Social Structure Studies

Head of department:

The aim of the research department is to discover the basic developmental tendencies of cultural and social changes in Czech society over the course of the social transformation and EU integration and to determine the characteristics and strategies of the relevant actors involved. Changes in the social structure are also analysed from the perspective of future structural changes in the Czech Republic and the European Union and from the perspective of the effects of globalisation. The department conducts empirical analyses that draw primarily on data from comprehensive research studies on the social structure, stratification, and mobility dating from 1984, 1992, 1999, 2005 and also uses its own qualitative studies of elites (1996, 2001, 2004) and research on attitudes and values at the national level (1993,1995 and 2001) and the international level (ISSP modules). Studies and research concentrate also on the issue of social and cultural cohesion, social differentiation, contemporary elites, trust, and current societal issues. The work of the team up until 2000 is summarised in Dynamika české společnosti a osudy lidí na přelomu tisíciletí (Dynamics of Czech Society and Circumstances of People at the End of Milenium), a monograph by Milan Tuček et al. (Sociologické nakladatelství 2003).

Current projects:

Czech Elites and EU Accession (doc. Milan Tuček, CSc.), Social and Cultural Cohesion in a Differentiated Society (doc. Milan Tuček, CSc.)

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