Institute of Information Theory and Automation
?sky english

Details of the defence

Type of the defence: Ph.D.
Name: Lenka Pavelková
Name of the thesis: Estimation of Models with Uniform Innovations and its Application on Traffic Data
Abstract:In the thesis, a linear state model with uniformly distributed innovations is developed. Estimation algorithms that reduce to a call of linear programs are derived. An approximation for the on-line estimation is proposed. The resulting algorithms are applied to simulated data as well as data coming from urban traffic domain.
Supervisor:doc. Ing. Ivan Nagy, CSc.
Date and time of the defence: 10:00, 17.04. 2009
Venue: Ústav aplikované matematiky, Na Florenci 25, Praha 1
Date of record: 17.3. 2009
Statute: obhájeno

List of forthcoming defences is here.
Responsible for information: admin
Last modification: 01.10.2008
Institute of Information Theory and Automation