Postdoctoral Projects
IOCB Postdoctoral ProjectsInstitute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., is opening postdoctoral positions in chemistry and biochemistry. The IOCB will open up to 10 positions every year. The position is open for one year, with possible prolongation by one more year, if agreed by both parties. The applicant is expected to have PhD from foreign university.
The salary amounts to CZK 32 000 each month, plus possibly up to 10 % of premium for exceptional performance, plus whatever
complementary money can be obtained from research grants. The Institute provides also an accommodation, for price about CZK 3 000,
in own or Academy houses. In case our accommodation is not available, the IOCB will partly compensate the price of a private
accommodation, up to the real price (reduced by 3 000 of applicant's contribution), but up to total amount of salary of CZK 38 000 in gross. In addition to the salary the Institute will pay obligatory part of the health and social insurance (about 2/3). The health insurance will be the same as the permanent Czech employees have. The salary is subject of state tax.
The EU citizens will need no work permit, the other will get it from the Czech Embassy in their own country. The Institute will provide the necessary documents for obtaining the work permit and help (at the expenses of applicant). The applicants need to contact a scientist of the Institute, set up together the postdoctoral project, and submit the application to the director of the Institute (e-mail address:
The Selection committee will make the decision twice a year and will inform the applicant.