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Structural Patterns

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search for structural patterns, collaboration with Jiří Vondrášek

Uneven frequency of symmetrical patterns

Uneven frequency of symmetrical patterns

This picture shows very uneven distribution of patterns, documented on symmetrical patterns. Symmetrical pattern we define as: (F5I4H3W1H5Y) -> (Y5H1W3H4I5F). Search is based on nrpdbaa database.

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Pattern neighborhood (4149779)

Pattern neighborhood (4149779)

Interaction patterns; search in astral40; threshold for including pattern in network: 10 hits (incomplete net); pattern 4149779 [T1E0E2N2K]; levels of neighborhood: 2; Description: size of each node corresponds with number of hits, color corresponds with number of neighbors. Picture from Cytoscape (Id: sp5i5_p10-4149779_n2)

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Pattern neighborhood (1036817)

Pattern neighborhood (1036817)

Interaction patterns; search in: astral40; threshold for including pattern in network: 4 hits; pattern: 1036817 [S1E0E2E0N], levels of neighborhood: 2; Description: size of each node corresponds with number of hits, color corresponds with number of neighbors. Picture from BioLayout3D (Id: sp5i5_n4_1036817_2)

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Pattern neighborhood (3932695)

Pattern neighborhood (3932695)

Interaction patterns; search in astral40; threshold for including pattern in network: 10 hits (incomplete net); pattern 3932695; levels of neighborhood: 15; maximal change in gaps: +/-1; description: size of each node corresponds with number of hits, color corresponds with number of neighbors. Picture from Cytoscape (Id: sp5i5_n4b_3932695_10_cs.png)

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Preliminary results (XI 07)

Searches of patterns against different databases

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Paramagnetic clustering, test of the algorithm

Application of paramagnetiic clustering to the network ot protein patterns.

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Complete network surrounding pattern 12194395

Complete network surrounding pattern 12194395

Interaction patterns; search in: astral70; threshold for including pattern in network: 4 hits; pattern: 12194395 [N1T1E3E2K], levels of neighborhood: 100; Description: size of each node corresponds with number of neighbors, color corresponds with number of observed hits. Picture from Cytoscape (Id: sp5i6_n4b_12194395_100)

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Complete network surrounding pattern 27464727

Complete network surrounding pattern 27464727

Interaction patterns; search in: astral70; threshold for including pattern in network: 4 hits; pattern: 27464727 [E2E0K2Q6S], levels of neighborhood: 100; Description: size of each node corresponds with number of neighbors, color corresponds with number of observed hits. Picture from Cytoscape (Id: sp5i6_n4b_27464727)

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Paramagnetic clustering of patterns, v1 (12190279)

Paramagnetic clustering of patterns, v1 (12190279)

Interaction patterns; search in: astral70; threshold for including pattern in network: 4 hits; pattern: 12190279 [N1T1E0E6E], levels of neighborhood: 100; description: size of each node corresponds with number of observed hits, color shows clusters generated in 3rd iteration by; picture from cytoscape, layot organic. [Id: sp5i6_n4b_12194395_100]

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