RNDr. Tomáš Kostelecký, CSc.

Head of Department Local and Regional Studies
Place of employment:
Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
222 220 728
Highest completed education

1983 - 1988 M.A. in Human Geography and Demography, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

1988 - 1992 postgraduate studies at the Institute of Geography of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences. The title of the submitted dissertation: "Geography of elections as part of the political geography". Dissertation defended and PhD. obtained at Charles University, Prague.

Field of specialisation
Electoral studies - electoral geography, spatial features of the voting behavior. Comparative politics - post-Communist party development, party structures in East-Central Europe. Political geography - development of local democracy, system of local government and territorial administration, interrelations between space and politics. Housing research - interrelation between housing market structure and social inequalities, regional differences in housing market.
Teaching activities
Collegium Hieronymi Pragensis - regular course "Societies in the new EU Member Countries: Related Topics in Social Change in the East Central Europe"
Foreign scholarships, fellowships or other academic study abroad
  • 1990, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Human Geography, 1 month
  • 1993, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Human Geography, 2 months
  • 1996-1997, Woodrow Wilson International Center For Scholars, Washington D.C., USA, 9 months
  • 1999, Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 12 months
  • 2005-2006, Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship, CERVL - joint laboratory of Science Po and CNRS, Bordeaux, France, 12 months
  • 2006, Fellowship Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Paris, CERVL - joint laboratory of Science Po and CNRS, Bordeaux, France, 1 month
  • Membership or position in academic committees, boards, and institutions

    1988 - up to now Member of the Czech Geographic Society

    1993 - 1997 Secretary of the Foundation "Interdisciplinary Centre for Comparative Research in the Social Sciences", Prague

    1995 - up to now Member of the Czech Demographic Society

    1999 – up to now Member of the Discipline Board (Geography), Charles University, Prague

    2002 – up to now Elected Representative of the Institute of Sociology in the Academic Assembly of the Czech Academy of Sciences

    2002 - up to now Elected member of the discipline board of the Grant agency of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic

    2000 – up to now Member of the Scientific Board of the Institute of Sociology, The Czech Academy of Sciences

    2004 - up to now Member of the Expert Commission for the Social Sciences and Humanities of the Research and Development Council of the Czech Government.

    2006 –up to now Member of the editorial board of journal Evropská politická studia - European Electoral Studies

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