Seznam grantů a projektů

Monitoring of chlorine in the forest ecosystem – its cycling and effects
Anti-inflammatory activity of plant quinones
Biosafe plant virus expression system for transient production of human papillomavirus oncoproteins and their use for therapeutic vaccine development
Chracterisation of NADPH oxidase from tobacco pollen and its role in regulation of polar cell expansion
Coexistence of native and inoculated arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the roots of host plants
Deracemization of unnatural amino acids by enzymes and their application in designing supramolecular dendritic structures
Dynamic changes of mitochondrial DNA and transcription profiles in Silene vulgaris
Emise těkavých chlorovaných uhlovodíků v ekosystému jehličnatého lesa (Emissions of volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons in coniferous forest ecosystem)
Fotoinhibice a oxidativní stres v průběhu aklimatizace in vitro pěstovaných rostlin
Phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol-mediated signalling in the polar growth of plant cells
Study of plant response to heavy metal stress and production of stress protective compounds
The molecular genetic analysis of the candidate genes responsible for cytoplasmic male sterility in Silene vulgaris
The use of biotechnology methods for the preservation and reproduction of autochtonous populations of hurst ecotype of Norway spruces.
Green technologies for environment protection
Utilization of energy plants for phytoremediation
Biotechnological production of Vaccinium bracteatum and evaluation of its biological activity
Effects of drought and heat stress on polyamine metabolism in wild type and transgenic tobacco plants.
Variability of Potato leafroll luteovirus (PLRV), improved reliability of its detection and utilization of transgenic resistance
Melatonin as a novel antioxidant and radical scavenger: melatonin levels in berry species
Application of metabolomics on observation of induced production of plant secondary metabolites
Phosphatidylcholine - specific phospholipase C at the crossing point of stress signaling pathways.
The role of members of AUX/LAX gene family in auxin influx into plant cell.
Úloha Ran GTPáz v nukleaci mikrotubulů a organizaci mitotického vřeténka v acentrozomálních buňkách vyšších rostlin
Změny v projevu heteróze u kukuřice v důsledku sucha: proč kříženci reagují odlišně než rodiče?
Supramolecular materials based on natural phytosterols for potential application in biology and medicine
The use of genomics and genetic engineering for identification and development of plant genotypes suitable for environment bioremediation
Functional genomics and proteomics for crop improvement
Study of basic processes influencing degradation of urban water xenobiotics in plants and its application
Biochemical and morphological parameters determining the cryotolerance of embryogenic cultures of conifers.
Genomics and proteomics in plant breeding