
Deputy Head:
Research Fellow:
Research Assistant:
Ph.D. Students:
Undergraduate Students:

Research topics

Molecular mechanisms of DNA damage response, cell cycle control, oncogenesis, cellular senescence and ageing.

Current Grant Support

2005-2009 GA AV CR IAA500390501, The role of PML in cellular senescence
2008-2010 GACR 301/08/0353, Protein modifications in DNA damage signalling: Mechanisms and cancer relevance
2008-2012 GACR 204/08/1418, The role of the JAK/STAT signalling pathway in cellular senescence
2008-2010 FP7-HEALTH-2007-2.1.2-5 Systems-Level, Multi-layer Understanding of Cellular Responses to Ionizing Radiation

Most important recent papers

(2004-present; names of the lab members underlined)

Kastan MB, Bartek J: Cell-cycle checkpoints and cancer. Nature 432:316-323, 2004. (PubMed)

Lukas C, Melander F, Stucki M, Falck J, Bekker-Jensen S, Goldberg M, Lerenthal Y, Jackson SP, Bartek J, Lukas J: Mdc1 couples DNA double-strand break recognition by Nbs1 with its H2AX-dependent chromatin retention. Embo J 23:2674-2683, 2004. (PubMed)

Lukas J, Bartek J: Watching the DNA repair ensemble dance. Cell 118:666-668, 2004. (PubMed)

Lukas J, Bartek J: Cell division: the heart of the cycle. Nature 432:564-567, 2004. (PubMed)

Sorensen CS, Hansen LT, Dziegielewski J, Syljuasen RG, Lundin C, Bartek J, Helleday T: The cell-cycle checkpoint kinase Chk1 is required for mammalian homologous recombination repair. Nat Cell Biol 7:195-201, 2005. (PubMed)

Bartkova J, Horejsi Z, Koed K, Kramer A, Tort F, Zieger K, Guldberg P, Sehested M, Nesland JM, Lukas C, Orntoft T, Lukas J, Bartek J: DNA damage response as a candidate anti-cancer barrier in early human tumorigenesis. Nature 434:864-870, 2005. (PubMed)

Ziv Y, Bielopolski D, Galanty Y, Lukas C, Taya Y, Schultz DC, Lukas J, Bekker-Jensen S, Bartek J, Shiloh Y: Chromatin relaxation in response to DNA double-strand breaks is modulated by a novel ATM- and KAP-1 dependent pathway. Nat Cell Biol 8:870-876, 2006. (PubMed)

Bartek J: Microcephalin guards against small brains, genetic instability, and cancer. Cancer Cell 10:91-93, 2006. PubMed)

Bartek J, Lukas J: Cell biology. The stress of finding NEMO. Science 311:1110-1111, 2006. (PubMed)

Bartek J, Lukas J: Cell biology. Balancing life-or-death decisions. Science 314:261-262, 2006. (PubMed)

Bartek J, Mailand N: TOPping up ATR activity. Cell 124:888-890, 2006. (PubMed)

Bartkova J, Rezaei N, Liontos M, Karakaidos P, Kletsas D, Issaeva N, Vassiliou LV, Kolettas E, Niforou K, Zoumpourlis VC, Takaoka M, Nakagawa H, Tort F, Fugger K, Johansson F, Sehested M, Andersen CL, Dyrskjot L, Orntoft T, Lukas J, Kittas C, Helleday T, Halazonetis TD, Bartek J, Gorgoulis VG: Oncogene-induced senescence is part of the tumorigenesis barrier imposed by DNA damage checkpoints. Nature 444:633-637, 2006. (PubMed)

Jazayeri A, Falck J, Lukas C, Bartek J, Smith GC, Lukas J, Jackson SP: ATM- and cell cycle-dependent regulation of ATR in response to DNA double-strand breaks. Nat Cell Biol 8:37-45, 2006. (PubMed)

Vlasakova J, Novakova Z, Rossmeislova L, Kahle M, Hozak P, Hodny Z. Histone deacetylase inhibitors suppress IFNalpha-induced up-regulation of promyelocytic leukemia protein. Blood 109:1373-1380, 2006. (PubMed)

Janderova-Rossmeislova L, Novakova Z, Vlasakova J, Philimonenko V, Hozak P, Hodny Z.: PML protein association with specific nucleolar structures differs in normal, tumor and senescent human cells. J Struct Biol 159:56-70, 2007. (PubMed)

Blazkova H, von Schubert C, Mikule K, Schwab R, Angliker N, Schmuckli-Maurer J, Fernandez PC, Doxsey S, Dobbelaere DA: The IKK inhibitor BMS-345541 affects multiple mitotic cell cycle transitions. Cell Cycle 6:2531-2540, 2007. (PubMed)

Groth A, Corpet A, Cook AJ, Roche D, Bartek J, Lukas J, Almouzni G: Regulation of replication fork progression through histone supply and demand. Science 318:1928-1931, 2007. (PubMed)

Mailand N, Bekker-Jensen S, Faustrup H, Melander F, Bartek J, Lukas C, Lukas J: RNF8 ubiquitylates histones at DNA double-strand breaks and promotes assembly of repair proteins. Cell 131:887-900, 2007. (PubMed)

Oren M, Bartek J: The sunny side of p53. Cell 128:826-828, 2007. (PubMed)

Sartori AA, Lukas C, Coates J, Mistrik M, Fu S, Bartek J, Baer R, Lukas J, Jackson SP: Human CtIP promotes DNA end resection. Nature 450:509-514, 2007. (PubMed)

Halazonetis TD, Gorgoulis VG, Bartek J: An oncogene-induced DNA damage model for cancer development. Science 319:1352-1355, 2008. (PubMed)

Fagerholm R, Hofstetter B, Tommiska J, Aaltonen K, Vrtel R, Syrjakoski K, Kallioniemi A, Kilpivaara O, Mannermaa A, Kosma VM, Uusitupa M, Eskelinen M, Kataja V, Aittomaki K, von Smitten K, Heikkila P, Lukas J, Holli K, Bartkova J, Blomqvist C, Bartek J, Nevanlinna H: NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 NQO1*2 genotype (P187S) is a strong prognostic and predictive factor in breast cancer. Nat Genet 40:844-853, 2008. (PubMed)

Lukas J, Bartek J: DNA damage: a histone-code mediator leaves the stage. Nat Struct Mol Biol 15:430-432, 2008. (PubMed)

Bartek J, Hodny Z, Lukas J: Cytokine loops driving senescence. Nat Cell Biol 10:887-889, 2008. (PubMed)


Bartek J, Lukas C, Lukas J: Checking on DNA damage in S phase. Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5:792-804, 2004. (PubMed)

Zhou BB, Bartek J: Targeting the checkpoint kinases: chemosensitization versus chemoprotection. Nat Rev Cancer 4:216-225, 2004. (PubMed)