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Články a jiné zajímavé čtení k projektu Oncogen.

The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements
Comparison of Affymetrix and Illumina platforms
Short summary of the affy and illu platforms specifications and analysis. A comment on the possibility of using both platforms in the Oncogene project.
Decoding Randomly Ordered DNA Arrays
Description of the Illumina platform by its developers. Published in Genome Research, 2004.
Experimental comparison and cross-validation of the Affymetrix and Illumina gene expression analysis platforms
Comparison of the performance of the Affymetrix and Illumina platforms by Barnes et al., published in NAR 2005.
Summaries of Affymetrix GeneChip probe level data
Original article on Robust Multi-Array Analysis (RMA) by Irizarry et al.
Illumina - prices, vs. Affymetrix, etc.
1. Illumina gene expression portfolio (PRICES). 2. Comparison Affymetrix vs. Illumina data quality (discussion about publication - Barnes et al.). 3. Illumina’s role in the MAQC trial. 4. Specifications of Illumina BeadStation.
Yang Li et al: Serum Circulating Human mRNA Profiling and Its Utility for Oral Cancer Detection
Článek poslal Mikael Kubista na základě včerejších diskuze: Serum Circulating Human mRNA Profiling and Its Utility for Oral Cancer Detection Yang Li,David Elashoff, Myungshin Oh, Uttam Sinha, Maie A.R. St John, Xiaofeng Zhou, Elliot Abemayor, and David T. Wong JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY VOLUME 24 NUMBER 11 APRIL 10 2006
Vliv anestezie na genovou expresi
Differential Gene Expression Signature between Primary and Metastatic HNSCC

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