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Místo národních jazyků ve výchově, školství a vědě v habsburské monarchii 1867–1918
Místo národních jazyků ve výchově, školství a vědě v habsburské monarchii 1867–1918 / Position of National Languages in Education, Educational System and Science of the Habsburg monarchy, 1867–1918. Sborník z konference. Praha, 18.–19. listopadu 2002. K vydání připravili Harald BINDER – Barbora KŘIVOHLAVÁ – Luboš VELEK, Výzkumné centrum pro dějiny vědy, Praha 2003, (=Práce z dějin vědy 11), 754 s.


Foreword, p. 17

National Languages in the Context of the Contemporary Law, Education and Science

Jan Havránek
National Languages in the Educational Systems and Their Significance for Attaining High Education of all Ethnicities, p. 23

Hannelore Burger
Sprache und Gerechtigkeit im Unterrichtswesen, p. 33

Emil Brix
Sprachenpolitik in den böhmischen Ländern im Bildungsbereich als Instrument nationaler Desintegration, p. 47

Discussion, p. 61

National Language as an Instrument of National, Cultural and Political Emancipation

Irena Gantar Godina
The significance of Language and Education in Forming National Consciousness of a Small Nation, p. 67

Andreas Gottsmann
Sprache und Schule im Küstenland, p. 79

Ladislav Hladký
The Educational Systém in Bosnia and Hercegovina in the Period of the Austro-Hungarian Administration (1878-1918), p. 91

Maciej Janowski
Polnische Sprache, österreichischer Geist? Der Streit um nationale Erziehung in Galizien (1891-1941), p. 103

Jerzy Tomaszewski
The Issue of the Jewish Languages in the Galician Educational Systém and Public Life, p. 119

Milan Podrimavský
The Language Issue in the Process of Cultural Emancipation of the Slovaks in the Scond Half of the 19th Century, p. 131

Andor Mészáros
The Hungarian Language at the (Buda)Pest University and in the Hungarian Educational System, p. 147

Discussion, p.157

The Rise and Development of National Universities in the Habsburg Monarchy, 1867-1918

Hans Lemberg
Die Einführung der deutschen Unterrichtssprache in den deutschen Universitäten und ihre Auswirkungen auf Ostmitteleuropa, p. 169

Harald Binder
Der nationale Konflikt um die Universität Lemberg, p. 183

Andrzej Krawczyk
Polish University Education in the Polish Territory under Russian Rule, 1815-1914, p. 217

Milada Sekyrková
The Division of the Prague Polytechnic – a Precedent for the University?, p. 231

Miroslav Kunštát
Ecclesia universalis versus ecclesia nationalis? The Path to the Division of the Prague Theological Faculty in 1891, p. 241

Jiří Malíř
The Issue of the Establishment of the Second Czech University and its National and Political Instrumentation, p. 247

Jana Mandlerová
To the Involvement of the Academic Community in the National and Political Controversies in Bohemia, 1867-1918, p. 273

Wolf B. Oerter
Die Universitätsteilung im Spiegel der Prager Ägyptologie. Eine Fallstudie, p. 285

Discussion, p. 291

Science, Scientists and National Languages

Soňa Štrbáňová – Jan Janko
Assertion of the New Czech Scientific Nomenclature at the Czech Universities, p. 297

Jiřina Masnerová
Beginnings of the Czech Technical Literature, p. 313

Ludmila Hlaváčková
The Czech Language in Medicine and at the Prague Medical Faculty, 1784-1918, p. 327

Emilie Těšínská
The Establishment and Activities of the German Scientific Society „Lotos“ in the Czech Lands, p. 345

Jiří Jindra
The 19th Century Czech Societies for Exact Sciences, p. 401

Stanley B. Winters
The Beginnings of Encyclopaedism among the Czechs of Bohemia, p. 421

Magdalena Pokorná
Jan Laichter – Publisher of the Czech Scholars, Publisher of the „Naše doba“, p. 429

Tomáš Hermann
Authenticity of Science and the Issue of Plagiarism. Three Contributions of E. Rádl 1902-1911 to the Lingual Issues in Science, p. 441

Lenka Pokorná
The Prague Germanistics and its First Representatives after 1882, p. 471

Alena Šimečková
Václav Emanuel Mourek (20.8.1846-24.10.1911). Profile of the Founder of the Czech Germanistics, p. 481

František Morkes
Gustav Adolf Lindner and his Relation to the Mother Language, p. 489

Jindřich Bečvář
Eduard Weyr at the Czech University, p. 497

Martina Bečvářová
František Josef Studnička (1836-1903) and the Czech University, p. 511

Bohumil Jiroušek
Languages in the Life and Work of Antonín Rezek, p. 531

Discussion, p. 537

Czech Language in Education and School System

Milena Lenderová
The Czech Language as Feminine Virtue. Means of Communication in the Prescriptive Literature for Girls and Women, p. 543

Zdeněk Bezecný
The Place of the Czech Language in Education of the Aristocrats in the Second Half of the 19th Century, p. 557

Toshiaki Kyogoku
National Propaganda and the Primary Educational System in Moravia at the Turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries – Struggle for the Czech Child, p. 563

Libuše Hrabová
Late National Revival. Struggle for the Czech Schools in Ostrava, 1880-1909, p. 579

Luboš Velek
Czech Cultural Policy Versus Rationalization of the Educational Systém Structure. The Case of the so-called Gautsch Ordonances, 1887, p. 589

Helena Kokešová
The Higher Agricultural and Agricultural Technical School in Tábor. The Establishment and Development of the First Czech Provincial Academy 1886-1919, p. 629

Alena Mikovcová
The Agricultural Universities in the Czech Lands, 1867-1918, p. 661

Discussion, p. 687


Jiří Kořalka
Summary of the Conference, p. 693

Abbreviations, p. 699
List of Participants, p. 704
Summary of the Czech and Polish Texts, p. 717