Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Stanislav Přeučil

    Journal articles

    1. Jiroušek Radim, Přeučil Stanislav: On the effective implementation of the iterative proportional fitting procedure , Computational Statistics and Data Analysis vol.19, p. 177-189 (1995)

    Other publications

    1. Janžura Martin, Přeučil Stanislav: An Expert System Based on the Simulated Annealing Algorithm , Workshop on Uncertainty Processing in Expert Systems, p. - , Eds: Jiroušek R., ÚTIA ČSAV, (Prague 1991) , WUPES '91, (Alšovice, CS, 09.09.1991-12.09.1991) (1991)
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    Last modification: 03.09.2008
    Institute of Information Theory and Automation