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ABA content in shoots and roots of pea mutants af and tl as related to their growth and morphogenesis
Accumulation of radioiodine from aqueous-solution by sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) at the laboratory scale.
Advanced resources for plant genomics: BAC library specific for the short arm of wheat chromosome 1B
Aluminum inhibits PLD in a microtubule-dependent manner
Apical–basal polarity: why plant cells don't stand on their heads
Arabidopsis Cytokinin Receptor Mutants Reveal Functions in Shoot Growth, Leaf Senescence, Seed Size, Germination, Root Development, and Cytokinin Metabolism
ARP2 and ARP3 are localized to sites of actin filament nucleation in tobacco BY-2 cells
Arsenic and their uptake by plants
AtEXO70A1, a member of a family of putative exocyst subunits specifically expanded in land plants, is important for polar growth and plant development.
Auxin Immunolocalization Implicates Vesicular Neurotransmitter-Like Mode of Polar Auxin Transport in Root Apices
Auxins and cytokinins in plant development
Bibliography of reviews and methods of photosynthesis - 90
Biotechnology methods for plant biomass production under controlled conditions
Changes in nonpolar aldehydes in bean cotyledons during ageing
Chlor v lesním ekosystému - přirozená chlorace půdní organické hmoty
Comparison of four nuclear isolation buffers for plant DNA flow cytometry
Cytokinin-induced activity of antioxidant enzymes in transgenic Pssu-ipt tobacco during plant ontogeny
Cytokinins in the perianth, carpels, and developing fruit of Helleborus niger L
Determination of Trichloroacetic Acid in Environmental Studies Using Carbon 14 and Chlorine 36
Development of Erect Leaves in a Modern Maize Hybrid is Associated with Reduced Responsiveness to Auxin and Light of Young Seedlings in vitro
Dissection of the nuclear genome of barley by chromosome flow sorting
Diurnal changes in polyamine content, arginine and ornithine decarboxylase, and diamine oxidase in tobacco leaves.
DNA staining with the fluorochromes EtBr, DAPI and YOYO-1 in the comet assay with tobacco plants after treatment with ethyl methanesulphonate, hyperthermia and DNase-I
Does DNA methylation pattern mark generative development in winter rape?
DOF transcription factor AtDof1.1 (OBP2) is part of a regulatory network controlling glucosinolate biosynthesis in Arabidopsis
Ectopic over-expression of the maize beta-glucosidase Zm-p60.1 perturbs cytokinin homeostasis in transgenic tobacco
Effect of biotic stress caused by Potato virus Y on photosynthesis in ipt transgenic and control Nicotiana tabacum L.
Effects of abscisic acid or benzyladenine on pigment contents, chlorophyll fluorescence, and chloroplast ultrastructure during water stress and after rehydration
Effects of neighbourhood structure and tussock dynamics on genet demography of Festuca rubra in a mountain meadow
Efficiency of different methods of extraction and purification of cytokinins