PhDr. Martin Gojda, CSc.
He is specialized landscape archaeology, aerial photography, archaeological theory and methodology, early medieval.
  • Non-destructive methods of aerial photography and its uses for research, documentation and cultural heritage management of the historical landscape in Bohemia. (1994-96, GAČR, č. 404/94/1006). /Aim of the project is application of the aerial photography method for the study of prehistoric landscape, topography and typology of settlement forms. Information provided by aerial survey proved the importance of not-yet-known types of buried prehistoric and medieval anthropogenic features. During the project an Archive of aerial photos and a database were found.)
  • Settlement area of prehistoric Bohemia. Contribution of non-destructive methods of archaeological research (1997-2002, GAČR 404/97/K024). /The aim of the project is the study of principal features of settlement net in Bohemian area, its relation to environment, demographic parameters, internal structure, time continuity and causes of changes. Practical nonfunctional aspects of spatial distribution of prehistoric areas and the role of current research character for conditioning existing records are included. Remarkable progress in the study of these problems is the main goal of the project. Application of aerial photography as well as other nondestructive methods of research (survey, geophysics), databases, and uncommon computer analysis of spatial data (GIS) are methods used with the project./
  Selected pilot publications from recent years:
  • 1997: Letecká archeologie v Čechách - Aerial Archaeology in Bohemia. Archeologický ústav - Institute of Archaeology. Praha - Prague 1997.

  • 1997: The Contribution of Aerial Archaeology to European Landscape Studies: Past Achievements, Recent Developments and Future Perspectives, Journal of European Archaeology 5.2 (1997): 91-104.

  • 2000: Archeologie krajiny. Vývoj archetypů kulturní krajiny. Academia. Praha.

  • 2000: Letecký průzkum v archeologii. Vesmír 79/6, 337-341.

  • 2001: Darvill, T. & Gojda, M. (eds.):  One Land, Many Landscapes.. British Archaeological Reports (BAR) International Series 987. Oxford: Archaeopress.

  • 2002: Aerial Archaeology in Bohemia at the turn of the twenty first century: integration of landscape studies and non-destructive archaeology. In: Aerial archaeology. Developing future practice (Bewley, B. – Raczkowski, W. eds.), 68-75. Amsterdam-Berlin-Oxford-Tokyo-Washington D.C: IOS Press.

  • 2002: Ten years of aerial archaeology in Bohemia: a jubilee conference, AARGnews – The Newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group 25, 19-20.

  • 2002: Archeologie v Èeské republice: evidence a ochrana památek, prùzkum krajiny, Rekonstrukce a experiment v archeologii 3, 159-168.

  • 2002: Velké pravìké ohrazení v Klech (okr. Mìlník). Využití nedestruktivních metod výzkumu k poznání nového typu areálu, Archeologické rozhledy54, 371-430.

  • 2003: Archaeology and landscape studies in Europe: approaches and concepts. In: People and Nature in Historical Perspective (J. Laszlovszky et P. Szabó, eds.), 35-51. Central European University – Archaeolingua: Budapest.

  • 2004: M. Gojda et al.: Ancient Landscape, Settlement Dynamici and Non-Destructive                   Archaeology. Czech  Research Project 1997-2002. Praha: Academia. (v tisku)

  • 2004: Nedestruktivní archeologie (M. Kuna a kol. - spoluautorství). Praha:  Academia.
