Seznam publikací

Optimalization of the peroxidase production by tissue cultures of horseradish in vitro
Pavel Šiffel (1954-2003) or life full of chlorophyll
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPAR) agonists affect cell viability, apoptosis and expression of cell cycle related proteins in cell lines of glial brain tumors
Photosynthesis in leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. infected with tobacco mosaic virus
Photosynthetic performance of two maize genotypes as affected by chilling stress
Phytoremediation and land management of uranium decay range polluted area
Plant DNA flow cytometry and estimation of nuclear genome size
Plant Responses to Water Stress as Affected by Abscisic Acid and Benzyladenine
Preferential recombination among parental genomes in Festulolium
Preparation and biological activity of 6-benzylaminopurine derivatives in plants and human cancer cells
Production of saponins from Panax ginseng suspension and adventitious root cultures
Purification and determination of plant hormones auxin and abscisic acid using solid phase extraction and two-dimensional high performance liquid chromatography
Reduction of ploidy level by androgenesis in intergeneric Lolium-Festuca hybrids for turf grass breeding
Regulation of metabolic pathways PVY-RNA biosynthesis in tobacco: host´s RNA degradation
Retargetting a maize beta-glucosidase: evidence from intact plants that zeatin-O-glucoside is stored in the vacuole
SEC8, a subunit of the putative Arabidopsis exocyst complex, facilitates pollen germination and competitive pollen tube growth.
Separation, characterization, and quantitation of phenolic acids in a little-known blueberry (Vaccinium arctostaphylos L.) fruit by HPLC-MS
Somatic embryogenesis of Norway spruce.
Syntheses of new androstane brassinosteroids with 17beta-ester groups-butyrates, heptafluorobutyrates, and laurates
Synthesis and utilization of peptides containing 3,4-dehydroproline
The effect of a short heat treatment on the in vitro induced androgenesis in Silene latifolia ssp. alba
The Effect of Electric Field on Callus Induction with Rape Hypocotyls
The impact of constitutive overexpression of trans-zeatin O-glucosyltransferase gene in tobacco on photosynthetic pigments and gas exchange during water stress
The influence of Potato virus Y infection on the ultrastructure of Pssu-ipt transgenic tobacco
The involvement of cytokinin oxidase/dehydrogenase and zeatin reductase in regulation of cytokinin levels in pea (Pisum sativum L.) leaves
The origin, evolution and proposed stabilization of the terms "genome size' and 'C-value' to describe nuclear DNA contents
The use of mutagens to increase the efficiency of the androgenic progeny production in Solanum nigrum
Tissue Localization of Cytokinin Dehydrogenase in Maize: Possible Involvement of Quinone Species Generated from Plant Phenolics by Other Enzymatic Systems in the Catalytic Reaction
Topolins and hydroxylated thidiazuron derivatives are substrates of cytokinin O-glucosyltransferase with position specificity related to receptor recognition
Změny v obsahu endogenních cytokininů během vodního stresu a následné rehydratace