\documentclass{amsart} \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm,amssymb,IMjournal} \begin{document} \newtheorem{The}{Theorem}[section] \numberwithin{equation}{section} \title{Periodic singular problem with quasilinear differential operator} \author{\|FirstName |Surname|, Town, \|SecondAuthorFirstName |SecondAuthorSurname|, OtherTown, ...} \rec {January 27, 2006} \dedicatory{Cordially dedicated to ...} \abstract We study ... \endabstract \keywords Negative solution, positive solution, \endkeywords \subjclass 34B16, 34C25 \endsubjclass \section{Introduction}\label{sec1} Some text... \begin{The}\label{T1} Assume ... \end{The} \proof Notice that, ... So \endproof ... {\small \begin{thebibliography}{999} \bibitem{bc} {\it D.~Bonheure, C.~De~Coster}: Forced singular oscillators and the method of lower and upper solutions. Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. {\bf 22} (2003), 297--317. ... \end{thebibliography}} {\em Authors' addresses}: {\em FirstName Surname}, University, Town, Country... e-mail: \texttt{tvrdy@math.cas.cz}. \end{document}