organized jointly by
Principal lecturers were renowned scientists from the Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Ukrainian Acad. Sci., Lviv, Department of Theoretical Physics, University of Leipzig, and from the host institutions.
Lectures were followed by a discussion session devoted to practical aspects, demonstrations, and quizzes.
In addition to lectures, a discussion evening was also held. Younger scientists looking for contacts, inspirations, and new ideas were encouraged to bring and display their interesting projects on posterboards.
Thursday (J. Kolafa and Yu. Kalyuzhnyi)
Diagrammatic expansions, topological reduction, Wertheim theory and applications
Friday (H. Krienke, M. Holovko, S. Rast, J. Richardi, G. Schmeer)
Systems with free charges: General introduction
Modern developments and new systems
Integral equation techniques
Molecular OZ theory and invariant expansion method
Experimental data on nonaqueous electrolyte solutions
Saturday (M. Strnad, H. L. Voertler, I. Nezbeda)
Advanced simulation methods (entropic functions and phase equilibria)
Discussion evening