Institute of Information Theory and Automation
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Fault Detection and Isolation - Cooperation with Slovenia

Project leader: Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc.
Supported by (ID): MŠMT-ČR-ME245/1998
Duration: 1998-2001


Project leader: Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
Supported by (ID): 110330-CP-2003-ES-Minerva-M
Duration: 2003-2005

Dynamic clustering: theory, algorithms and software

Project leader: Ing. Petr Nedoma, CSc.
Supported by (ID): GAČR102/03/0049
Duration: 2003-2005

Dynamic clustering for control of complex processes

Project leader: Ing. Petr Nedoma, CSc.
Supported by (ID): AVČRS1075351
Duration: 2003-2005

Development of multiple model adaptive systems

Project leader: Ing. Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ph.D.
Duration: 2003-2005

Decision-support tool for complex industrial processes based on probabilistic data clustering

Project leader: Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc.
Supported by (ID): Esprit-25729
Duration: 1998-2001

Decision-support tool for complex industrial processes based on probabilistic data clustering

Project leader: Ing. Miroslav Kárný, DrSc.
Supported by (ID): IST-ProDaCTools-No.IST-1999-12058
Duration: 1999-2002

Decentralized control of large-scale systems

Project leader: Ing. Lubomír Bakule, CSc.
Supported by (ID): GAAVČRA2075304
Duration: 2003-2007

Data-driven modelling for decision-making support and process monitoring

Project leader: Ing. Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ph.D.
Supported by (ID): MŠMT ME-8-2005/06
Duration: 2005-2006

Control and supervision of technological processe by using mixture modelling

Project leader: Ing. Tatiana Valentine Guy, Ph.D.
Supported by (ID): MSMT ME26-2003-04
Duration: 2003-2004
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Institute of Information Theory and Automation