- Home
- Organization
- Mechanics of Fluids and Disperse Systems
- Hydrology and Enviroment
- Economy and Services
- Board of the Institute
- Supervisory Board
- Personnel A-Z List
- Ing. Josef Brom
- Karel Brych
- Doc. Ing. Josef Buchtele CSc.
- Ing. Marie Buchtelová CSc.
- Ing. Zdeněk Chára CSc.
- Ing. Jiří David CSc.
- Ing. František Dittrt
- Hana Červenková
- Petr Filip CSc.
- RNDr. Magda Fořtová
- Julius Héderváry
- Ing. Bohumír Hoření
- Miroslav Hubka
- Oldřiška Hynková
- RNDr. Libuše Ďurďová
- Miloslav Kádner
- Mgr. Alexander Kharlamov
- Mgr. Ondřej Klouček Ph.D.
- Ing. Václav Kolář CSc.
- Ing. Jiří Konfršt Ph.D.
- Mgr. Olga Koňaříková
- Ing. Romana Košková Ph.D.
- Mgr. Josef Kořenář CSc.
- Karel Králík
- Vlastimil Kraus
- Hana Kroumanová
- Jiří Kynzl
- Ing. Bohuš Kysela, Ph.D.
- Nikolai Loukertchenko CSc.
- Ing. Václav Mík CSc.
- Ing. Jiří Miles
- RNDr. Silvestr Mutl CSc.
- Jana Mutlová
- Ing. Jiří Myška CSc.
- Ing. Oldřich Novák
- Jaromír Novák
- Mgr. Michaela Novotná
- Ing. Helena Pavelková
- Dagmar Pěnčíková
- RNDr. Lenka Pivokonská, Ph.D.
- RNDr. Martin Pivokonský Ph.D.
- Ing. Radek Pivokonský
- Jana Radnicová
- Ing. Martin Růžička CSc.
- Emanuel Rys
- Mgr. Piatsevich Siarhei
- RNDr. Zdeněk Skalák CSc.
- Ing. Miroslav Tesař CSc.
- Jiří Toman
- Mgr. Hana Tomášková
- Ing. Andrea Tuháčková
- Václav Varhánek
- doc. Ing. Pavel Vlasák DrSc.
- Ing. Jana Votrubová Ph.D.
- Jitka Zajdlová
- Věra Šafránková
- Doc. RNDr. Petr Štern CSc.
- Ing. Pavel Říha CSc.
- Pavla Pečenková
- Ing. Hana Jelínková
- Mgr. Jitka Bäumeltová
- Mgr. Václav Šípek
- Ing. Petra Bubáková
- Bc. Jan Hnilica
- Mgr. Irina Ivanova
- Mgr. Hana Jelínková
- Mgr. Ibrahima Keita, Ph.D.
- Ing. Jan Krupička
- Doc. Dr. Ing. Václav Matoušek
- Mgr. Soňa Němečková
- Mgr. Anežka Poljaková
- Ing. Miloslav Šír CSc.
- Ing. Petra Švrčinová
- Ing. Renáta Vašáková
- Ing. Bohuslav Knesl
- Ing. Jiří Bednařík
- Mgr. Igor Jan Dvořák, Ph.D.
- Bc. Kateřina Marková
- Ing. Pavel Polášek
- Ing. Jiří Polívka
- Evžen Lampa
- David Pešta
- Eva Hůlová
- Ing. Miroslav Jiran
- Václav Krynyt
- Viktor Peer
- Terezie Valoušková
- Mgr. Michaela Beitlová
- Marcela Mánková
- Ing. Lenka Šebestíková, Ph.D.
- Research
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Transport
- Flow in Reactors, Fluidization and Sedimentation
- Drag Reduction and Rheology of Industry-important Materials
- Rheology of polymer melts, polymer processing
- Biomechanics of the Cardiovascular System
- Hydrological Modelling of Water Resources Changes Caused by Climate Variability and by Land-use Changes
- Pollution of Surface- and Groundwater and Atmospheric Deposition
- Processes in Stratified Reservoirs
- Projects
- Grant List
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of nonstationary flow through selected singularities with applications to technique and biomechanics
- The influence of concentration and selected physical parameters of concentrated fine suspensions on flow regimes
- Rheodynamical analysis of flow defects in capillary extrusion of polymers
- Sediment transport and hydraulics of environmental acceptable rivers (SHEAR)
- Modelling of the nitrogen in soils related to the hydrosphere contamination
- Modelling of impacts of climatic changes on water reservoir management
- Flow properties and turbulent characteristics of micellar drag reducing additives for district heating systems
- Transport processes in infiltration areas
- Influence of boundary conditions on fluid flow of drag reducing surfactant additives
- Comparative study of surface fracture of polymer and other materials in selected forming processes
- Apparent slip in microdisperse liquids
- Water quality influence on micellar structure of additives reducing energy demand in district heating systems
- Flow structure of an impinging jet striking a flat, normally oriented surface
- Modelling influence of climatological changes on groundwater regime
- Wave evolution of film flow of viscoelastic liquids
- Mechanism of suspension in mechanically agitated vessels
- Transport processes in a catchment-reservoir system
- Theoretical and experimental research of fluid flow intended on utilising of the results in the sphere of hemodynamics and in technical spheres
- Water regime of the soil in the head water regions – observation, evaluation and process modelling
- Scenario studies of water quality development in reservoirs
- The influence of conditions of formation of flocculated aggregates on their separation properties and on the properties of the formed sludge
- Study of micellar additives influence on heat transfer with respect to application to heating systems
- Comparison of pollutant concentration in the fog water of the different fog types and in industrial regions with different load
- Extreme hydrological events in catchments
- Climate change impacts on managed ecosystems
- Catchment Hydrological and Biogeochemical Processes in Changing Environment
- Impact of climate change on hydrological regimes and water resources in European community
- Reducing energy costs in district heating systems
- Cloud and fog water deposition as a process affecting water balance and chemistry in the cities
- Urban air pollution related to the specific meteorological condition
- Hydrodynamics aspects of a fluidized bed in bio-reactors with particular emphasis on potable water denitrification
- Two-dimensional experimental and model analysis of eutrophication in stratified reservoirs
- Flow behaviour and turbulent properties of special surfactant additives with a micelle structure
- Experimental data sets for verification and formulation of rheological and statistical models of suspension flow
- Hydrodynamic and rheological behaviour of viscoelastic liquids in technological junctions and elements of extrusion units
- Pulsatile flow of model and real fluids in the simulation of cardiovascular system and its substitutes
- Determination of the transfer rates between circular liquid impinging jet and a solid surface with particular emphasis to plane cooling
- Quantification of the effect of volume changes on the flow of polymer melts
- Dynamics of vortical structures in the turbulent-wake interaction and relevant aspects of a structural description
- Rheology of oil/water emulsions – theoretical description and rheometry
- Biological model of stratified reservoirs
- Investigation of the influence of physical and chemical factors on the adhesion of destabilized particles in fluidized layer
- Impact of climatic changes on water resources in the basins of the Czech streams
- Psychorheology of emulsions
- Verification of applicability of CFD models and determination of proper boundary conditions in agitated vessels
- The study of velocity field in selected configurations of open channel flows
- Flow behaviour of polymeric materials in extrusion dies
- Influence of the land-use changes on the soil water regime, soil water quality and vegetation diversity
- The effect of interactive particles and suspending liquid on flow properties of dispersions and filled polymers
- Pipeline flow of highly concentrated fine-grained slurries
- Analysis of selected shear flows
- Micelle network structures of surfactants damping the turbulence
- Research of air-pollution by the method of physical modelling
- Psychorheology of multiphase emulsion systems
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- Interaction of hard particles with turbulent flow of a liquid
- Climate change impacts on ecosystems of deep stratified reservoirs
- Pipeline transport of bulk materials
- 1
- Modelling of processes in the system "atmosphere-catchment-reservoir" and their impacts to surface water quality
- Vortical nature of selected shear flows
- Physics and chemistry of deposited (occult) precipitation in heavy polluted subregion of the Czech Republic
- Strongly nonlinear viscoelastic modeling of polymer processing with free surface
- The effect of inner pressure on thermomechanical properties of polymers in the course of physical ageing
- Psychorheology of multiphase dispersion systems
- Discontinuous Galerkin method and its application to the solution of selected problems of fluid mechanics
- Monitoring of Al forms in surface water and appraisal of possibilites for removal Al by water treatment technology
- Dynamics of direction-specific friction probes for the electrodiffusion diagnostics of flow in rheologically complex liquids
- Research of elements of the high pressure water hydraulics
- Formation of integrated research analytical approaches for virtual modelling of effective modern aircraft design
- Qantitative and qualitative evaluation of the removal of algae intracellular organic matter (IOM) during water treatment
- Flow behaviour of dense non-homogeneous slurries
- Engineering stability of thermoplastic construction parts in the temperature range to the glass transition
- Soil water dynamics and its impact on runoff generation in headwater basins of the Czech Republic
- Development of methematical models for description of complex fluids rheology
- Theoretical and Experimental Optimalization of Vascular Reconstruction in the View of Hemodynamics
- Calibration of weather generator for sites without or with incomplete meteorological observations
- Investigation of unusual flow phenomena of non-Newtonian fluids in complex geometries
- The amount of deposited precipitation measurement and assessment of wet deposition of pollutants
- Effect of turbulent and ultrasonic oscillations on particle hydrodynamics
- Regularity and other qualitative properties of solutions to the Navier-Stokes and related equations, transition to turbulence
- Implementation of the hydrological model SWIM (Soil and Water Integrated Model) in the upper Vltava basin
- Experimental and theoretical investigation of the Magnus force acting on the solid particle in fluid
- Observation of the water flowpaths in the soil profile of the mountainous watershed by means of natural tracers
- Study of the effects of micellar additives on heat transfer and pressure losses
- Mechanisms of dispersion and friction in coarse-slurry flows
- Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of the particle saltation in a channel
- New approaches to adaptive water management under uncertainty
- Rheology and Processing of Medical-Grade Polymeric Systems
- Investigation of flow behaviour for a novel class of metallocene-based polymers
- Laminar-Turbulent transition modeling
- The influence of algal organic matter (AOM) on coagulation process and separation properties of aggregates formed during water treatment
- The influence of the structure of flocculent aggregates on the course and efficiency of separation processes
- InICE - Integration of the ice accretion influence on flight characteristics and performance in all stages of development of small transport aircraft including certification process according to CS-23 and FAR 23
- Evaluation of influence of climate changes on hydrological balance and proposal of practical measures to mitigation of their impacts
- Laboratory and numerical modelling of flow pattern in the cylindrical vortex separator
- The influence of nanoscale reinforcement on the yield and creep behaviour of glassy polymers and their thermal consolidation
- Decomposition techniques for flow-field analysis
- Rheological modelling of high-pressure polymer flows
- Hydrological fluxes in soil-plant-atmosphere system
- Identification of hydro-physical properties causing gravity driven flow in unsaturated porous media
- Quantification and modelling of the biological impacts on the soil water movement
- Pressure-drag flow of non-newtonian fluids in straight channels
- Impact of soil water regime on the surface runoff formation and ground water recharge in headwater regions
- Electrorheological fluid systems - the active coupling media in stress transfer devices
- Simulations of river flows as a tool for appraisals of the role of geological conditions in flood wawes formation
- Hydraulic function of bridge structures
- Influence of natural and anthropogenic factors on sulphate concentration in the Quaternary groundwater
- Physical and chemical modelling of secondary pollutants production and propagation in urban and rural areas
- The effect of revealed receptor clusters on the regulation of adhesiveness and transmigration of white blood cells
- Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of particle laden flow in a channel with smooth and rough bed
- Interaction of micellar additives with turbulent flow
- Experimental and theoretical research of rheological properties and flow of ecological plastic greases at central lubrication systems
- Numerical and experimental modelling of flow in open channel with submerged obstructions
- Development of the mechanistic model of aggregation and its application for evaluation of formation of separable suspension at the water treatment
- Relation between atmospheric circulation types and the occurrence of flood events
- Influence of vegetation-cover and land-use change on basin water regime- Application on semi-distributed model
- Flow of viscoelastic liquids through fixed and fluidized beds of particles
- Simulation of processes with impacts to water quality in reservoir systém
- Investigation of the influence of the influence of additives, non-Newtonian properties and temperature field on hydrodynamic drag and heat transfer in machines
- Influence of geological conditions on water regime development in river basins of the Bohemian Massif
- Removal of organic matter produced by fytoplankton (AOM) and their influence on destabilisation and aggregation processes during water purification
- Grant list - 1991
- Grant list - 1992
- Grant list - 1993
- Grant list - 1994
- Grant list - 1995
- Grant list - 1996
- Grant list - 1997
- Grant list - 1998
- Grant list - 1999
- Grant list - 2000
- Grant list - 2001
- Grant list - 2002
- Grant list - 2003
- Grant list - 2004
- Grant list - 2005
- Grant list - 2006
- Grant list - 2007
- Grant list - 2008
- Grant list - 2009
- Grant list - 2010
- Grant list - 2011
- Grant list - 2012
- Grant list - 2013
- Grant selection by agency
- Grant selection by institute
- Grant list - Czech Hydrometeorological Institute
- Grant list - Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Masaryk University Brno
- Grant list - Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU
- Grant list - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- Grant list - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, CTU
- Grant list - Faculty of Technology, Technical University
- Grant list - Forestry Faculty, Agricultural University
- Grant list - Hydrobiological Institute ASCR
- Grant list - Institute for Environmental Studies, Charles University
- Grant list - Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Atmospheric Physics ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Chemical Processes ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Chemical Technology
- Grant list - Institute of Landscape Ecology ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Landscape Ecology, České Budějovice
- Grant list - Institute of Landscape Ecology, Mendel University of Agricultural and Forestry, Brno
- Grant list - Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Microbiology ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Physics ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Thermodynamics ASCR
- Grant list - Institute of Thermomechanics ASCR
- Grant list - J. Heyrovský Institute of Physical Chemistry ASCR
- Grant list - Laboratory of Biomathematics ASCR
- Grant list - Mathematical Institute ASCR
- Grant list - Prague Institute of Chemical Technology
- Grant list - Prague Institute of Technology
- Grant list - Research Institute of Soil and Water Conservation
- Grant list - Ústav pro hydrodynamiku
- Grant list - Water Management Institute T.G.M.
- Grant selection by person
- Grant list - Ing. Josef Adamec CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Marcela Balejová CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Otakar Bartoš CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Libuše Benešová CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Karel Brada DrSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Josef Buchtele CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Zdeněk Chára CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Helena Damašková CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Pavel Ditl DrSc.
- Grant list - Ing. František Dittrt
- Grant list - Ing. František Doležal CSc.
- Grant list - Petr Filip CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Jaroslav Fišák CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Vladimír Havlík CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Josef Hejzlar CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. RNDr. Miroslav Hrabovský DrSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Dalibor Janouš CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Zbyněk Jaňour DrSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Jan Ježek DrSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Jaroslava Kalvová CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Ladislav Kašpárek CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Václav Kolář CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Svatopluk Korsuň CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Pavel Kovář CSc.
- Grant list - Mgr. Josef Kořenář CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Hubert Kříž DrSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Ladislav Lhotka
- Grant list - Ing. Vladimír Lovicar CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Karel Mareš CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. František Maršík DrSc.
- Grant list - Ing. V. Matějů
- Grant list - Ing. Václav Mík CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Silvestr Mutl CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Jiří Myška CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Karel Nacházel DrSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Ivana Nemešová CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Adolf Patera CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Jan Pokorný DrSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. Jaroslav Pollert DrSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Josef Příhoda CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Ing. František Rieger DrSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Jaroslav Rožnovský CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Martin Růžička CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Petr Sáha CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Karel Segeht CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Václav Sinevič CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Václav Sobolík CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Miroslav Tesař CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Jaroslav Tihon CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Osvald Vašíček CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Jiří Váška CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Pavel Vlasák DrSc.
- Grant list - Doc. Ing. Karel Vrána CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Ondřej Wein
- Grant list - Ing. Zdeněk Zelinger CSc.
- Grant list - Prof. Jiří Zezulák DrSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Miloslav Šír CSc.
- Grant list - Doc. RNDr. Petr Štern CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Petr Štěpánek CSc.
- Grant list - RNDr. Jiří Žaloudek CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Pavel Říha CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Jiří David CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Romana Košková PhD.
- Grant list - Václav Matoušek Dr.
- Grant list - RNDr. Martin Pivokonský PhD.
- Grant list - Ing. Radek Pivokonský
- Grant list - Doc. RNDr. Zdeněk Skalák CSc.
- Grant list - Ing. Jiří Konfršt Ph.D.
- Grant List
- Topical Info
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- Sitemap