PhDr. Martin Kuna
He is specialized in archaeological theory, settlement and landscape
archaeology, field survey, sites and monument records, GIS, Bronze Age.
Before: SM Roztoky (1979); ArÚ Praha (1980-1985); OM Brandýs n.L.
(1986-1990). |
- The Cultural Triangle Project, Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka (1984,
UNESCO), consultant.
- Archaeological database of Bohemia (1991 onwards), director, author
of the system (internal)./Long-term projects of the department
including computerization of field reports archive since 1991 together
with , R. Křivánek, D. Křivánková, L. Haišmanová./
- Prehistoric settlement patterns of Bohemia (1997 onwards),
- Ancient Landscape Reconstruction in Bohemia project. Common project
with University in Sheffield (M. Zvelebil). (1991-1995, Krajina a sídla,
AVČR A90252)./General trends in the settlement development,
structure of the settlement areas, and changes in landscape were part
of the project. One aim was the development of survey methods,
definition of main factors of formation and transformation of surface
finds. Two transects were surveyed in the continuously settled
landscape of middle and northwestern Bohemia./
- Structure and dynamics of prehistoric settlement (1996-1997, AVČR
A9002603 ). /The project deals with the application of GIS to the
prehistoric settlement structure, data from areas of Vinorsky and
Mratincky brooches./
- Archaeological database of Bohemia (internal).
Selected pilot publications from recent years:
- 1996: GIS v archeologickém výzkumu regionu: vývoj pravěké
sídelní oblasti středních Čech - GIS in regional
archaeological research: development of prehistoric settlement
patterns in Central Bohemia, Archeologické rozhledy 48 [4], 580-604.
- 1997: Geografický informační systém a výzkum pravěké
sídelní struktury, in: Macháček, J. (ed.), Počítačová
podpora v archeologii, Brno (MU), 173-194.
- 1998: Keramika, povrchový sběr a kontinuita pravěké
krajiny - Ceramics, surface survey and the continuity of prehistoric
landscape, Archeologické rozhledy 50, 192-223.
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