Institute of Parasitology

Biology Centre, ASCR, v.v.i.

Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic

Mgr. Dan Sojka

Department: Department of Molecular Ecology of Parasites
Laboratory: Laboratory of Vector Immunology
Position: PhD. student
Telephone 1: 5476
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Curriculum vitae:

Recent publications:

GÖTZ M.G., JAMES K.E., HANSELL E., DVOŘÁK J., SESHAADRI A., SOJKA D., KOPÁČEK P., MCKERROW J.H., CAFFREY C.R., POWERS J.C. (2008) Aza-peptidyl Michael acceptors. A new class of potent and selective inhibitors of asparaginyl endopeptidases (legumains) from evolutionarily diverse pathogens. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 51, 2816- 2832.
SOJKA D., FRANTA Z., HORN M., HAJDUŠEK O., CAFFREY C.R., MAREŠ M., KOPÁČEK P. (2008) Profiling of proteolytic enzymes in the gut of the tick Ixodes ricinus reveals an evolutionarily conserved network of aspartic and cysteine peptidases. Parasites & Vectors 0, 0- 0.
SOJKA D., HAJDUŠEK O., DVOŘÁK J., SAJID M., FRANTA Z., SCHNEIDER E.L., CRAIK C.S., VANCOVÁ M., BUREŠOVÁ V., BOGYO M., SEXTON K.B., MC KERROW J.H., CAFFREY C.R., KOPÁČEK P. (2007) IrAE – An asparaginyl endopeptidase (legumain) in the gut of the hard tick Ixodes ricinus. International Journal for Parasitology 37, 713- 724.
GRUNCLOVÁ L., HORN M., VANCOVÁ M., SOJKA D., FRANTA Z., MAREŠ M., KOPÁČEK P. (2006) Two secreted cystatins of the soft tick Ornithodoros moubata: differential expression pattern and inhibitory specificity. Biological Chemistry 387, 1635- 1644.

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