumentation Programme v EMBL Heidelberg a krome rady vyznamnych
publikaci je take spoluautorem rady vyznamnych patentu v obnùasti
genomickych technologii

(ze stanice "Poliklinika Budejovicka" - metro "C" - autobusem c. 193 na
konecnou "Ustavy AV CR" - 15 min)

Peter Sebo, PhD.
GSM:            (+420) 774 798 121
office phone:   (+420) 241 062 762 (secretary and voice mail)
fax:            (+420) 241 062 152

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