
RNDr. Barbara Zitová, Ph.D.


Position: head of the department
Phone: +420 26605 2390
Room: 146
www: home page
Address: ÚTIA AV ČR, Pod Vodárenskou věží 4, CZ-182 08, Praha 8, Czech Republic
Research interests: All aspects of digital image processing and pattern recognition; particularly object recognition by invariants, degraded image recognition, geometric invariants, theory of moments, remote sensing and medical imaging applications, application in art conservation.
Publications: list


Barbara Zitova received the M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic in 1995 and the Ph.D. degree in computer science from the Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic in 2000. Since 1995 she has been with the Institute of Information Theory and Automation, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague. She also gives tutorials on Image Processing and Pattern Recognition at the Czech Technical University. Jointly with J. Flusser she gives specialized graduate course on moment invariants and wavelets.

Barbara Zitova has an 10-years experience in digital image processing. She is an author of a book chapter in Invariants for Pattern Recognition and Classification (M.A. Rodrigues ed., World Scientific, 2000) and of 20 journal and conference papers on moment invariants and related topics. Her paper "Image Registration Methods: A Survey", Image and Vision Computing, vol. 21, pp. 977-1000, 2003, has became a major reference in image registration.

Curriculum Vitae


Supervised doctorands: