Institute of Sociology
of the Academy
of Sciences
of the Czech Republic
press release | 16.10.2009
New Press Releases - Public Opinion Research Centre - October 2009

Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 221 183 591-2

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new publication | 05.09.2009
New issue of Sociologický časopis/Czech Sociological Review 3/2009

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press release | 30.07.2009
New Press Releases - Public Opinion Research Centre - July 2009

Public Opinion Research Centre, Institute of Sociology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Jilská 1, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic tel./fax: +420 286 840 129, +420 221 183 591-2

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new publication | 02.07.2009
Czech society in the 2000s

New Publication - Czech society in the 2000s: a report on socio-economic policies and structures

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