The Internet Application is divided into four views, according to folders of the main menu:
  • Introduction
  • Search
  • Display of Records (they are displayed only after the first successful Search in records)
  • Help
I am going to focus on two middle folders.

View of Search serves to specification of conditions for search of records and at the same time to set up the selection of displays results.

The condition of search is determined by the content of the following fields: Person, the Place of Origin, and Year of Origin. The first two fields (Person, and Place of Origin) can be filled with one or more chains of letters and numbers. By the chain is meant the succession of letters or numbers. The field Year of Origin can be filled by only one four digits number. The resulting search condition equals to logical product over all fields and at the same time over all chains in individual fields. It means that more data we provide more accurately is determined a searched object and consequently fewer entries will be included into search results. If some fields are left empty, they will be excluded from search conditions. If all fields are left empty, all related records will occur on the final display.

Selection the Number of Results per page determines the number of records displayed on one page (screen). It is adviced to adjust the number to variations of the monitor.
The selection of ordering results according to determines the order of searched results.

In the mid-frame we select just one specific collection or all of them. The frame on the right contains references to accompanying texts to individual collections.

  Display of Records  
From this perspective we can survey the displayed records. The view offers two ways of display: Description of Photos and Photos. Both displays have at the top of the window a navigation tape, which enables moving on displayed records. We can move to the first/last record or to previous/following record in detailed display. In Description of Photos we move along N records ahead/back according to the selection of results per-page. The field Go to allows to go to N-ties record in sequence. Display of the selected position is placed in the frame.

Translation Marie L. Neudorflová