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Data pro připravovaný článek.

B12 (cobalamin) - data sheet
Biochemický popis vitaminu B12 - kobalaminu.
Gene Functional Classes
adapted from COG
Closest genomes
Table of genomes and number of best hits (highest fasta bit score). Only genomes with hits > 20 are shown.
[Rhodo] gene list for cv, chromosome v1.0
description | length [aa] | hp_id | cog | code | cog description | beg | end | ori
[Rhodo] gene list for cv, plasmid v1.0
description | length [aa] | hp_id | cog | code | cog description | beg | end | ori
bbh analysis of the order rhodobacterales
parameters bbh: min 70% overlap and (fasta bit s > 100 or identity > 35%); table hom_analysis_c; tab delimited values
bbh numbers in the order rhodobacterales
sum of the previous file

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