zdrojove database vazebnych motivu
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ELM - The Eukaryotic Linear Motif
P~Pep is a database of human protein-protein interactions mediated by phosphoprotein binding domains (PPBDs).
The NetPhos 2.0 server produces neural network predictions for serine, threonine and tyrosine phosphorylation sites in eukaryotic proteins.
Searches for phosphorylation sites and motifs that bind to domains such as SH2, 14-3-3 or PDZ .
Prediction of interaction with protein domains (SH3, PDZ, WW...)
DILIMOT is a server for finding short (3-8 amino acids), over-represented peptide patterns, or Linear motifs, in a set of proteins.
SLiMFinder - Short linear motifs
Explore interaction data for linear motif candidates
Human Proteinpedia - HPRD
Human Proteinpedia is a community portal for sharing and integration of human protein data. It allows research laboratories to contribute and maintain protein annotations. Human Protein Reference Database (HPRD) integrates data, that is deposited in Human Proteinpedia along with the existing literature curated information in the context of an individual protein. All the public data contributed to Human Proteinpedia can be queried, viewed and downloaded.
Pdf k Proteinpedii
Pdf k Proteinpedii
phosphomotif HPRD database
FT MOTIF in swissprot
list of all motifs (line FT MOTIF) on human subset of swissprot
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