
Jméno Adriaenssens Louis
Pozice Postdoktorand

Louis Adriaenssens

Louis Adriaenssens

Postdoctoral Fellow

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, v.v.i.
Flemingovo nám. 2, CZ-166 10 Prague 6, Czech Republic

Phone: (+420) 220 183 405, 220 183 207


Ph.D. at the University of Glasgow under Dr. Richard Hartley. Undertaking my Ph.D. with Dr. Hartley was stimulating and he provided me with a first-rate education both practically and theoretically. During my time at Glasgow we investigated new routes to stereodiverse heterocycles.


B.Sc. at UC Davis. Unsure which area of chemistry to specialize in, the excellent tutelage of Prof. Ted Molinski and Prof. Jacquelyn Gervay-Hague inspired me to focus on organic chemistry.


A.S. at Foothill Community College. I first became interested in academics while taking general chemistry from Dr. Londa Larson. She not only instilled a solid basic grounding in chemistry, but encouraged in-depth thought about the subject.

since 2007

Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, ASCR in the group of Dr.Filip Teplý. Working with Dr. Teplý at the beginning of his independent career has been very exciting. Through his enthusiasm towards science he has attracted co-workers who share his devotion and interest, therefore, bringing an excellent atmosphere to the lab. As a consequence, while a post-doc, my education continues not only through the teaching of Dr. Teplý, but also from my co-workers.

Awards and fellowships
2006 Pfizer Prize for best oral presentation (Glasgow University).
2003 Reiber Memorial Fund Scholarship for excellence in chemistry (University of California, Davis).
Research Interest
Synthesis and properties of heterocycles, chemical biology, induction and control of fluorescence, bioorganometalic chemistry.