Gamma-Tubulin is Essential for Acentrosomal Microtubule Nucleation and Coordination of Late Mitotic Events in

Binarová, Pavla; Cenklová, Věra; Procházková, Jiřina; Doskočilová, Anna; Volc, Jindřich; Vrlík, Martin; Bögre, L.
PLANT CELL 18 [5]: 1199-1212, 2006

Klíčová slova: gamma-tubulin; rna; arabidopsis cells
Abstrakt: We used inducible expression of RNA for gamma-tubulin to downregulate gamma-tubulin in Arabidopsis cells. We found that gamma-tubulin is Essentials for nucleation of microtubules from disperse sites that are associated with membranes or microtubules. The role of gamma-tubulin in regulation of late mitotic events was suggested
Autoři z ÚEB: Pavla Binarová, Věra Cenklová, Dagmar Procházková