About us

Latest news on upcoming event:
10th PhD Workshop, Young Generation Viewpoint took place. Presentations from this workshop are on http://as.utia.cas.cz/phd2009/program

Department Characteristics

Adaptive systems (AS) are systems making decisions or selecting control actions and concurrently improving themselves. They work under incomplete knowledge in uncertain, stochastic and dynamically changing environment. Traditionally, AS comprise adaptive estimators, detectors, predictors, controllers, etc. Design and application of AS represent long-term challenge that can be addressed only when using variety of disciplines labeled as cybernetics or more fashionably informatics.

The list of people in our department indicates that the group is well balanced, covering the art of adaptive systems from theoretical, algorithmic and software aspects up to real-life applications. The group has been dealing with adaptive (control) systems and related problems more than 40 years. Through these years it has created a unified, theoretically and algorithmically well grounded approach to solving problems met in the area. The approach which can be labeled as Bayesian dynamic decision making is now perceived as Prague school of adaptive systems.

Theory and algorithms

The distinguished features of the group are:

  • the research activities aim at creating a unified theory;
  • the decision-making problem is solved as the technical one in its maximal possible completeness;
  • the constructive approach dominates the work (the best possible solution is searched for: improvements are rarely started from the analytical side);


Applications the Department is dealing with are a source of vital feedback that directs us to real, not just 'academical' questions. They ranges from adaptive control of technological processing up to advising to human beings managing complex process in industry, economy and medicine. The energy spent on gradual building of generic algorithmic and software tools starts to pay back so that we are able to enter new application domains very efficiently.