- Identification: FT-TA/004 - MPO ČR
- Duration: 2004 - 2007
- Co-investigator: Ing. Pavel Vlasák DrSc.
Subject of research
Research of elements of the high pressure water hydraulics (HPWH). The main advantage of the HPWH is that the water (not flammable, ecologically a hygienically hot harmful) is used for the transportation of energy. The research is aimed on the solution of the dynamic properties of the HPWH and on the development of new elements, which will improve regulating properties of the HPWH and increase security of the operation.
Research Goal
The results of the solution can be applied in food industry, metallurgy, oil roduction and chemical industry. The solution features many novel elements, systematic sequence of the results and thoroligh verification of math. models by experiments.