Institute of Parasitology

Biology Centre, ASCR, v.v.i.

Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

doc. RNDr. Oleg Ditrich CSc.

Department: Department of Medical and Veterinary Parasitology
Laboratory: Laboratory of Opportunistic Parasites
Position: Research scientist
Telephone 1: 5420
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Curriculum vitae:

Education and professional experience

· 1971: Graduated from the University of Jan Evangelista Purkyne in Brno
· 1977 - 1980: Research student, Department of Mycoparasitology (Pardubice), Institute of · Parasitology CAS
· 1981 - 1989: Research Scientist, Department of Human Protozoology, Institute of Parasitology CAS, České Budejovice
· 1990: Department head, Medical Parasitology, Institute of Parasitology ASCR, Ceské Budejovice
· 1994: Vice-Director for Science, Institute of Parasitology ASCR, Ceské Budejovice

Stays abroad

· 1986 Cairo, Egypt
· 1989 Vientiane, Lao
· 1995 Mérida, Mexico
· 1996 Tucson, Arizona

Recent publications:

KVÁČ M., SAK B., KVĚTOŇOVÁ D., DITRICH O., HOFMANNOVÁ L., MODRÝ D., VÍTOVEC J., XIAO L. (2008) Infectivity, pathogenicity, and genetic characteristics of mammalian gastric Cryptosporidium spp. in domestic ruminants. Veterinary Parasitology 153, 363- 367.
KAŠIČKOVÁ D., SAK B., KVÁČ M., DITRICH O. (2007) Detection of Encephalitozoon cuniculi in a new host — cockateel (Nymphicus hollandicus) using molecular methods. Parasitology Research 101, 1685- 1688.
KVÁČ M., KVĚTOŇOVÁ D., SALÁT J., DITRICH O. (2007) Viability staining and animal infectivity of Cryptosporidium andersoni oocysts after long-term storage. Parasitology Research 100, 213- 217.
SAK B., SALÁT J., HORKÁ H., SAKOVÁ K., DITRICH O. (2006) Antibodies enhance the protective effect of CD4+ T lymphocytes in SCID mice perorally infected with Encephalitozoon cuniculi. Parasite Immunology 28, 95- 99.
SAKOVÁ K., SAK B., DITRICH O., KVÁČ M. (2006) Humoral response of chicken infected with the microsporidium Encephalitozoon hellem. Parasitology Research 98, 488- 492.

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