Institute of Information Theory and Automation
?sky english

Department of Decision-Making Theory

Head of the Department:
Martin Kružík

Deputy head of the Department:
František Matúš

Marie Kolářová

phone: +420 286 581 419
staff: people, Ph.D. students
List of publications, courses, projects

Most of the research activities of the department belong to the field of applied mathematics. The focus is on theoretical problems as well as problems connected with implementation of methods in the following areas:

  • mathematical optimization
  • nonsmooth analysis
  • differential equations
  • variational problems
  • probabilistic models of decision support systems
  • conditional independence structures
  • alternative calculi of uncertainty in artificial intelligence



Model Selection Day

Organized by Milan Studený and František Matúš

September 16, 2009 (Wednesday) Room #3

Institute of Information Theory and Automation
Pod vodárenskou věží 4, CZ-18208, Prague 8, Czech Republic

Prémii Otto Wichterleho v r. 2009 získal Tomáš Kroupa

Tomáš Kroupa
Akademická rada Akademie věd ČR, na základě návrhu poroty pro udělování Prémií Otto Wichterleho mladým vědeckým pracovníkům v AV ČR, udělila Prémii Otto Wichterleho v roce 2009 Ing. Tomáši Kroupovi, Ph.D. z Ústavu teorie informace a automatizace.

8th Workshop on Uncertainty Processing

Oddělení Matematické teorie rozhodování pořádá ve spolupráci s FM VŠE již 8. ročník konference Workshop on Uncertainty Processing. Detaily lze nalézt na

Geometric Aspects of Conditional Independence and Information

location: Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
date: March 13 - 14, 2008
www: link

Responsible for information: MTR
Last modification: 01.10.2008
Institute of Information Theory and Automation