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Moscow Conference on Computational Molecular Biology (MCCMB'07)

Moscow, Russia, July 27-30, 2007

What Conference Skupina FOBIA
When 2007-02-22
from 22:40 to 22:40
Where Moscow
Contact Name hpaces
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Contact Phone l. 3446
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*** Call for papers

MCCMB'07 is the third Moscow conference on computational molecular biology and bioinformatics. MCCMB'07 will focus on modern aspects of computational and comparative genomics. We welcome submissions of two-page abstracts from researchers working, in particular, in the following areas:

  • Sequence analysis (statistics of DNA and protein sequences; functional annotation of DNA sequences and proteins);
  • Structure of biopolymers (prediction of protein structure; interaction of proteins with ligands; classification of folds and structural motifs; prediction of RNA structure);
  • Molecular evolution (phylogeny analysis; evolution of genomes, regulatory systems and metabolic pathways; genome rearrangements);
  • Genomics and proteomics (large scale genome analysis; metabolic and signal pathways; expression arrays; SNPs in medicine and population genetics; large-scale analysis of proteomes and protein-protein interactions; automated annotation of genomes);
  • Systems biology (models and networks);
  • Bioalgorithms;
  • Education in bioinformatics.

The program of the conference includes invited talks (the list of invited speakers will be available at, contributed talks, poster sessions, computer demonstrations, and special sessions.

*** Calendar

Conference: July 27-30, 2007, immediately after the ISMB/ECCB conference.

The on-site registration starts July 26.

Satellite events, including workshops in bioalgorithms: July 31 - August 2 (more details will be included into the following letters).

Also we plan a post-conference tour to several old Russian cities.

*** Registration

Participants must register online at Registration deadline is May 1 for participants who need a Russian visa and June 1 for others.

*** Submission of abstracts.

Please submit two-page abstracts following the instruction at

The deadline for submission of abstracts for oral presentations is April 1 Notification to authors: April 25 The deadline for submission of poster abstracts and revised abstracts: June 1

*** Contact information


Phones: +7(495)939-5414 (Sergei Spirin, general questions) FAX: +7(495)135-1537 Mail address: M.Gelfand, Institute for Information Transmission Problems RAS Bolshoi Karetny pereulok 19 Moscow, 127994, Russia

Please, mark the envelope "MCCMB'07".

For other details please visit the conference Web site:

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