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Proteinářské přednášky

11:00 Dr. Richard Stefl: Protein-RNA interactions as seen by NMR spectroscopy 12:00 Dr. Jingjing Li: Combinatorial protein engineering of affibodies regognizing IGF-1 receptor

What Lectures
When 2007-03-23
from 11:00 to 13:00
Where přednáškový sál v přízemí
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Biotechnologicky sektor UMG AV CR, v.v.i.
Laborator inzenyrstvi vazebnych proteinu
Sektor Bunecne a molekularni mikrobbiologie,
Laborator molekularni biologie bakterialnich patogenu sektoru MBU AV CR (125)

Vas srdecne zvou na "proteinarske" prednasky:

V PATEK 23.03. od 11 h

v prednaskove mistnosti UMG AV CR v.v.i. (prizemi - nova budova v arealu v Krci)

11,00 "Protein-RNA interactions as seen by NMR spectroscopy"

Dr. Richard Stefl
National Centre for Biomolecular Research (NCBR)
MU Brno

12,00 "Combinatorial protein engineering of affibodies regognizing IGF-1 receptor

Dr. Jingjing Li
Royal Institute of Technology
Stockholm, Sweden

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