Biologické centrum Akademie věd ČR, Hydrobiologický ústav - homeBiology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Hydrobiology

Polyphasic aproach to the chosen genera from the family Nostocals

Project No 206/03/P024, supported by Grant Agency of Czech Republic 2003 –2005

The family Nostocales consists of filamentous heterocystous nitrogen –fixing cyanobacteria, which is found in freshwater and brackish water, as well as in terrestrial environments, worldwide. Cyanobacteria have traditionally been classified on the basis of morphology, but the morphological features can vary in different environmental or growth conditions and even be lost during cultivation. When the molecular approach has been used, the heterocystous cyanobacteria form a monophyletic group well supported by bootstrap analysis. However, within the cluster, strains presently assigned to different genera are situated to the same lineage or the bootstrap supports within a cluster are low. This highlights the need to study family Nostocales in more details. It is important to use all of the knowledge and information that has been obtained in the recent past. In other words, use the polyphasic approach for the characterization of family Nostocales. The aim of this project will be to highlight the growth characteristics, morphological features and the evolution relationships between the genera in the family Nostocales in the using of polyphasic classification. The higher interest will be paid, especially, to genera from plankton Anabaena, Aphanizomenon, Anabaenopsis and as comparative genera will be used genera from soil or bentos etc. Anabaena, Nostoc and Trichormus in this study.

© 2009 - Laboratoř ekologie fytoplanktonu
Biologické centrum Akademie věd ČR, Hydrobiologický ústav