Jiljí Sitko
Checklist of the Trematodes (Digenea) of Birds of the Czech and Slovak Republics
Tomáš Scholz, Jiljí Sitko, Anna Faltýnková
Edice Mimo - přírodní vědy
A total of 260 trematode species (Digenea) is listed from birds in the Czech Republic (237 species, with 83 trematode taxa reported as adults from the Czech Republic for the first time) and Slovak Republic (128 species), together with data on their definitive hosts, site of infection, records in the above-mentioned countries as well as basic information about their principal definitive hosts, zoogeographical distribution and life-cycles.
This publication is intended for parasitologists, ornithologists, ichtyologists, biologists, veterinarians, workers in fisheries, university students. It may also be interest to those engaged in nature conservation. The checklist is compiled in English to be useful also for foreigners.