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Otto Warburg International Summer School and Workshop

Otto Warburg International Summer School and Workshop on Computational Systems Biology, August 27 to September 5, 2007, Harnack House, Berlin, Germany,

What Conference
When 2007-08-27 11:00 to
2007-09-06 01:55
Where Berlin
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Dear colleague,

we are happy to announce the

Otto Warburg International Summer School and Workshop
Computational Systems Biology

August 27 to September 5, 2007

Harnack House, Berlin, Germany

The aim of this program is to bring together researchers
and students from different backgrounds (including molecular
biology, bioinformatics, biological physics) to discuss a topic
of high current interest. We plan an integrated program, which
is focused on high-level training during the first days and
leads to topical research seminars in the second part.
The schedule will leave sufficient time for discussion and interaction
among students and lecturers.

Invited speakers:

Alexander Bockmayr - Berlin
Hamid Bolouri - Seattle
Hanspeter Herzel - Berlin
Thomas Höfer - Heidelberg
Steffen Klamt - Magdeburg
Pedro Mendes - Manchester
Balasz Papp - Manchester
John Tyson - Blacksburg
Ralf Zimmer - München

Scientific Coordinators:

Peter Arndt - Edda Klipp - Martin Vingron
Max Planck Intitute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin

The deadline for applications is June 17, 2007.
The registration fee of 600 EUR includes costs for accommodation,
social events and meals.

The application form is available online
on the workshop's website at

The announcement as a printable poster is available from

For further questions please contact

Hannes Luz
c/o Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics
Computational Molecular Biology
Ihnestrasse 73
D-14195 Berlin, Germany
Tel: +49 30 8413 - 1154
Fax: +49 30 8413 - 1152

Best regards,

the Otto Warburg Summer School team

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